Wednesday, January 31, 2018
The Dirty Canard of Conflating Blood-and-Soil with Nazism
One of the biggest canards in the current discourse(approaching hysteria, or hyscourse) is that Blood and Soil is about Nazism.
If Nazism was really about Blood and Soil, there wouldn't have been WWII. Germans would have been proud and content to be German in their own beloved nation-state. And there would have been peace with other nations. The very notion of Blood and Soil didn't begin with Nazis. It goes back to the 19th century when Modern Germany was coming into being under the leadership of Bismarck. And blood-and-soil was a sound formula for creating a nation. The idea was that Modern Germany should incorporate territories populated by German peoples. It meant Germany should lay claim to German territories, no more and no less. Granted, it didn't work out perfectly as some Germans remained in non-German lands and Germany had some non-Germans, but the core vision was valid on moral, political, and pragmatic grounds. It was nationalist, not imperialist. Blood and Soil meant Germans of shared blood should unite German territories. It didn't make claims on Spain, Italy, Balkans, Greece, Russia, and etc.
If anything, the troubles that set off WWI, the Great War, began in Austro-Hungarian Empire that dismissed the blood-and-soil guidelines. In the end, the troublesome Diversity made it more like bloods-and-the-crips.
As Austro-Germans ruled over different peoples, there was a lot of resentment and hostility(that went both ways). It was hardly surprising that Hitler was the product of Austria than Prussia.
Blood-and-Soil is a great idea. When practiced by the Japanese, there was peace with Asian neighbors. But as a new imperialist power, Japan invaded China. In other words, Japanese imperialists violated the principle of blood-and-soil by invading and colonizing other nations. Chinese anger boiled over, and Asia blew up. And what were the Chinese fighting for? Why did the KMT and CCP, though bitter political foes, come together? Because despite their ideological differences, they were united in the blood-and-soil patriotism of China for Chinese.
And the great postwar anti-imperialist struggles were all about blood-and-soil. Kenyans and Indians told the British to go home. Algerians and Vietnamese told the French to do likewise. Indonesians told the Dutch to get lost. Granted, some of these new nations were the inorganic geographic creations of European imperialism beset with problems of diversity, but they all wanted the European imperialists to go home. And both the US and USSR, as supporters of national liberation and anti-imperialism, appealed to the Third World. Indeed, the US accused the USSR of crushing the nationalist dreams of Hungarians. And the USSR accused the US of imperialism against the Vietnamese patriots.
So, the universal consensus was that the Third World peoples have a right to organize their own nations on the basis of blood-and-soil. And as the European imperialists returned home, they were also back into the blood-and-soil mode. And this was great template for world stability and peace.
The idea of fatherland and folk is nationalist. Even though Nazis invoked those concepts, Germany was not not destroyed by them nor were other nations invaded & destroyed in their name. Those concepts were not the basis for the wars, invasions, and genocide.
When Hitler was taking back Rhineland, it only seemed right. It was Germans reclaiming a part of Germany. When Austro-Germans wanted to unite with Germany, it was Germans unifying with ethnic Germans, and the vast majority of Austrians supported it. When Germans gained control of German-heavy Sudetenland, the world could see justice in that. The problem began when Hitler got crazy with ambitions beyond the fatherland and was no longer content with being fuhrer of his folk. He wanted the fatherland to rape the motherlands of other nations. And his empire would rule over other folks who were not German and had their own identities and heritages.
The association of WWII with nationalism and blood-and-soil is a canard that must end. If anything, Nazis were defeated by the true nationalism of other nations. All resistances to Nazism were essentially nationalist. Czechs wanted to be free again. Poles hated German rule. Russians feared being wiped out and losing motherland forever. This was a time when even the left was fiercely nationalist.
In Poland, the resistance was mostly right-wing because the rightist government refused to collaborate with Germans. Germany invaded Poland, and then leftist Soviets invaded too. So, the Polish Right became the main patriotic fighters. But in other nations, the right-wing regimes collaborated with Germany, and so, the resistance was bound to come from the Left. But even this Left that gained power after WWII was essentially nationalist, especially after suspected Internationalist-Zionists were purged in the late 40s and 50s.
This attack on blood-and-soil is ironic because the detractors, mainly Jewish, are totally for blood and soil in Israel. Zionism is about blood-and-soil. To emigrate to Israel, one has to be of Jewish blood. And Israel has pro-Jewish natal policies. And Jews wanted to reclaim that piece of territory because it's holy to them on grounds of history and religion.
So, why do Jews, who zealously support blood-and-soil in Israel, oppose it so rabidly and virulently when it comes to gentile nations? Consider the sheer hatred and hostility directed at Poland and Hungary for their simple insistence that Poland belongs to Poles and Hungary belongs to Hungarians. Now, who, in his right mind, thinks that such blood-and-soil sentiments are going to lead to WWIII and massive genocides? I mean seriously.
It was imperialism and universalism that led to wars and conquests. Imperialists wanted to rule over other peoples to exploit resources and expand their own power. Universalists like communists wanted to spread the radical fire all over the world. Soviet Union was an empire based on a universal idea. Who grieves its passing from history?
The breakup of the Soviet Empire was all about blood-and-soil. Non-Russians got weary of living under the Great Russian yoke. And didn't the US praise the fall of the Soviet empire and the rise of new national republics?
So, why this hostility to blood-and-soil when Jews love it for Israel. Not only do they support it themselves but demand that all goyim in US, EU, Canada, and Australia also support the Right of Israel to survive as a Jewish State.
Of course, we know why. It's not because Jews fear another Shoah or WWIII. It's because they are now the great imperialist power in the world via networks of finance, media, academia, entertainment, and deep state and their control of US as superpower. So, even as Jews love blood-and-soil for Israel, they see such as a barrier and obstacle for Jewish-globalist penetration and takeover in other nations. Deep in their hearts, Jews feel that they, as the smarter and prouder people, should have elite control of other nations, especially in the White World.
WWII turned uglier and uglier because of Hitler's imperialist and ultimately genocidal Lebensraum idea. German ambition to rule over non-Germans set Europe on fire and led to the massive conflagration.
Today, if any power is acting Nazi-like, it's Jewish globalism. Why can't Jews see this? Are they so morally full of themselves as Eternal Victims of the Holocaust that they've become blind to their own evil? Are they so power-hungry that they've become nihilistic and amoral?
Let's look at recent history. Was blood-and-soil the basis of the terrible economic Rape of Russia in the 90s? Was blood-and-soil the basis of wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria? (As I recall, 'no blood for oil' was closer to the truth.)
No, if those nations had maintained their sovereignty, the ensuing tragedies could have been avoided. It was globalist imperialism, disproportionately controlled by Jewish elements, that led to one disaster after another. Disasters that destroyed millions of lives.
Now, it's somewhat understandable why Jews want America to be a world power than a mere nation. The Jewish Narrative says Jews were helpless under the Nazis because the world wouldn't do anything to defeat the evil Nazis. So, 'isolationist' America First meant Americans minding their own business while the Nazi empire expanded over Europe and hunted down Jews. (But then, Jews never insisted that the US must do something to save Ukrainians from Stalin or Armenians from the Turks. And I can't imagine Jewish parents sacrificing their sons to fight in wars to save OTHER peoples. Indeed, isn't it telling that so many American Jews would rather serve in the IDF than in the US military? If they must kill or die, it's for Israel.) So, the Nazi Empire could only be defeated by other empires. If US remained in nationalist mode, it might not meddle in world affairs and do something about the evil Nazis. Only in empire-mode would the US act as a hegemon and take on other empires, such as that of Nazi Germany. And indeed, it was the rise of US as a military-industrial empire that allied with the USSR to defeat Nazi Germany.
But Jews are overlooking one crucial point. Germany became dangerous not because of its blood-and-soil or fatherland/folk mentality. It was the shift to imperialist mode that turned Germany from a nation to an empire. So, even if it's true that Imperial US defeated Nazi Germany, it was not a war on German nationalism but on German imperialism. In other words, if Germans had remained in nationalist mode, there never would have been a need for the the clash of empires to set things straight. Furthermore, the US had to revive German nationalism to some degree in the postwar era to push back against Soviet imperial power.
Also, what got Americans into the war? It was nationalist passion, not imperial ambition. Americans got riled up with patriotic fervor only when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
After the war, if not for the Cold War, most Americans would have preferred return to nationalist America where 'business of America is business'. It was the Cold War that transformed the US into an Empire, so much so that even after the Cold War, the US kept cooking up new rationales to keep Empire Inc. going. And what has this led to? Disasters in Korea and Vietnam. Bad blood with Iran and Central America. Big headaches in Latin America. And total disaster in the Middle East. A crazy 'new cold war' with Russia that would make no sense but for the egotism of a certain ethnic group and gluttony of the War State.
Sometimes, "you are what you defeat".
The great irony is the America that moved into empire mode to defeat the Three Evil Empires of Japanese Militarism, Nazism, and Soviet Communism ended up becoming intoxicated with its own power. And especially when Jews became the new ruling elites and couldn't resist riding the Iron Horse of America to run roughshod over the world, America in the 21st century became, sad to say, an Evil Nation, or worse, an Evil Empire. When the Cold War ended under the tutelage of two great men, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, it could have been the dawning of a great era. But America, which had reluctantly moved into imperial mode to defeat or contain the Evil Empires, gloated in its triumph and began to see the entire world as its backyard. It went from seeing empire as a necessary evil to an essential feature of Americanism. America became what it defeated. And people like John Kerry and Hillary? Counterculture became The Man.
Anyway, while we can understand why Jews see the American Empire as the essential savior of Jews from both Nazis and ultimately the Soviets(who turned against Zionism) -- a more complicated matter because so many Jews had been initially pro-Soviet and against the Anglo-Right-wing 'paranoia' that set off the Cold War against the USSR, the great power that defeated the Nazis, until they realized that mediocritist communism doesn't do much for Jews -- , it's foolish to analyze the present and future based on past realities. Jews no longer need America to save Jews from horrors around the world. Despite Neocon scare-mongering, the world is not full of 'new hitlers' and 'new stalins', and even if such exist, Jews are not in their harm's way.
Jews are now addicted to America-as-empire to gain dominance over other peoples. And if so many gentiles, especially Muslims, get mangled and slaughtered due to American aggression, Jews don't care. And if many Russians are harmed by sanctions, again, no concern among Jews. 'Save Soviet Jews' was somewhat understandable due to blatant discrimination against Jews and also because there wasn't much freedom for anyone in the communist system. But Jews have it so nice in the Current Russia where Putin goes out of his way to ensure the well-being of the Jewish community. So, why is there more hostility against Russia today than in the past? Because Jews are no longer worried about survival. They are addicted to power like crack or cocaine. They want the American Empire not as a stretcher to save Jews but as a hammer to threaten or crush any nation or people standing in the way of Jewish hegemony.
Trumpism, if not so much Trump(who keeps shape-shifting), is about America as a nation than empire. Considering that both Germany and Japan become most dangerous as empires than as nations, it would seem that the lesson of WWII is that a nation should take care of itself, mind its own business, and meddle less in other nations.
