Saturday, September 29, 2018
The Irony of Jewish Moral Outrage and the Axis of Jewish Neurosis
It's all very ironic.
Zionists make so much noise about Iran(and North Korea) having the Bomb. They say everything must be done to stop Iran getting nukes. An EVIL REGIME or ROGUE NATION like Iran doesn't deserve to have the Bomb.
Well, the ironies...
1. Due to the continuing Occupation of West Bank(and building of new settlements with full approval of the US), much of the world sees Israel as the Rogue Nation. Israel has nukes, lots of them. And if any nation has been acting 'rogue' around the world, it is the US, usually at the behest of Zionists and globalists. It's amusing that the US should be accusing Syria of torture and human rights violations. Yes, the Syrian government has carried out torture, but the US did Abu Gharib. US also used extensive torture in the 'war on terror'(and has aided Jihadi terrorist elements in Syria and is still shielding such groups). And Israeli torture of Palestinians has long been documented even though Israel insists the practice has been ended.
2. Jews have often said that Apartheid South Africa was the worst nation in the world since end of WWII, but Jews overlook the inconvenient fact that its main ally was Israel(which currently enforces apartheid policies in West Bank). Also, Israel supplied South African with Atom Bomb Technology. Imagine that. Jews, who say rogue nation Iran must NOT have the Bomb, once looked the other way while Israel was funneling nuke secrets to South Africa.
3. The most closely guarded secret in the early part of the Cold War was the Bomb. In the beginning, the US was the ONLY nuclear power. Stalin desperately sought the Bomb, and he finally got it through a pro-Soviet espionage network with lots of radical Jews. Among the key players were Julius Rosenberg and Morton Sobell. So, Josef Stalin, one of the biggest killers and tyrants of the 20th century, got the Bomb thanks to certain key Jewish figures.
When the extent of radical Jewish involvement in Soviet espionage became undeniable, the Jews in the media and academia went into hyper-drive and put the anti-communists on the ethical defensive by framing the Cold War in terms of 'Red Scare', 'right-wing fear-mongering', 'paranoid style of American politics', and etc. That way, the attention was diverted from the fact of REAL JEWISH INVOLVEMENT in espionage and the passing of nuclear secrets to the USSR. Liberal and even Conservative Jews closed ranks with leftist Jews who had betrayed the US and aided/abetted a mass killer and tyrant(whose empire stretched over all of Eastern Europe) in the worst possible way.
4. We are now living in the post-Cold-War age when Russia wants peace with the world. It has no ideology for World Revolution. And yet, Jews fear the current much-diminished Russia more than the Soviet Union of the Cold War era. Why? Because Russia is for limited national sovereignty for itself and, as such, serves as a model for other nations that also want emancipation from Jew-dominated globalism.
Why would Jews fear a Russia whose ambition is far more limited and restrained than during the Cold War? Paradoxically, limited Russian nationalism is more threatening than boundless Soviet expansionism to the Empire of Judea(or EOJ) because nationalism is the most potent force against imperialism and empire-building. Jewish power is globalist-imperialist, and Jews fear that Russian nationalism might inspire nationalism among many peoples around the world.
Current Russian 'ideology' simply amounts to Russian control over Russia. If Russia minds its own business and respects(and even supports) the sovereignty of other nations, why should Jews feel so threatened(especially when Russia has good relations with Israel)? What is wrong with each nation minding its own business and protecting(than projecting) its own national interests?
It is because national sovereignty is the most effective barrier against Jewish Globo-Homo intervention, penetration, subversion, and inversion-of-values. After all, Jewish Power is globo-hegemonist, not nationalist(except in Israel).
The current Russian example doesn't say all nations should be like Russia. During the Cold War, the Russians-as-universal-Soviets championed the Soviet model as the correct one for the entire world. Not surprisingly, many peoples around the world resisted and rejected this model(even though some peoples aspired to emulate it, usually with dire results). So, international communist revolution was bound to fail. But the current Russian-ism is not universalist(as in 'all nations should adopt the Russian model') but particularist(as in 'each nation should define its own interests and future'). Under the nationalist logic, Iran should be Iran and preserve Iran-ism. China should be China and preserve China-ism. Hungary should be Hungary and support Hungary-ism. Real blood-and-soil ideology is the best formula. It certainly works for Israel(if we subtract the problems in West Bank where Jews violate the blood-and-soil principles of remaining Palestinian territories).
People who associate Nazi evil with 'blood and soil' totally miss the point. National Socialist Germany had a sound policy with blood-and-soil. It simply meant Germany for Germans and unification of German peoples on German soil. Hitler initially took back Rhineland, part of Germany. Then, Germany united with Austria as both nations wanted it that way. They were both German peoples. And then, Hitler took Sudetenland because it was mostly German. This blood-and-soil part of National Socialism was sensible and led to greater stability in Europe. But then, Hitler began to violate the blood-and-soil principles of other nations: Czech Republic, Poland, and most fatally, Russia. And if any force rolled back Nazi imperialism(as well as Japanese imperialism and then, after WWII, French imperialism and British imperialism), it was the blood-and-soil nationalism of the native folks. Poles resisted the Germans to save their blood-and-soil nation. Russians drove back the Germans for blood-and-soil Mother Russia. Chinese resisted the Japanese based on blood-and-soil defense of China. And then, Asian, Arab, and African nations began to roll back Western Imperialism on blood-and-soil principles. So, true blood-and-soil nationalism has meant defense and preservation of one's own nation.