Also, if it's wrong to invade and colonize other nations, it's worse to allow the invasion of one's own nation. This massive immigration-invasion wasn't wanted by the American people. It was imposed from above as decree. When people rejected the invasion by votes, the elites used the power of courts run by whores of globalism and commissars of PC.
SOME non-white immigrants add to the color of a nation. But TOO MANY is a full-blown invasion. It's like SOME Jewish settlers in Palestine made the place more interesting. But TOO MANY Jews turned Palestinians into People 1.0 to be replaced by People 2.0. If it was tragic for Palestine, why wouldn't it be for Europe and America? And I don't want to hear this stuff about America being different because it was founded as a proposition. If so, why are the globalists pushing the SAME PLAN on Europe and even Japan? But not on Israel?
The lesson of WWII is that Germans failed morally & politically and committed great horrors because they betrayed the ideal of blood-and-soil, of fatherland and folk. They should have minded their own business in their own blood-and-soil nation. Instead, they stole the soils of other people and bloodied them all over.
Gee, I wonder which nation acts like that today? Poland? Hungary? Iran? Which nation could that be? And who are the ruling elites of that nation?
blood and soil,
Cold War,
Soviet Jews,
World War II,
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Contradictions of Universalism and Particularism among Ancient Greek, Jews, and Anglo-Americans
Greeks and Jews came to face the same conundrum. How to reconcile the universal resound of their ideas with the tribal ethno-centrism.
Greeks were awful proud and developed complex forms of science and governance. They conceived of political systems like democracy. It had universal implications, but Greeks had no intention of sharing the idea with barbarians. It was for Greek city-states only. But the idea eventually caught onto other civilizations.
Jews were awful proud and developed the idea of the one and only God. It had universal implications, but Jews wanted to own it for themselves. So, they came up with the Covenant that would bind God of all things to the Jewish tribe.
These two contradictions would come to shape much of Western History. West developed science and technology of universal import but sought to keep it to itself to gain power over others. West developed ideas of universal human rights but sought to restrict those rights to Western peoples.
Just as Greeks saw democracy as a Greek thing and Jews saw God as a Jewish thing, America’s Founding was also marked by a similar contradiction. It was, in a sense, a universal republic committed to principles transcending tribes and nations. And yet, it was also a nation of Anglo-Germanic stock where Christianity and English were the defacto official religion and language. It was both about big OURS encompassing all humanity and a small ours serving a specific ethnos. Thus, Anglo-Germanics would have a special place in the American experience. This was most obvious to Indians, blacks, and non-whites but even, to a lesser extent, to certain ethnic groups from Southern or Eastern Europe.
Universalism wasn’t the intention of the Greeks when they devised ideas of democracy and individuality. Similarly, Jews instinctively feared the consequences of monotheism as an abstraction. Abstractions, having been distilled from a particular reality, can pass to any people, culture, or nation. It’s like every fruit has its own sugars. So, apple sugars belong to the apple, peach sugars belong to the peach, and watermelon sugars belong to the watermelon. But when sugars are extracted from those fruits, they lose their unique attachments and just become ‘universal’ sugar that can be used to sweeten anything. It’s like when piles of wood are turned into charcoal, it no longer matters which tree they came from; they just exist to burn and provide heat.
Thus, to own and keep their own concept of God, Jews entwined the idea with the Covenant between God and Jews as the Chosen People. Thus, the Jewish God had features of a universal idea but was contractually bound to The Tribe. God was the Lord of all things, all peoples, and all everything; however, He’d chosen the Jewish People to keep the torch of greatness(like Zeus gave Athena the Aegis for safekeeping; it was her responsibility and privilege).
A similar kind of contractualism informed the founding of America as both a Republic premised on universal principles of human rights AND a Christian nation mainly of Anglo-Germanic stock.
But such contractualism — combination of universalism and particularism — tends to be unstable in the long run, especially if a people rub up against diverse groups of people either through imperialism or mass migration. Historically, Jews were never alone in their world like the Swedes in Sweden, Japanese in Japan, Hawaiian natives in Hawaii, and etc. They were always invading or being invaded by other peoples, always trading with other peoples, always bickering with other peoples, always hating and co-existing with other peoples. Thus, the potent bottle of Jewish nitroglycerin got shaken left and right, hither and thither, and the formula finally exploded into a truly universalized idea of God for all peoples of the Earth.
As for Anglo-Americans, their importation of large numbers of black Africans to toil as slaves and then huge numbers of ‘ethnic’ European immigrants — especially the feisty and pushy Jews — led to increasing pressures to transform America into a ‘proposition’. As long as America was overwhelmingly(and proudly) of Northern European stock, it could maintain both the ‘radicalism’ of the Revolution and the ‘racialism’ of the original Northern European stock.
But as America filled up with growing numbers of blacks(with high birthrate) and ethnic white Americans(who strove for the same rights and privileges as the Wasps), America lurched more toward abstract universal principles(though, for some reason, it also favors three groups for special praise and recognition: All Americans must support Israel, all Americans must worship Homomania or Queertianity as the new religion, all of Anglosphere must celebrate blackness for an entire month). Thus, even though the founding ideas of the American republic/democracy had once been almost synonymous with the Anglo-American people, their eventual universalization undermined Wasp power and then white power in general, with the exception of Jewish power.
But then, Jews didn’t so much destroy the Founding Contradiction/Hypocrisy as filch it for themselves. It’s like the pigs in ANIMAL FARM didn’t so much distribute human goodies equally among the animals as keep the choicest portions for themselves. The Founding Contradiction continues in altered form in favoring Jews as the quintessential Americans. After all, we are told that America is about both universal commitment to ‘tolerance’ & ‘diversity' AND total support of Israel as the ‘closest ally’ and 'best friend' of America. Thus, the core of Americanism continues to be about universalism + tribalism, i.e. Jews are ‘more equally’ American than other Americans. The crucial factor is that that tribalist element of Americanism passed from Wasps to Jews.
Consider that all Americans are NOT forced to praise or support Iran, Russia, China, Germany, Mexico, Egypt, and etc.(even though Americans come from those nations), but all Americans are forced to have their taxpayer money support Israel.
That has been the great Jewish Globalist Swindle. Jewish globalists would have us believe that Bad Old America betrayed its universal principles by favoring the Anglo-American Tribe, but thankfully, such favoritism is no longer viable in Good New America where no group is favored over others and where supremacism has no place.
But any cursory observation of American reality makes it plainly obvious that the system is rigged in favor of Jewish tribalism. American Universalism now means ALL Americans must support Israel and obey Jewish globalists.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
The Core Coding of the System Will Determine Its Future. The West Is Dying Because Its Central Coding has been Altered
Rule of Narrative changes the Rule of Law.
When the New Narrative is made sacrosanct, the Law succumbs to it because… it’s a ‘dream’, and who wants to defer a dream?
The gloomy fate of America and Europe too is due to the fundamental change in the premise of the New Narrative that was pushed by Jews who gained total control of media and academia.
If whites had insisted that US and Europe are white lands and belong to white people BUT white people are nice enough to take in some non-whites, the new arrivals would have come with a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and respect. After all, they were magnanimously allowed in as guests in another people’s homeland.
So, the new arrivals always feel owed to the native people. They feel that the native folks, out of the kindness of their hearts, did something they didn’t have to do. They were nice enough to let in non-whites who have a chance of a better life.
But suppose the premise of white nations are changed. The new narrative is “white lands were always nations-of-immigrants” on the basis that there had been earlier invasion of peoples in prehistoric times. Also, suppose premise says that Diversity is magic and More Diversity is wonderful for a nation. And fundamental Change is what a nation should be all about.
Then, the corollary is homogeneity and continuity are bad things. Homogeneity must be replaced with magical Diversity, and continuity must be severed by ‘reinventing’ the nation in the spirit of Change.
So, the primary destiny of white nations comes to about increasing endless Diversity and to welcoming total Change.
Under reigning ideology of PC, not only are white people inculcated with such value system but non-whites in white lands no longer feel appreciative as lucky guests but as rightful owners of white nations. After all, the New Premise says Diversity and Change must take precedence over Homogeneity and Continuity(that are deemed ‘racist’, ‘hateful’, ‘extreme’, and ‘far right’).
Thus, foreigners who arrive in white lands don’t come with gratitude but with moral and ideological arrogance. They come to make demands to let more of their kind into white nations and for white institutions & industries to favor non-whites in high positions to make things more ‘just’ because, after all, white nations no longer belong to white people but to the World in the spirit of Diversity and Change.
Core ideas are that important. Changing the central idea of a nation is like changing the code of a computer. If a computer code is programmed to favor red dots and eliminate blue dots, red dots will be favored. Over time, there could be 1000 red dots and only 10 blue dots remaining. But suppose the code is changed to favor blue dots over red dots. Red dots may not worry since they greatly outnumber blue dots. I mean, how much harm could 10 blue dots do to 1000 red dots? But the altered code will mean that blue dots will gain with every passing hour until they will greatly outnumber the red dots. While red dots are eliminated one by one, the program allows blue dots to multiply.
When the Western code was altered, most white people didn’t react with alarm since they looked all around and saw white people and white power. So what if the New Laws & Values favored Diversity and Change? What could possibly happen?
Well, look around the big cities of Europe. It led to the invasion by tons of non-whites who cannot be expelled because the core code of the West now say they are what the West and its ‘values’ are all about.
Why do these Usurpers act with such arrogance and contempt for White America? Because the new code favors them. They no longer feel grateful and appreciative. They no longer plead for favors. No, they just make demands and act like the West is theirs to pilfer and plunder. All the great things created by Anglo whites and other whites exist to be claimed and taken by non-whites… or so the New Code says.
If you have title to your house, it’s your house. Now, suppose there’s a homeless person and you let him in. It’s still your house because you hold the title. The title encodes the house as yours. So, your act of kindness to the homeless person is your decision. It’s your decision to let him stay or to tell him to leave.
But suppose you decide that you’re gonna share the title with him. You tell him, “my house is your house”, and you expect the guy to be grateful and kiss your pinky. But instead, the guy feels that since he owns the title to the house just as much as you do, he will do whatever suits his fancy in the house. Also, he has friends and families who have much to gain by coming to the house. So, he calls them over. You protest, but the law no longer favors you since you shared the title with the guy. You find your house, which is no longer yours alone, filling up with more ‘new owners’ invited by the homeless guy(who is now co-owner of the house). In time, the house has a 100 people, and all those people don’t see themselves as guests but as co-owners. So, you went from owning the house to being 1/100th owner of the house. Boy, wasn’t that dumb?
Whites in the West have only ONE way to save itself. Take back the Title to their National Property. In Europe, this is totally justified since Europe is the ancient homeland of whites. Denounce Diversity and Change as the cult of neo-imperialism and colonization. Tell non-whites to return.
The change in the code was fatal to Europe. As Europe is so much richer than the Third World, what was likely to happen if the Code were changed? Naturally, the poor masses were gonna flock to the West for better material lives. And they were gonna call more of their kinds to share in the loot. If you feed animals, what do they do? They send out signals and more of them come. And if they initially came with gratitude and appreciation, they later come making demands for more and more and get angry if you don’t feed them.
Nothing can be saved without the Change in the Code. Sure, they will accuse the rise of nationalism as ‘racist’, but if nationalism was good enough for the Third World in driving out white/European colonists and imperialists, it’s good enough for white people to kick out Third World mobs of usurpers. White people must reclaim the Title to their lands. And if it means war and violence to topple the vile elites and kick out foreigners, so be it. Viet Cong didn’t just hold up signs. They fought. So did the Algerians resistance fighters to drive out the French.
The re-coding of the West to favor Diversity and Change over Solidarity and Continuity was the fatal flaw. Every society is a system, like a computer is a system. And just like a computer follows its codes, a social system functions in accordance to its legal coding and narrative drives. As long as the Code favors Diversity and Change, we can kiss the West goodbye. Diversity and Change must be properly identified and diagnosed as virus and cancer embedded into the Western DNA by vile globalist elites. They must be treated like disease that must eradicated from the core DNA of the West. Diversity and Change are like HIV. They are meant to weaken and destroy the Immune system of the West by brainwashing whites into thinking that any thought and action for self-preservation is Evil. Nationalism is an immune system to defend and conserve the social system of a people. When nationalism is attacked by globalist cancer, the immune system fails because the people are made to believe that there is nothing more evil than their desire for solidarity and continuity as a people and culture.
White folks must rise up and attack Diversity as Demise and Change as Extinction. A great people don’t need to be replaced and ‘reinvented’. Diversity-and-Change was a case of fixing something that was not broken. The idea of ‘fixing’ the rich and stable West with dysfunctional Third World morons who wrecked or degraded their own nations was too funny, but no one got the joke because white people were ‘guilt-baited’ with Shoah and made to feel that Nationalism was the root of all evil in WWI and WWII when, in fact, both wars were the result of imperialism that violated the national sovereignty of weaker peoples.
The real reason for the rapid recovery of the West and Japan owed to restoration of nationalism. Nazi and Japanese imperialism was defeated, and nations could be free and sovereign again.
The new danger was that the Cold War gave rise to Soviet and American empires. But then, with the fall of communism, it seemed as though every nation in Europe would be sovereign and free. Then, there would be peace and prosperity predicated on security and stability. But then, there was globalism that led to EU neo-hegemony and expansion of US as the hyper-power that treats other nations as vassals, but then, US itself is the vassal state of a bigger power of globalist networks dominated by Zionists.
It is because Zionists want to control the entire world that they push Diversity and Change on all nations(except Israel). With Diversity and Change as the elite mantra in every nation, nationalism will weaken as native elites will not defend their nations but serve the globalist elites who offer them lots of money and prizes if they go along. And then, every nation can be infiltrated and taken over by foreign capital and New Cosmopolitanism whose only truths are Homo Worship and Rap music.
immune system,
mass invasion,
rule of law,
Fascist-Democracies are the Best Bet for the Future
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A Facist-Democracy in Action |
Does this mean that most of Western History was not ‘western’ since it wasn’t ‘democratic’ and 'liberal', supposedly the quintessential attributes of the West?
Furthermore, Byzantine and Russian Europe hardly experienced any democracy at all except in the late modern period. And huge swaths of what had been Byzantium came under Turkish, Kurdish, or Arab rule where democracy is either non-existent or practiced differently from ‘Western’ standards. If a people-and-culture are defined by a set of ideas, are they no longer that people-and-culture if the ideas were to change? If we say the samurai system and ethos are the indispensable essence of what it means to be Japanese, then are we to assume that the Japanese stopped being Japanese once they abandoned the samurai order and embarked on the path of Westernization? While it is true that samurai culture and mindset left a huge imprint on Japanese history, isn't the core essence of Japanese-ness the story of Japanese people in their homeland? Likewise, while it's true that political democracy & individualism originated and came to fruition in the West, the core essence of the West goes far deeper than any philosophy or set of ideals. More than anything, it's about the people, the land, and their sense of history REGARDLESS of whatever ideas or values they may have espoused. Thus, barbarian Vikings were no less a part of the West than Republican Romans. And Spanish living under autocratic Franco were no less part of the West than Swedes living under Social-Democracy. France was just as much a part of West under monarchy as under revolutionary populist ideals. So, the notion of distilling the entirety of the Western Experience into a bottle of 'democracy' is rather glib and shallow.
Also, there is no need to fetishize democracy. The historical lesson of democracy has been as much about failure as success, doom as well as hope. Democracy, by its ruthless autistic-logic, has often led to rootlessness, confusion, decadence, and demise.
For democracy to thrive and ensure survival of the civilization it serves, it must be fascist. This is why the fascist-democracies of Iran, Israel, and Turkey face more secure futures that the decadent-democracies of the West that are now prone to spouting such sentiments such as “there is no such thing as French Culture” or “Great Britain has always been a ‘nation of immigrants’.” In Iran, Israel, and Turkey, the democratic institutions serve, respectively, Iran-ness, Jewishness, and Turkishness. Democracy serves than dissolves nationalism. (A fascist-democracy allows liberal freedoms and free elections BUT enshrines the core fascist themes into the Constitution whose primary function is to secure the survival and well-being of a particular ethnos on a specific territory justified by a certain narrative. The danger of autocracies is the power becomes concentrated in the hands of a few that grow increasingly paternalistic and corrupt. The danger of democracies is the people become fractured into atomized individuals succumbing to appetites and alienation, thus allowing cynical elites to gain plutocratic power behind the scenes. In contrast, a fascist-democracy provides direction & meaning to freedoms that ultimately go to preserving the ethnos and mythos. Thus, people do enjoy freedoms and choices as individuals but are inculcated from cradle to find meaning as organic members of a larger community of blood-and-soil. Too many people tend to see politics in terms of right-wing aristocracy vs left-wing democracy, but democracy can be made to serve nationalism via fascism, which also allows for compromise between capitalism and socialism.)
America’s rise to prominence owed to its being a fascist-democracy, a land of liberty and freedom bound to powerful sense of racial identity, cultural heritage, and core moral values. A democracy without fascist themes to keep it loyal to a people & culture will eventually dissipate because an idea serving an idea(instead of something specific and tangible) will grow weak and decadent. In time, the people are made to value the idea more than the realness of their own existence as ethnos and culture upon a territory. Thus, French people no longer believe their political system exists to defend and preserve the French nation. Instead, the French people and nation now exist to serve the Idea that, in a state of abstraction, becomes universal and is no longer specifically bound to the national interests of France as blood-and-soil. (While the cosmopolitan ideal of the French Enlightenment is not a new one, its corrosive impact had been tempered in the past by nationalism, traditionalism, and chauvinism that favored the French over their colonial subjects who, furthermore, had little chance of moving to France. Today, it's so easy for millions of non-whites to invade white nations every year. What had been the privilege of the affluent has become the tangible dream of countless mobs in the Third World. The practice of cosmopolitan universalism went from rich & educated white Europeans traveling to exotic places to millions of Africans and Muslims arriving in France and UK to shake their booties to rap and shake down whitey for free gibs.)
Just imagine the future of Israel if Jews were to adopt the autistic-logic of abstract democracy over the current fascist-democracy. Israeli democracy would go from freedom & liberty for Jews in a proud Jewish State to ‘tolerance’ and ‘diversity’ for all of humanity that may want to migrate to Israel to enjoy ‘universal rights’. Since the Iron Law of Human Organismic Behavior is “poorer folks move to richer folks”, Israel will soon be swamped by Africans and Arabs from less developed parts of the world.
That is precisely what is happening in the decadent-democracies of Europe, and if current trends are left unchecked, the future of Europe will be doom and demise.
A fascist-democracy uses freedom and liberty to protect and strengthen the people & culture of a nation.
A decadent-democracy offers freedom and liberty to foreign invaders to take over and destroy the native population that has been demoralized and deracinated by PC. If some native people do remain idealistic and passionate in a decadent-democracy, it's only in welcoming racial and national suicide in the name of serving the ideas of 'democracy' and 'openness'... and 'diversity', another essential 'Western Value' recently discovered or invented by PC. It goes to show that 'Western Values' are really dictated by whomever wields the power to control the narrative. Deracinators or 'Deracists' are the biggest danger to the Advanced World.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Nations Can Survive Decadence & Dementia But Cannot Survive 'Demodence' and 'Demomise'
Nations can survive Decadence as all civilizations have cycles of rise and fall. The fall of the old dynasties in Turkey, Iran, and China didn’t end those civilizations as people and culture.
But current Decadence in the West is accompanied with 'Demodence' and 'Demomise', or demise of native populations. There is NO recovery from such disaster. If France becomes Africanized, it is no longer France and will never regain its true identity and heritage. It will forever be neo-savage land of Africans speaking French and colonizing white wombs(infected with jungle fever) to create more black babies who grow up to be ravenous savages. If Australia is repopulated with Hindus, Chinese, Arabs, and Africans, it will no longer be Anglo-Australia, the real Australia.
A nation or community can survive bad(even horrible) ideas or trends. Russia survived communism, even after losing millions of lives. China survived cultural decay, wars, and communism(and other disasters) too. Nevertheless, Russia remained Russian and China remained Chinese throughout the disasters, and they were able to re-emerge on the world stage as sovereign nations.
Globalism is more dangerous than bad ideologies or trends of the past because it uses decadence to weaken the pride and will of a people and then drives a stake through the nation’s weakened heart with demographic invasion and replacement.
To undermine national solidarity based on morality and values, globalism pushes a kind of sacro-decadence that conflates diversionary fun with divine faith. Decadence is no longer something to be tolerated and enjoyed(with guilty pleasure) but the very foundation of New Spirituality. Notice homomania is no longer just street celebrations & colorful parades but the new holy symbols in churches and the new sacred text in schools & libraries. Even the National Church in Washington D.C. hoisted the 'rainbow' flag.
If this madness were just a case of bad ideology or trend, it will blow away in due time. But in the age of globalism where countless peoples are on the move all over the world to invade & plunder wealthier nations, sacro-decadence weakens a people's pride & power to defend their domain and instead strengthens their passion for racial/national suicide as the highest expression of virtue. With debased values, weakened wills, and/or corrupted passions, the native/established peoples increasingly lack the courage and confidence to say NO to the invasion and push back. Worse, their moral vigor, as such may still exist, welcome the invasion and replacement as a spiritual prerogative.
When falsehood is the 'new truth', the most positive & affirmative emotions will honor and serve what is self-destructive while reviling what is most self-protective.
While it would be nice if positive emotions were always on the side of sanity, health, and truth, the problem is emotions always follow the programming of minds & senses. Through indoctrination and iconography, people's minds and senses can be made to affirm the false and insane. And then, their positive emotions flow toward revering those ideas and icons. People have wondered why so many seemingly sane people had positive passions for psychopaths like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Obama. Are so many people evil or insane? How could they have felt so positive about figures who were so demented?
It was because emotions follow the programming. It's like the positive affections of a dog can go to serve and love the most demented person. Emotions are blind. If a dog is made to believe that such-and-such person is the rightful master, its affections will flow toward that person. Likewise, if the people are made to believe in the 'greatness' or 'holiness' of a certain figure via manipulation of ideas and icons, their emotions will flow that way.
Emotions are 'innocent', earnest, and childlike. So, positive emotions don't automatically choose what is objectively or morally positive, and negative emotions don't automatically reject what is objectively or morally negative. As with dogs(that can be made to love bad people and hate good people), people can be made to associate their positive emotions to what is negative and their negative emotions to what is positive.
Demented ideology of PC and decadent iconography of Pop Culture have brainwashed so many white minds to revile white identity, interests, security, & survival as ugly and pathological while welcoming non-white invasion, moral degeneration, and homomania as the paragons of virtue and redemption.
So, what Western nations face today isn’t just decadence. It is decadence that leads to defenselessness against massive invasion, leading to'demomise' or demographic demise and 'demodence', the decay of an entire people as identity and culture.
In the UK, the BBC now regularly feature blacks and non-whites as British historical figures in movies and series. These aren't just bad ideas and icons but weapons to facilitate the massive invasion of UK by blacks and other non-whites who will turn Great Britain into European Africa, Pakistan, and Arabia.
Great Britain,
positive emotions,
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Without Immigration as Meal Ticket, the Jewish-Homo Alliance with Non-Whites Will Weaken
Would Jews support mass non-white immigration IF the general will of non-whites were to direct US policy at the top? Suppose non-whites do become the majority of America and suppose their combined general will came to define American foreign policy and socio-economic policy. How would Jews feel about this? I don't think they would like it.
Jews value non-white immigration because most non-whites have no chance of reaching the top. Blacks have long remained on the bottom. Browns remain as helots, laborers, and servants. Asians to reach higher, but they lack agency and just go along with the prevailing power and official narrative. Since Jews rule, Asians just follow or marry into Jews. As for white Hispanics, they go along with Jews too. Feeling resentment for Anglos who bettered them in America, white Hispanics will gladly side with Jews for bigger slice of the globalist pie.
Muslim numbers are rising, and Muslims will eventually outnumber Jews. But not many Muslims make it to the top. For every Muslim who reaches elite level, a thousand Jews do.
Some say that non-white immigration is dangerous to Jews because non-whites are more hostile to Jews or indifferent to Zionism(that has passionate support only among whites apart from Jews). But non-whites won't rise to elite power and influence. They will remain on the bottom. And Asians who do reach higher are malleable and servile to the Top Power.
So,for Jews, non-white masses are useful for their electoral numbers(and as cheap labor). Even as non-white numbers swell, they will never dictate policy since only those at the top have that opportunity. As for non-white tokens who are allowed into the elite realm, they become servile to Jews because Jewish money and support favored them. Obama and Nikki Haley are both total servants of Zionists. Jews don't depend on black or non-white wealth, but blacks and non-whites often rely on Jewish favors to reach the top.
As far as Jews are concerned, rising numbers of non-whites just provide more body and muscle for the Jewish mind. Jews play the role of the Mind while non-whites serve as muscle to wrestle and defeat the white body.
This is why we have a strange phenom in both US and EU. All these non-white arrivals aren't socio-culturally 'progressive' or into homo stuff. In many cases, they are more conservative or resistant to 'progressive' values and Western decadence favored by Liberals. And yet, their swelling numbers can be instrumental in increasing the power of the globalist elites who push decadent values. All those Somalis in Minnesota don't care about homo stuff. Many Mexicans in California and many non-whites in NY are not into 'progressive' values or homo stuff. But they don't have elite power. All they can do is vote, but their votes go to elect 'progressive' leaders who take donations and cues from globalist Jews.
So, we have growing numbers of non-whites who don't care for homo stuff voting for politicians who push more homo stuff. How can this be? How can so many anti-homo people be voting for politicians who push more homo stuff? Because while non-whites can only supply votes, it's the Jews who, with vast wealth and connections, get to choose the candidates and script the agenda.
It's like ANIMAL FARM. Most animals provided the labor; it was the pigs that got to decide what was done with the fruits of that labor. It's like a ship's destiny is decided not by the entire crew but by the person with his hands on the steering. So, 1000 crew members may want to Place A, but if the person with control of steering wants to go to Place B, the ship will go to Place B.
Jews know that in a white nation, there is a good chance that conservative whites will prevail over liberal ones. A conservative white society will be more about majority power than minority privilege. Jews, as a minority elite, obviously dislike white conservatives for this reason. Time may favor white conservatives because conservatives generally outbreed liberals. So, in order for Jews to keep pushing their agenda, they need New People who will combine their votes with diminishing number of White Liberals. These New People may dislike Jews or be offended by cultural decadence and 'progressivism'. But most of them are not intellectual or concerned about issues and ideas. Their main concern is a Better Life, and they know they can have it in the West via immigration. So, their #1 priority is access to the West. To have that for themselves, their relatives, and others of their kind, they will make a bargain with the devil. So, even Muslims will vote for the pro-homo party if it lets more of them in. And even though these non-whites may be anti-Jewish and anti-homo, they vote for the Jewish-and-Homo party because it offers greater assurance of more immigration.
Now, Jews would think differently about immigrants IF the new arrivals were super-smart, super-ambitious, and hostile to Jewish interests and agenda. Suppose Muslim arrivals have an average IQ of 130 and are bursting with ambition. Suppose in a couple of generations, they can dominate elite circles and shape The Agenda of the party. And suppose these Muslims favor Palestinians and Iran over Israel. Jews would certainly not want that kind of immigration. Fortunately for Jews, such Muslims don't exist. Even the supposedly smart Asians are mostly servile and keep their heads low and take orders than show agency. So, Jews prize more non-white immigration as more muscle for the Democratic Party. The mind of the party remains with Jewish power. Immigration is steroids for Jews. It bulks up the muscle that is to be controlled by the Jewish mind. Without immigration, conservative white muscle can beat liberal white muscle. Trump would have won by a landslide if US were all-white. But he barely won because non-white votes were overwhelmingly Democratic.
Anyway, if non-whites disagree with Jews and homos on so many issues, why do they vote for the Jewish-Homo party? Why would non-whites, whose moral and cultural values are closer to white conservatives, vote for the party that offends their moral or cultural sensibilities? There is one answer. The bribery of the Ticket to the West. Jews fooled conservatives into believing that culture trumps material interest among immigrants, i.e. immigrants are 'natural conservatives' because they are culturally more conservative than average Americans. But Jews knew that immigrants would favor material interest over cultural values. If the Liberal party offers them more material goods via immigration and government services, non-whites will cast their votes that way. Also, in our globalized world, even non-whites around the world have become pretty Americanized and degenerate. Even their conservatism is suspect.
This is why Jews are so obsessed about immigration. Jews need non-whites as muscle against whites. And the ONLY reason why non-whites will vote for the Jewish-Homo party is if Jews can offer them something of material value. And that is the Ticket to the West. Without that access, there is no reason for non-whites to vote for the Jewish-Homo party that pushes social and cultural agendas that many non-whites don't care for. Same in Canada. Why would Muslims vote for a homo-crazy nut like Justin Trudeau? He hands out Free Tickets.
If Jews can't offer non-whites the Ticket, non-whites may stop voting for the Jewish-Homo party. It's the Deal and the Seal.
Suppose all immigration were to end in US and Canada. Suppose non-whites can't bring over more of their relatives and must try to assimilate. In time, many of them will likely gravitate to the conservative party since it seems saner and sounder than the Liberal Party whose agenda is dictated by neurotic Jews and ridiculous homos.
Even among white ethnics, many of them turned conservative and Republican when mass immigration came to a halt in the 1920s. Unable to bring more of their own kind and having to settle in American society, they found the Conservatives saner, more sober, and more appealing that the Liberals who got sillier and crazier. This is when many Italian-Americans went from Democratic Party to Republican Party.
Jews value non-white immigration because most non-whites have no chance of reaching the top. Blacks have long remained on the bottom. Browns remain as helots, laborers, and servants. Asians to reach higher, but they lack agency and just go along with the prevailing power and official narrative. Since Jews rule, Asians just follow or marry into Jews. As for white Hispanics, they go along with Jews too. Feeling resentment for Anglos who bettered them in America, white Hispanics will gladly side with Jews for bigger slice of the globalist pie.
Muslim numbers are rising, and Muslims will eventually outnumber Jews. But not many Muslims make it to the top. For every Muslim who reaches elite level, a thousand Jews do.
Some say that non-white immigration is dangerous to Jews because non-whites are more hostile to Jews or indifferent to Zionism(that has passionate support only among whites apart from Jews). But non-whites won't rise to elite power and influence. They will remain on the bottom. And Asians who do reach higher are malleable and servile to the Top Power.
So,for Jews, non-white masses are useful for their electoral numbers(and as cheap labor). Even as non-white numbers swell, they will never dictate policy since only those at the top have that opportunity. As for non-white tokens who are allowed into the elite realm, they become servile to Jews because Jewish money and support favored them. Obama and Nikki Haley are both total servants of Zionists. Jews don't depend on black or non-white wealth, but blacks and non-whites often rely on Jewish favors to reach the top.
As far as Jews are concerned, rising numbers of non-whites just provide more body and muscle for the Jewish mind. Jews play the role of the Mind while non-whites serve as muscle to wrestle and defeat the white body.
This is why we have a strange phenom in both US and EU. All these non-white arrivals aren't socio-culturally 'progressive' or into homo stuff. In many cases, they are more conservative or resistant to 'progressive' values and Western decadence favored by Liberals. And yet, their swelling numbers can be instrumental in increasing the power of the globalist elites who push decadent values. All those Somalis in Minnesota don't care about homo stuff. Many Mexicans in California and many non-whites in NY are not into 'progressive' values or homo stuff. But they don't have elite power. All they can do is vote, but their votes go to elect 'progressive' leaders who take donations and cues from globalist Jews.
So, we have growing numbers of non-whites who don't care for homo stuff voting for politicians who push more homo stuff. How can this be? How can so many anti-homo people be voting for politicians who push more homo stuff? Because while non-whites can only supply votes, it's the Jews who, with vast wealth and connections, get to choose the candidates and script the agenda.
It's like ANIMAL FARM. Most animals provided the labor; it was the pigs that got to decide what was done with the fruits of that labor. It's like a ship's destiny is decided not by the entire crew but by the person with his hands on the steering. So, 1000 crew members may want to Place A, but if the person with control of steering wants to go to Place B, the ship will go to Place B.
Jews know that in a white nation, there is a good chance that conservative whites will prevail over liberal ones. A conservative white society will be more about majority power than minority privilege. Jews, as a minority elite, obviously dislike white conservatives for this reason. Time may favor white conservatives because conservatives generally outbreed liberals. So, in order for Jews to keep pushing their agenda, they need New People who will combine their votes with diminishing number of White Liberals. These New People may dislike Jews or be offended by cultural decadence and 'progressivism'. But most of them are not intellectual or concerned about issues and ideas. Their main concern is a Better Life, and they know they can have it in the West via immigration. So, their #1 priority is access to the West. To have that for themselves, their relatives, and others of their kind, they will make a bargain with the devil. So, even Muslims will vote for the pro-homo party if it lets more of them in. And even though these non-whites may be anti-Jewish and anti-homo, they vote for the Jewish-and-Homo party because it offers greater assurance of more immigration.
Now, Jews would think differently about immigrants IF the new arrivals were super-smart, super-ambitious, and hostile to Jewish interests and agenda. Suppose Muslim arrivals have an average IQ of 130 and are bursting with ambition. Suppose in a couple of generations, they can dominate elite circles and shape The Agenda of the party. And suppose these Muslims favor Palestinians and Iran over Israel. Jews would certainly not want that kind of immigration. Fortunately for Jews, such Muslims don't exist. Even the supposedly smart Asians are mostly servile and keep their heads low and take orders than show agency. So, Jews prize more non-white immigration as more muscle for the Democratic Party. The mind of the party remains with Jewish power. Immigration is steroids for Jews. It bulks up the muscle that is to be controlled by the Jewish mind. Without immigration, conservative white muscle can beat liberal white muscle. Trump would have won by a landslide if US were all-white. But he barely won because non-white votes were overwhelmingly Democratic.
Anyway, if non-whites disagree with Jews and homos on so many issues, why do they vote for the Jewish-Homo party? Why would non-whites, whose moral and cultural values are closer to white conservatives, vote for the party that offends their moral or cultural sensibilities? There is one answer. The bribery of the Ticket to the West. Jews fooled conservatives into believing that culture trumps material interest among immigrants, i.e. immigrants are 'natural conservatives' because they are culturally more conservative than average Americans. But Jews knew that immigrants would favor material interest over cultural values. If the Liberal party offers them more material goods via immigration and government services, non-whites will cast their votes that way. Also, in our globalized world, even non-whites around the world have become pretty Americanized and degenerate. Even their conservatism is suspect.
This is why Jews are so obsessed about immigration. Jews need non-whites as muscle against whites. And the ONLY reason why non-whites will vote for the Jewish-Homo party is if Jews can offer them something of material value. And that is the Ticket to the West. Without that access, there is no reason for non-whites to vote for the Jewish-Homo party that pushes social and cultural agendas that many non-whites don't care for. Same in Canada. Why would Muslims vote for a homo-crazy nut like Justin Trudeau? He hands out Free Tickets.
If Jews can't offer non-whites the Ticket, non-whites may stop voting for the Jewish-Homo party. It's the Deal and the Seal.
Suppose all immigration were to end in US and Canada. Suppose non-whites can't bring over more of their relatives and must try to assimilate. In time, many of them will likely gravitate to the conservative party since it seems saner and sounder than the Liberal Party whose agenda is dictated by neurotic Jews and ridiculous homos.
Even among white ethnics, many of them turned conservative and Republican when mass immigration came to a halt in the 1920s. Unable to bring more of their own kind and having to settle in American society, they found the Conservatives saner, more sober, and more appealing that the Liberals who got sillier and crazier. This is when many Italian-Americans went from Democratic Party to Republican Party.
Homo stuff,
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Democracy. From People-Replacing-Bad-Elites to Elites-Replacing-'Bad'-People.
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The new 'vibrant' Paris |
If American Democracy had truly been responsive to the people, it wouldn't have allowed massive invasions from the Third World. To be sure, if white Americans in the 60s had been more mindful of elite agendas than so resigned to complacency and leisure, they might have read the writings on the wall and taken steps to prevent their ethno-demographic demise.
As it happens, politicians rely on money from big donors. So, even though they’re elected by votes of many little fishes, they do the bidding of few globalist whales. Furthermore, the little fishes can only choose from candidates handpicked by the whales.
When leaders and elites are bad, they should be removed by democratic process. That’s how true democracy should work.
But in the Current West, the opposite has been happening under the New Democracy.
Whore-politicians and entrenched deep state managerial class, in coordination with media and academia run by shills of globalism, work to replace the masses with New People, the invasive immigrant-colonizers. Replacism is the name of the game. As whiteness has been associated with evil and wickedness, white majority in European and white-made nations are seen as 'bad' or 'deplorable'. The only good white people are those who welcome replacement by non-whites. White people who want to keep white nations white are 'bad'. Anti-white whites are 'good', pro-white whites are 'bad'. So, if in the past, American democracy was about white people replacing bad leaders with good ones, today it's about 'good' globalist 'progressives' working to replace 'bad' white people with good non-whites.
Just ponder the full implication of this madness. Democracy is supposed to be about the people replacing bad leaders, but now it's about the entrenched elites replacing entire peoples. In a sane world, the people should replace elites than elites replace people. After all, the former is so much easier and more elegant to pull off. In contrast, replacing entire populations with new ones is a massive undertaking that turns the world upside down.
Wouldn't it be better(and so much easier) for Germans to replace Merkel & her ilk than for the latter to replace Germans with masses of 'New Germans'?
'Demo' in 'democracy' means the people. So, Democracy means rule by the people. But New Democracy is a demo-clashy where the existing people are made to clash with new ones who eventually take over. Jewish globalist elites use the demo-dialectics to bring about the synthesis of 'New Americans' who, having no clear identity and roots in America, can easily be manipulated and controlled by fashions of the Current Year. Diversity will turn whites into cucks indoctrinated with 'white guilt'. They will regard most of White History as tainted and redeemable only by Diversity and cuckery. And non-white hordes as 'New Americans' will feel no allegiance or appreciation of White American Heritage.
As inequality grows and more power/wealth amasses at the top, the elites now have the power to replace the people than the people have the power to replace the elites.
Worst of all, because virtually everyone is educated and entertained by media and schools controlled by globalist agenda, even the white masses have come to welcome their replacement as the greatest goal of freedom, democracy, and 'western values'. Consider all those white people who voted for globalism with sincere conviction that the Great Replacement is a moral imperative of the white race.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Politically Correct Powers-that-be Project their own Cultism on the Anti-Cultist Jordan Peterson
Whatever one thinks of Jordan Peterson, whether one agrees with him or not, he came to prominence by speaking out as a genuine liberal(as opposed to the Liberal Dogmatist) against the various cults of Political Correctness that have gripped the college campuses and media. Much of modern academia operates not by open discourse, honest debate, and free speech but by dogmas, taboos, slogans(chanted with mantra-like fervor), pseudo-intellectual concepts(like micro-aggressions and triggering), and demotions-firings-and-blacklisting.
Current PC insists it has all the answers and is on the side of angels. There is no need for discussion or disagreement since the latest New Normal is always correct. Skepticism for the New Normal must be denounced as a bad thought or ‘hate speech’. And humor must be discouraged, even banned, when it comes to the sanctimony of the New Normal, such as the notion that Bruce Jenner is now ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner and deserving to be celebrated as ‘Woman of the Year’.
A true democracy is one where people are free to disagree based on honest differences of interests, values, and opinions. It is through free and open discourse that better ideas gain more traction and influence over inferior ones. If some ideas and values are deemed sacrosanct and protected & propagandized above all others, they didn't win their prestige and influence by honest means but through the ideological corruption of Political Correctness.
A truly worthy academia is one where ideas are constantly open to civil discussion and honest debate based on facts, logic, and admittance of competing interests. Even if biases are ineradicable, people must be honest about their existence among all groups. (If white power/privilege exists, then so can other forms of power/privilege, such as that of Jews, but notice that Jews are averse to honest discussion of their immense power and privilege. Indeed, PC has become essentially a tool of Jews to distract gentiles into blaming mostly whites so that whites will be burdened with guilt that nullifies their sense of pride. Without pride, whites will be morally paralyzed and seek redemption by serving other peoples. But then, devious Jews want whites to serve Jews than serve all of humanity equally, which is why Jews insist that all American politicians support Zionist Israel over Palestinians and pass laws to criminalize BDS.)
In the hard sciences, it is honest and open methodology that replaces flawed theories and practices with truer ones. In the humanities and social sciences where there is no single truth, openness of debate and discussion IS the key to the curriculum. After all, the many great philosophers of the West and the Rest all came to different conclusions. And yet, each also arrived at some kind of truth from his own angle of experience, awareness, and imagination. If we apply the logic of PC to philosophy, only one theory should be chosen above all others that should either be banned or suppressed. The reason why Jordan Peterson dislikes Marxism-Leninism has less to do with its flaws & misconceptions that its insistence that it was the one-and-only truth with the historical right to banish all other competing ideas. Such monomania makes it impossible to fix the flaws of a system when those flaws must be hailed as essential and inviolable. It’s no wonder that communist nations were marked by totalitarian conformity, repression, and stagnation. People were not allowed to speak freely about the false premises and systemic problems of the system.
Likewise, the 'strange death of Europe', as examined by Douglas Murray, owes to PC that has forbidden generations of Europeans to sound the alarm about the dangers of Jewish power, American Neo-imperialism, Pop culture degeneracy, Mania for Diversity, and pathological white-self-loathing. The equivalent would be a doctor who cannot tell the patient that the latter is dying from cancer. Or a doctor who can diagnose the cancer but only provide useless or harmful treatments for the disease. If the doctor isn't allowed to identify the cancer, how can it be treated? It's hardly better if the doctor is coerced by the Medical Authority to offer carcinogens as the cure for cancer. Europe is dying from Diversity and white self-loathing, but PC pushes those as the cure. As the vile Jewish supremacist Barbra Specter has said, "Europe cannot survive without multiculturalism." That's like saying a cage of gerbils cannot survive without the invasion by rats.
Of course, the problem isn't only Orwellian PC virulence that employs 'two minutes of hate' & ideological conformity but Huxleyean Pop Culture 'vibrancy' that associates Diversity and Blacks with thrills and ecstasy. Either whites are poisoned with hatred for their own race OR drugged with love for the Other, especially black thuggery, whose jungle-jive is pushed onto whites like meth. The West advanced most in technology but, along the way, lost its sense of culture and heritage that seemed like hindrances to instant gratification via TV, music, and self-indulgence. So, even though Western technology is the product of thousands of years of civilization, it is now mainly used to celebrate and sensationalize the savage prowess and exploits of the most savage race, the Negro.
What is especially demented about current PC is its sheer amnesia. It is so totally sure that the latest 'new normal' is the absolute truth that all people most obey, BUT the goal posts are changed ever so often. It is totally fanatical but also totally amnesiac. It is so rabidly committed to the latest fashion in dogma that it totally ignores the fact that its positions not long ago were very different, even opposite.
PC is insipid and vapid because it's the collective cultism of nitwits who are emotionally shallow and intellectually dishonest. Consider an idiot like Emma Sulkowicz who wallows in trashy whore-behavior but then plays poor helpless victim of ‘sexism’. Such people cannot connect the dots or add 2 + 2 of the social or moral equation. They are utterly without hope of self-realization. After all, if the powers-that-be insist that position A is totally sacrosanct but then, after some time, insist that position B, which is at odds with position A, is totally sacrosanct, you should question the twisted logic of this game, that is if you can think for yourself. After all, how can A be totally correct and then its opposite B be totally correct? If the powers-that-be that once told you that A is totally correct are now telling you that B is totally correct, maybe neither is totally correct. Maybe A and B are partially correct or not correct at all. And maybe C, the next great ‘truth’, will also turn out to be wrong and be superseded by something else. The problem of PC isn’t that its current formulation isn’t totally correct. No ideology or position can be totally correct on anything as humanity is a very complex phenomena. The real problem of PC is the emotional stupidity that demands virulent fanaticism and rabid hysteria of the moment, one that is utterly amnesiac about earlier hysteria and bouts of fanaticism around markedly different ‘truths’ of the then ‘current year’. PC idiots, aka SJW’s, are like dogs who can easily be swayed to bark at C or D or E or F. They are as unthinking as the countless dupes of National Socialist Germany or Maoist China. When Hitler said communists are eternal enemies, his minions agreed 100%. But when Stalinist Russia became an ally of Nazi Germany, the Soviets were suddenly the good guys. But when Hitler decided to invade Russia, the Soviets were suddenly evil again. During the height of the Cultural Revolution, Maoist China had everyone believing that Lin Biao, Mao’s then heir-apparent, was the most wonderful person after Mao and that the US was the eternal enemy with which Red China could never see eye-to-eye on anything. But then, the Chinese were told that Lin was the worst scumbag traitor, and few years later, the Chinese were told the US wasn’t so bad after Mao met with Nixon. One of the lessons the Chinese learned from the fanatical political correctness and madness of the Cultural Revolution and thereafter is that the powers-that-be manipulate the masses like dogs. And it is no different with PC in the West. The power of PC rests on rabid hysteria of the Current Year, amnesia, and the lack of emotional maturity & intellectual honesty to think for oneself. (Mass Cult is easy with control of mass media. Look how the entire nation of North Korea is nuts about the Kim the Great. Why? Kim controls the mass media. Look how a man as crazy as Hitler or Mao could become 'mainstream' rulers over entire nations and be revered by so many. Cult + Media Control = the New Normal. Look at the mindless celebrity worship in the West. Why are moronic rappers revered as gods and heroes by so many people? Pop Culture is their reality and religion.)
What is PC really? Do the powers-that-be really believe in the nonsense? Most of them don’t. The rich and privileged feign allegiance to PC because they want the Left off their backs. Also, they’ve spent a lot of money to change the nature of Leftism to make it less threatening and challenging to the capitalist class. Notice that leftism went from class-based concerns about workers to adoration of vain elitist homosexuals and narcissistic trannies. Such decadent frivolity doesn’t threaten the rich class since homos and trannies love wealth & privilege and go out of their way to work with the elites to indulge their fantasies and whimsies.
If the powers-that-be don’t really believe in PC, where does it come from? Most PC comes from hack academics or cranky intellectuals who seek to compensate for their material and intellectual inferiority by seeking influence and clout via pseudo-prophetic theorizing and vapid radical gesticulating. Humanities and social sciences will never be as prestigious as hard sciences and technological fields. Hard scientists can prove their theories, and scientific laws can be applied to technology that can lead to products and services that earn billions of dollars for innovators and investors. As for great artists and genuine intellectuals, they thrive in a world of inspiration and freedom. Hack academics in second-rate colleges and cranky egotists in first-rate colleges feel envy and resentment, and the inner-Mao in them goes batty with rage. They naturally target the young with their ideas since impressionable students can be made to believe in anything, all the easier because our public education and mass media inculcate PC into young minds from cradle. Supported by ever-replenished supply of naive suckers every year, colleges can sustain PC for almost indefinitely(until the cycle is broken). Just when seniors are beginning to realize that maybe they’ve been fed nonsensical crap by professors, they are set to graduate and a new crop of naive freshmen arrive on campus to serve as new ‘Red Tards’, even though it’s more like Pink Tards since Homomania is the neo-religion of demented America.
At any rate, Jordan Peterson is trying to persuade young people to think things through. Instead of screaming & foaming at the mouth in allegiance to PC fed to them by hack academics, crank-intellectuals, and bureaucratic commissars, each person should go on his own journey of discovery to find the truth. To do so, people must be willing to be challenged, consider contrasting opinions, question the reigning template, control their own emotions, cultivate a sense of courage, and understand that reality is too complex to be summed up with few slogans and chants.
Thus, Peterson is an anti-cultist. The people who flock around him don’t worship him, and his message to them is not ‘obey me’ or ‘do as I say’. Rather, he’s asking them to learn to think for themselves just as he thinks for himself. They don’t have to agree with him, but they must develop an autonomy of mind instead of being automatons of the powers-that-be that use PC in the most cynical way.
But, the powers-that-be, in their malice and mendacity, project their own use of cultism on Jordan Peterson. It is PC that is cultist. Worse, it is mass-cultist because through the powers of mass media and mass education, the powers-that-be have the means to spread their mania into every corner of society. Consider something like ‘gay marriage’, which is a cultish idea. How did something so insane spread like wildfire? Because people experience electronic media as their main reality. Who controls the flow of electricity and the shaping of digital information into images and sounds for billions of people around the world? The Jewish globalists. They are the ones who elevated and expanded the campy cultist homosexual self-reverence to a World Culture via their control of electronic highways. And how did someone like Bruce Jenner become ‘Woman of the Year’? How did that bit of cultism of tranny lunacy become mainstream? Because the powers-that-be have used their electronic media monopoly to beam images of Jenner as the icons of New Normal in Womanhood.
And there is, of course, the cultism of Jewish supremacism that says we must all bow down to Jews and worship the Shoah and support Zionists over Palestinians. It is cultist because it’s not normal for all the world to support Zionist oppression of Palestinians(who never invaded or hurt any people around the world), all the more so because it contradicts the Jewish Narrative that Jews are ‘progressives’ who work to spread tolerance and equality. If that’s true, why is Jewish power working to shut down BDS and force all Americans, Europeans, and Canadians to favor Zionists over Palestinians? Only mindless cultism can make us blind to the brazen hypocrisy.
The cultism of Jewish Supremacism is so powerful that even Jordan Peterson is under its spell and dare not question it.
Anyway, it’s a common tactic among PC commissars and globalist Jews to project their own lunacies onto others. Jews are the most supremacist people in the world but they accuse white gentiles of ‘supremacism’. Jews, who insist that all white people must honor, obey, and worship Jews, defame White National Liberationists(who simply want OUT of the Jewish Globalist Empire) as ‘supremacists’. Black thugs, who commit most racial violence, blame whites and other non-blacks of interracial violence. It's pure projection. Slut Pride feminists who indulge in all sorts of sexual hijinks and harlotry accuse men of ‘exploiting sex’ when they’ve done exactly the same. #MeToo should really stand for "Me a slut and me too use sex for self-interest and advantage." And then, there are homos who are now into self-worship projecting their own intolerance on those who refuse to bend over to Homomania. PC blinds us to the fact that ‘gay rights’ has morphed into Gay Rites, a ritualism whereby we just all bow down to homos and trannies as holy angels with rainbow wings.
Jordan Peterson, like him or not, agree or disagree with him, is a relatively courageous figure who is defending free speech, calling for open discussion, and appealing to young people to reject the cultist mono-culture of PC that has turned so many young people into mindless zombies chanting the same slogans or even using ‘antifa’ violence to shut down anyone or any side that brings different mental dishes to the table. If the Irish potato famine is any indication, mono-systems are vulnerable because everything or everyone works exactly alike regardless of what it or he is doing is good or bad. PC mental-farming has produced lots and lots of like-minded potatoheads in the biggest mass cult in history. But a single truth-fungus can threaten the entire crop and upend the entire harvest because PC minds are incapable of responding to reality in any way that is different from the mono-programming. So, the White Left(or ‘baizuo’ as the Chinese call it) will be destroyed either by Diversity that it welcomes or by honesty-and-truth(mostly found in Alt Right today) that will set their minds from the PC infection. Of course, the latter is preferable because the White Left, awakened into the White Right, will save Western Civilization and have stable communities. In contrast, if the White Left is destroyed by its own delusional enthusiasm for Diversity, there will be nothing good for them as it will be the permanent fall of advanced civilizations. Who really thinks Europe will be enriched by Africans and Muslims?
Jordan Peterson,
political correctness,
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Agendoxing: Doxing Agendas, Funders, & Ulterior Motives Against Those who Dox Names & Residences
Doxing is a weapon of choice among the Powers-that-be. They know that Doxing is an effective means of silencing the opposition because despite First Amendment protections, socio-economic relations in the US are governed by a system of taboos enforced by PC. So, even though the First Amendment allows you to express your creed, if your beliefs offend the reigning dogma, you can be destroyed socially and economically. You can be shunned by ‘Normies’, pod-people of PC, and, worse, lose your job and means of sustenance, even if the job is modest and low-paying. When someone is doxed, it could mean losing a job waiting tables or washing dishes.
For reasons that are sincerely political/moral or craven/cowardly, many businesses will not hire or keep on those tainted with the heresy of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, ‘homophobia’, the three cardinal sins.
Cities will offer sanctuaries to illegal invaders. Major Jewish firms will reward a traitor like Jonathan Pollard with a plush job upon being pardoned. A billionaire Jew Arnon Milchan who confessed to stealing US secrets for Israel can walk around freely in the US. Roman Polanski who drugged and anal-raped a 12 yr old girl gets protection from the powers-that-be in Hollywood and France.
Jews and Liberals constantly remind us of the bad ole days of ‘McCarthyism’ when communists and fellow-travelers were blacklisted in Hollywood and fired from government jobs. They say censorship and professional restrictions back then, whether government-imposed or self-imposed, were unconstitutional and violated civil liberties despite the fact that communists and Soviet agents had infiltrated various levels of state and culture, indeed to the extent of slipping atomic secrets to Stalin. At any rate, so-called McCarthyism lasted only several years, whereas PC blacklisting & career-destruction seem to go on indefinitely. And Liberals, who once took the stage as principled defenders of liberties and rights, are now most vociferous in demanding that people be censored, fired, and/or blacklisted for their beliefs. Or be bankrupted, like with morally decent & courageous bakers who refuse to make ‘gay wedding cakes’ in celebration of Homomania, the replacement christianity cooked up by Jewish globalists. (Jews hate traditional Christianity and want it replaced with Queertianity.) And entire internet sites have been deplatformed, and people like Jared Taylor have been arbitrarily denied service from Paypal and removed from Twitter even though they never violated the Terms of Agreement.
Of course, it’s not just White National Liberationists who are under attack. BDS Movement is also under constant assault, and US politicians are ganging up to criminalize political support for the Palestinian cause of using sanctions and boycotts to stop Zionist theft of land. What was okay against Apartheid South Africa is not okay against Apartheid Israel that still occupies West Bank in violation of International Laws. And there is mostly utter silence from media and academia on this double standard. But why should we be surprised in a nation where Deep State and Big Media(run by Jewish globalists) have done little else but to collude either to bring down the Trump administration or to pressure him to follow the Neocon Zionist supremacist plan of wrecking more nations to serve Israel’s interests. As the Power decides what is or isn’t HATE, those who support the Zionist hatred against Palestinians are rewarded with high positions and big money. But those who oppose and hate the Jewish-Homo-Supremacist Tyranny are demeaned and smeared. So, Jews can hate proud white Europeans, but white people better not hate back the Jews who hate them and feel nothing but rabid & virulent contempt for them. Jews can be aggressive in their viciousness, but whites must only be passive in their resignation.
So, what is to be done? Can we dox the globalists, Jews, Neocons, and their ilk? But what would be the point? After all, they are famous, renowned, and widely praised. Everyone knows their name and, if anything, they’ve been rewarded handsomely for what they are and what they believe. How can we dox someone like Wolf Blitzer when everyone knows who Wolf Blitzer is and when his being Wolf Blitzer earns him millions of dollars a year? Globalist academics, media people, and political figures don’t need to hide their identities and positions. They are safe & secure, favored by the system, and rewarded most handsomely for their speaking points and policy positions. They don’t have to hide behind internet pseudonyms or avatars. They are out in public and showered with accolades and earning big money.
And yet, we can dox them in another way. We can dox the true agenda behind their masks, personas, and honorifics. We can agenda-dox Neocons as Zionist-supremacists. Now, some have done this already but only in a mild way. While it’s been pointed out that many or most Neocons are Jews who care about Israel, it hasn’t been widely discussed that current Zionism is Jewish supremacist imperialism. We need to expose Zionism and Jewish Interests as Jewish Supremacism because they are not about Jews caring about Jews but about Jews forcing all non-Jews to support and serve a Jewish agenda at the expense of gentiles of all kinds.
We need to point out that so many of those who push for ‘Western Values’ are nothing but shills of Jewish supremacism. German politicians are running dogs of Jewish globalists, and German journalists are paid agents of CIA.
We need to expose the fact that ‘gay rights’ is really a neo-religious movement of Homomania or Queertianity that is, furthermore, a proxy of Jewish supremacist agenda of elite-minority-privilege-and-supremacism. Instead of just opposing or arguing with the other side, we need to agenda-dox or ‘agendox’ the other side as shills of people like George Soros and the Jewish globalist powers-that-be. Even so-called ‘radical’ Antifa is just a thug-arm of Jewish Supremacists and globalists. They are the goon squad of the elites who maintain the facade of respectability while instigating Antifa and BLM thuggery to silence the other side and/or to cover up their own elitism & anti-black agenda. After all, Jewish and White Liberal Yuppies used gentrification and tough-policing to clamp down on black urban violence, without which they couldn't have revived the downtown areas of big cities that were going the way of Detroit or Baltimore. To mask what they’ve really been doing, they fanned the flames of BLM to virtue-signal as ‘good progressives’ in support of Noble Blacks against ‘racist’ white police brutality.
The fact is people are really something other than what they claim to be. There is often the whore behind the aura. Their true motives in service to hidden agendas need to be agendoxed. Take American Enterprise Institute and American Interest. The term ‘American’ makes them sound patriotic, like ‘American as Apple Pie’. But look at the personalities of those involved and follow the money trail, and you get Jewish supremacists and their cuck puppets.
Many people are not exactly what they claim to be. Most ‘conservatives’ are not true conservatives, and most ‘liberals’ are not true liberals. Most of them are molded by the Power. Some know this and just go along for self-interest while others are too dumb to ever notice that they are being played. The reason why they lack principled consistency in accordance to stated beliefs & values is because the ultimate guarantee for their privilege flows from their masters who pay the salary, provide the directives, and enforce the taboos(that can make or break a reputation over a single word or phrase). Someone like Paul Ryan is not a ‘conservative’. Once such a lowly creature is ‘agendoxed’, people will know what he’s really about. He is just a lame pathetic cuck-shill of Zionist supremacists. It’s no wonder he praised Antifa scum as the equivalent of US soldiers who landed on Normandy when those punks attacked White National Liberationists who came in peace to give speeches at Charlottesville.
We need to perfect the Art of Agendoxing. Don’t take the job titles and stated creeds at their face value. Most politicians are shills, most academics are hacks, most activists are dupes, and most people in media are propagandists who cynically or naively push the official line. What choice do they have when most of the media are controlled by Big Money of the Jewish Globalist Oligarchs?
For reasons that are sincerely political/moral or craven/cowardly, many businesses will not hire or keep on those tainted with the heresy of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, ‘homophobia’, the three cardinal sins.
Cities will offer sanctuaries to illegal invaders. Major Jewish firms will reward a traitor like Jonathan Pollard with a plush job upon being pardoned. A billionaire Jew Arnon Milchan who confessed to stealing US secrets for Israel can walk around freely in the US. Roman Polanski who drugged and anal-raped a 12 yr old girl gets protection from the powers-that-be in Hollywood and France.
Jews and Liberals constantly remind us of the bad ole days of ‘McCarthyism’ when communists and fellow-travelers were blacklisted in Hollywood and fired from government jobs. They say censorship and professional restrictions back then, whether government-imposed or self-imposed, were unconstitutional and violated civil liberties despite the fact that communists and Soviet agents had infiltrated various levels of state and culture, indeed to the extent of slipping atomic secrets to Stalin. At any rate, so-called McCarthyism lasted only several years, whereas PC blacklisting & career-destruction seem to go on indefinitely. And Liberals, who once took the stage as principled defenders of liberties and rights, are now most vociferous in demanding that people be censored, fired, and/or blacklisted for their beliefs. Or be bankrupted, like with morally decent & courageous bakers who refuse to make ‘gay wedding cakes’ in celebration of Homomania, the replacement christianity cooked up by Jewish globalists. (Jews hate traditional Christianity and want it replaced with Queertianity.) And entire internet sites have been deplatformed, and people like Jared Taylor have been arbitrarily denied service from Paypal and removed from Twitter even though they never violated the Terms of Agreement.
Of course, it’s not just White National Liberationists who are under attack. BDS Movement is also under constant assault, and US politicians are ganging up to criminalize political support for the Palestinian cause of using sanctions and boycotts to stop Zionist theft of land. What was okay against Apartheid South Africa is not okay against Apartheid Israel that still occupies West Bank in violation of International Laws. And there is mostly utter silence from media and academia on this double standard. But why should we be surprised in a nation where Deep State and Big Media(run by Jewish globalists) have done little else but to collude either to bring down the Trump administration or to pressure him to follow the Neocon Zionist supremacist plan of wrecking more nations to serve Israel’s interests. As the Power decides what is or isn’t HATE, those who support the Zionist hatred against Palestinians are rewarded with high positions and big money. But those who oppose and hate the Jewish-Homo-Supremacist Tyranny are demeaned and smeared. So, Jews can hate proud white Europeans, but white people better not hate back the Jews who hate them and feel nothing but rabid & virulent contempt for them. Jews can be aggressive in their viciousness, but whites must only be passive in their resignation.
So, what is to be done? Can we dox the globalists, Jews, Neocons, and their ilk? But what would be the point? After all, they are famous, renowned, and widely praised. Everyone knows their name and, if anything, they’ve been rewarded handsomely for what they are and what they believe. How can we dox someone like Wolf Blitzer when everyone knows who Wolf Blitzer is and when his being Wolf Blitzer earns him millions of dollars a year? Globalist academics, media people, and political figures don’t need to hide their identities and positions. They are safe & secure, favored by the system, and rewarded most handsomely for their speaking points and policy positions. They don’t have to hide behind internet pseudonyms or avatars. They are out in public and showered with accolades and earning big money.
And yet, we can dox them in another way. We can dox the true agenda behind their masks, personas, and honorifics. We can agenda-dox Neocons as Zionist-supremacists. Now, some have done this already but only in a mild way. While it’s been pointed out that many or most Neocons are Jews who care about Israel, it hasn’t been widely discussed that current Zionism is Jewish supremacist imperialism. We need to expose Zionism and Jewish Interests as Jewish Supremacism because they are not about Jews caring about Jews but about Jews forcing all non-Jews to support and serve a Jewish agenda at the expense of gentiles of all kinds.
We need to point out that so many of those who push for ‘Western Values’ are nothing but shills of Jewish supremacism. German politicians are running dogs of Jewish globalists, and German journalists are paid agents of CIA.
We need to expose the fact that ‘gay rights’ is really a neo-religious movement of Homomania or Queertianity that is, furthermore, a proxy of Jewish supremacist agenda of elite-minority-privilege-and-supremacism. Instead of just opposing or arguing with the other side, we need to agenda-dox or ‘agendox’ the other side as shills of people like George Soros and the Jewish globalist powers-that-be. Even so-called ‘radical’ Antifa is just a thug-arm of Jewish Supremacists and globalists. They are the goon squad of the elites who maintain the facade of respectability while instigating Antifa and BLM thuggery to silence the other side and/or to cover up their own elitism & anti-black agenda. After all, Jewish and White Liberal Yuppies used gentrification and tough-policing to clamp down on black urban violence, without which they couldn't have revived the downtown areas of big cities that were going the way of Detroit or Baltimore. To mask what they’ve really been doing, they fanned the flames of BLM to virtue-signal as ‘good progressives’ in support of Noble Blacks against ‘racist’ white police brutality.
The fact is people are really something other than what they claim to be. There is often the whore behind the aura. Their true motives in service to hidden agendas need to be agendoxed. Take American Enterprise Institute and American Interest. The term ‘American’ makes them sound patriotic, like ‘American as Apple Pie’. But look at the personalities of those involved and follow the money trail, and you get Jewish supremacists and their cuck puppets.
Many people are not exactly what they claim to be. Most ‘conservatives’ are not true conservatives, and most ‘liberals’ are not true liberals. Most of them are molded by the Power. Some know this and just go along for self-interest while others are too dumb to ever notice that they are being played. The reason why they lack principled consistency in accordance to stated beliefs & values is because the ultimate guarantee for their privilege flows from their masters who pay the salary, provide the directives, and enforce the taboos(that can make or break a reputation over a single word or phrase). Someone like Paul Ryan is not a ‘conservative’. Once such a lowly creature is ‘agendoxed’, people will know what he’s really about. He is just a lame pathetic cuck-shill of Zionist supremacists. It’s no wonder he praised Antifa scum as the equivalent of US soldiers who landed on Normandy when those punks attacked White National Liberationists who came in peace to give speeches at Charlottesville.
We need to perfect the Art of Agendoxing. Don’t take the job titles and stated creeds at their face value. Most politicians are shills, most academics are hacks, most activists are dupes, and most people in media are propagandists who cynically or naively push the official line. What choice do they have when most of the media are controlled by Big Money of the Jewish Globalist Oligarchs?
Jewish supremacism,
White National Liberation,
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Smug Drug of Political Correctness
Why do people take certain illegal drugs. They want to get high and feel super. They want to be like insta-gods. Drugs — PCP, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, meth, etc. — elevate their sense-of-being with euphoria that fills them with delusions of grandeur. Consider James Woods in the movie THE BOOST where his coke-head character feels he can do anything when high on powder. Cocaine boosts his ego with Mood Supremacism. He feels like the greatest player that ever lived. He feels invincible, better than all the rest. Addicted to the sensation, he returns to the drug for the high over and over and over, and eventually he can't do without it.
Our world tends to associate ‘supremacism’ with ‘white racism’, but wanting to feel superior/supreme is a common trait among all peoples. Religions fill people with a sense of spiritual supremacism: "Our god or gods are better than yours", "God is on our side", "I am holier than thou". And the reason why women are so obsessed about cosmetics and celebrity is because they're drawn to the culture of Beauty Supremacism. Women want to look better than other women.
And men are obsessed with sports that are premised on masculine supremacism of the tougher guys lording over weaker guys, making big bucks, and humping ‘hot babes’.
So, despite all this stuff about ‘equality’, our society is obsessed with supremacism of all kinds. And one of the easiest kinds of highs is Moral Supremacism. Thus, Political Correctness or PC is really a kind of drug. Karl Marx called religion the ‘opiate of the masses’. PC is crack for the self-righteous. Certain terms like ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, ‘homophobia’, and etc. have a drug-like effect on those who chant them. Though ostensibly used against bigots, chauvinists, and supremacists, the reason for their terminological appeal is the euphoric effect upon snorting, vaping, injecting, or popping doses of self-righteousness.
And this is why PC is dangerous. It really has to be treated as a drug addiction. Anyone who has observed so-called ‘SJW’ types will notice they are not amenable to compromise, understanding, and reason. They just love to repeat the mantras of ‘racism’, ‘antisemitism’, and ‘homophobia’(and sometimes ‘misogyny’, ‘xenophobia’, and ‘Islamophobia’) because another 'hit' of virtue-vanity gives them easy highs.
Trying to communicate with such people is like trying to get through to those intoxicated on moonshine or flying on speed. The smug are more prone to preening self-righteousness, and the easiest way to feel holier-than-thou is by resorting to PC. This addiction isn’t limited to a single group. Even Conservatives are addicted to insta-virtue by preaching that the Democrats are the ‘real racists’. No one wants to discuss complex issues with honesty and reason since they care more about supremacist sensations of easy virtue.
Even cucking is a form of PC drug addiction. Sniffing Cuckaine makes one bunch of whites feel insta-morally-superior to other whites(those who refuse to cuck). Cucks feel as ‘good whites’ attacking ‘bad whites’. It’s near-impossible to get through to them with honest debate since the likes of David French are so full of themselves as ‘good whites’ who say the Magic Words of insta-virtue.
In this sense, media and academia should really be seen as Big Pharma of the mind. They are drug-dealers who push PC as Uppers and Downers to the confused and impressionable who, by abusing terminological substances of PC, get to indulge in self-righteous supremacism as a raging high.
political correctness,
smug drug,
virtue vanity
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
National or Imperial Greatness is Overrated
GREATNESS is overrated in World Affairs. What’s essential is goodness. There is no need for a people to be GREAT in order to maintain a nice nation and find meaning and happiness. They only need to be free and good.
Consider the breakup of the Soviet Union in which the various peoples were supposed to share in the great glory of Soviet-Russian Power. So what if the Baltic States(among many others) were no longer part of a ‘great empire’? They gained national independence and reclaimed national sovereignty.
Today, the real threat to the Baltics comes from EU as another Imperial Power, albeit a puppet empire of the even more powerful Zionist-American Empire. Also, Western Culture and Values aren’t what they used to be. In the past, it was beneficial for Eastern Europeans to look westward and learn from the great Brits, French, Italians, and Germans who were ahead of the game in everything.
But what are the current Western Values under globalism dominated by Jews and their proxy homos? Homomania, Rap music, Jungle Fever, ugly feminism, slut pride, skankery, adultery, Diversity, and infantilism.
That is why Baltic States are vulnerable as member states of EU. It was wonderful for them to break free of the great but repressive Soviet Empire. But they are now falling under control of demented globalist empire. Baltic nations need to be free of all empires despite their promise of 'greatness'.
Better to be free and good than be puppets sharing in Russian Greatness. Better to be free and good than be puppets sharing in EU greatness(that amounts to homo decadence and Africanization).
Empires come with a host of problems. Sure, Soviet Union was very powerful and EU is very rich(and being part of their imperial order comes with a certain prestige), but, all said and done, Soviets stood for communist repression & Russian bullying, and globalism is ultimately about the megalomania of Zionist-Homo supremacist lunacy.
What Baltic States need is national sovereignty and security. They don’t have to be GREAT. They just need to be free and good.
Indeed, most people are not great. They are not great scientists, great artists, great thinkers, great tycoons, or great athletes. But do they not have value? They have value if they are good and decent, and most nations should aspire to be good, free, and independent.
Better to be free as a good man than be a slave of a great empire. The latter may be part of something great but he is still a slave. As part of the Soviet Union, those Baltic States were puppet-states. They gained freedom with the fall of Soviet Empire and reclaimed their right to be free and good.
But now, they face the danger of becoming puppet-slaves of globalism, an ideology even worse than Soviet Communism.
It's better to be free as a good modest person than a slave of a great lord? As a slave, you may share in the glory of your master, but you’re still just a slave, a dog than a man.
Baltic republics,
Soviet Union
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Did the Rise of Educated Parents Lead to Political Correctness?
We generally associate more education and higher learning with expansion of discourse and thought. The idea is that educated people tend to be liberal(in a good way) and more open to new ideas and contrasting perspectives. Such assumption is surely valid to some degree.
But, we must ask... Is current education-in-general more about open-mindedness and critical-thinking or about ideological dogmatism, secular idolatry, and political conformity? If the former, it’s very possible that more education will lead to greater exchange of ideas and honest discussion of power. But if the latter, more education could very well make people closed-minded and judgmental in their conformity to the prevailing Political Correctness.
Prior to the boomer generation, only a small section of Americans got higher education. Even the Greatest Generation, with their G.I. Bills, focused on learning skills to get jobs. It was with the boomers that a burgeoning number of young people went to college to expand their minds. However, the 60s were a time of extreme ideological and racial polarization, and many boomer students spent their college years getting radicalized than intellectualized. Their youth became defined and qualified by the level of commitment, determination, and self-righteousness. Even though they were more libertine in their socio-cultural attitudes(in regards to church, manners, and sexual mores) than their parents, they were more judgmental in their ideological views. In contrast, their parents were more uptight about sexuality and more likely to respect traditional manners, but because they were less educated, their views on politics tended to be less radical. Sure, parents of boomers could be political like Archie Bunker in defending the flag or hating communism. But because of their relative lack of education and ‘sophistication’, their attitudes were more about patriotism and sentiment. It was knee-jerk stuff. Because they didn’t have elaborately intellectual rationale behind their political views, they were less likely to be radical about it. After all, radicals are ideological extremists. For one to be truly ideological, there has to be intellectual pedigree behind one's commitments. The parents of boomers simply didn’t have a complex thought system behind what they believed. Also, even as they disagreed with their boomer kids radicalized by college and media, they thought maybe the kids knew better with their superior education. After all, they worked hard and raised their kids to get the kind of college education that they didn't get or got an inferior version of during the Great Depression or the crude era of G.I. Bill mass education. Parents of boomers felt patriotic feelings but lacked a thought-system. In contrast, their boomer kids were instilled with mind-systems to support their radical views. While political emotions ebb and flow, the cold steel of ideology is always present among those who've adopted an intellectual(or pseudo-intellectual) thought system. Even though both Archie Bunker and Meathead are prone to outbursts, the difference is Archie runs on emotions & sentiment whereas Meathead is energized by an ideology & agenda. Also, because Meathead is better educated, he is so sure that he ‘knows everything’. His intellectual supremacism leads to moral supremacism. In contrast, even though Archie Bunker is very sure about some things, he sees himself as a servant of God, nation, and tradition. He doesn't think HE himself knows everything.
Even though Archie Bunker disapproves of much that Gloria says and does, he left her alone to develop her own mind. Not being a thinker or intellectual, he played the conventional role of father, letting Gloria to develop as a person on her own by way of education, entertainment, and experimentation. Bunker trusted that the institutions would do a good job filling his daughter with the right kinds of ideas. He didn’t hover over her at all times. He saw himself as a undereducated man, so his main role was to provide for Gloria so she would get real knowledge from school and media. So, despite his cantankerous nature and abrasiveness, Gloria didn’t grow up under his shadow. She developed on her own.
In contrast, well-educated Meathead believes he knows all there is to know since he read so many books, got a college degree, and settled in an intellectual position as teacher. As such, he plays a much bigger role in the raising of his child. He’s not content to play the role of father who tells funny stories and provides food on the table. He wants to steer his son to think like him and judge the world as he does. And since there is no God as higher authority, there is only the power of ideology as the final word.
Thus, we end up with a conundrum. It’s possible that more free-thinking kids will come from undereducated parents and less free-thinking kids will come from overeducated parents. Undereducated parents don’t know much and leave their kids to learn stuff on their own. Now, it’s possible that these kids will come under power of PC at school. But because they are not under ideological domination at home, they are likely to develop a more libertine attitude about things. In contrast, kids of overeducated(which is to say over-indoctrinated) parents will get PC not only from school but at home from their parents. So, they got double-whammy PC. One thing I noticed is that many of my peers who grew up in the 70s and 80s were left alone by their parents when it came to ideological matters. Most of their parents were around 30 yrs old in 1967, so they were too old to be part of Counterculture(though too young to be part of WWII generation). These parents were not overtly ideological(for the most part) and left the kids to develop freely.
But things have changed over the years with new batch of parents, especially among the upper-middle-class and above, being very well-educated(which is to say well-indoctrinated). These parents are not content to just provide a nice and loving environment for their kids. They insist on instilling their children with their own self-righteous ideology and iconography(mainly around Magic Negroes, Holy Homos, and Wonderful Jews). This ideological domineering is all the more effective because of the passive/aggressive style of parenting. Parents prior to boomerism weren’t very ‘nice’, huggy-wuggy, and friendly with their kids. So, kids grew apart from their parents with the passing of years. But, the PC parents want to be ‘nice’ and ‘understanding’. This bonds them closer to their children and makes the children want to please their parents more. So, if the parents are boo-hoo weepy-poo about MLK and ‘racism’, the kids want to play along to please their ‘nice’ and ‘understanding’ parents.
And things have gotten much worse due to the rise of PC. At least throughout the 70s and even 80s, the prevailing value among many Liberal parents and teachers was freedom of speech. Consider the Liberal support of Salman Rushdie when Iranian clergy put a Fatwa on him over SATANIC VERSES. Back then, despite the campaign against ‘racism’, Liberalism was strongly defined by ACLU-style libertarianism that defended free speech and expression as a good in and of themselves. (Also, culture hadn't gone totally bonkers with stuff like 50 genders and homomania.) But with the rise of PC, the correctness of views became more important than freedom of speech or individuality. Also, because PC has become such a determinant in careerism — consider the fate of James Damore at Google — , ambitious parents who want their kids to attend elite schools and have successive careers apply extra pressure, consciously or subconsciously, to make their kids assent to the rules of PC.
So, what is the solution? The ideal of the less-educated parents? No, that would be like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Instead, we need to create a new intellectual culture that favors freedom, honesty, and truth over correctness, self-righteousness, and craven opportunism.
political correctness
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