If anything, it is imperialism and globalism that violate the blood-and-soil principle of each nation. Hungary isn't trying to push Hungary-ism on the world. All it is saying is that Hungarians have a blood-and-soil right to their own nation. But globalist Jews say NO, your nation must be swamped with endless waves of African and Muslim 'refugees' and immigrant-invaders, and you must encourage Hungarian wombs to be colonized by seeds of non-white men, especially black Africans. So, Hungarian wombs should belong to invading races and produce kids for them than produce Hungarian kids. Invasivism is at the heart of the Globo-Homo-Zio Soros Project(that is now sold as the European Project). Globalism is for Womb Colonization, like what Spanish did to native wombs in South America on a massive scale.
Now, NO Jew would push such a policy on Israel, which by the way takes in ZERO 'Syrian' or other kinds of refugees. Jews support the blood-and-soil concept of Israel as sacred, but they denounce any blood-and-soil nationalism of non-Jewish country(even when totally defensive) as 'ugly' and 'far right'.
Now, why do Jews hate national sovereignty except in Israel? Because, with the exception of Israel, Jewish power around the world is held by minority-elites. Jewish power is 'mino-cratic' outside Israel: Rule by Minority. And for Jews to maintain their supremacism over other nations, they must deactivate nationalism, deracinate native goy identity, and promote globalism(essentially dominated by Jews and their proxies homosexuals) as the highest good. So, if you're Swedish, put Swedish ethnicity and heritage in the back-burner, and instead, wave the 'rainbow' flag in delirious worship of homos & trannies and, better yet, reject white men and instead offer your wombs to black men and have black babies.(If you refuse, you're a 'nazi' and 'racist'.) To understand this dynamics, look at the fate of George Soros in nations that restored national sovereignty. His power has been reduced or blocked. They've had enough of his penetrative, disruptive, and subversive acts masked by NGO's tagged with bogus labels of 'freedom', 'democracy', and 'human rights'. In fact, it's just globo-oligarchic greed and power-lust hiding behind nice-sounding cliches. Soros has a much easier time gaming and taking over nations without sovereignty and autonomy. But he's pushed back in nations with blood-and-soil defensive nationalism.
Anyway, the irony screams at us. Jews, who'd been most responsible for passing atomic secrets to one of the biggest killers and tyrants of the 20th century(Stalin), are now making the biggest stink about Iran and the Bomb. Also, these very Jews are freaking out about Russia when Russia no longer pushes World Revolution and global domination. Jewish Logic is incredible.
According to Jewish Logic, when Jews gave nuke secrets to Stalin the mass-killer during the height of the Cold War, it was the anti-communists who were extreme, ignorant, rabid, virulent, paranoid, fear-mongering, and crazy. (Robert Oppenheimer, a communist-sympathizer, who wanted to share US atomic secrets with his beloved USSR came to be portrayed as a saintly dissident for world peace.) But now, when the Soviet Empire is no more and Russia is ruled by a mild nationalist who upholds national sovereignty as a model for all nations, Jews are freaking out, frothing at the mouth, screaming about Russian hacking & interference, and Russian aggression. Such reaction is supposedly 'rational discourse'.
But where is the evidence of Russian aggression? Did Russia invade Iraq? Did Russia level Libya? Did Russia foment the coup d'etat in Ukraine? (Russia annexed Crimea only in retaliation of US-engineered coup, but then Crimea has historically been part of Russia.) Are Russian tanks encircling the US from Canada and Mexico? It's the Jew-run US that pushed NATO up to the Russian border and mobilized soldiers and tanks into Poland and Estonia. It's the US that used Neo-Nazis in Ukraine to pull off the coup. It's the US that cooked up lies to destroy Iraq and Libya. It is the US that worked with Saudis and Turks to aid crazy Jihadis against secular Assad who protects Arab Christians in Syria. The saying, "Jew screams in pain as he strikes you" is most apt here.
The real problem for the world is the Axis of Neurosis, mostly Jewish. The world is on the precipice of another war because of Jewish neurosis of globalist domination and hegemony. The notion that each nation should be autonomous and sovereign is anathema to Jews who see gentile nationalism as a barrier to Jewish financial, ideological, and military penetration and takeover. Of course, much of this is done with bribery. With immense wealth, Jews try to buy off the elites of every nation to collaborate with globalism than defend one's own nation. It's no wonder so many nations wave the homo flag. Want a good trade deal with the US? You have to let US imperialists plant the homo victory flag in your country. Carrots & Bribes OR Sticks & Sanctions(or even Bombs).
It makes no sense for the whole world to revolve around the Axis of Jewish Neurosis that demands that all nations bow down to Jewish supremacist interests over their own national identity and interests. Jews denounce true nationalism as 'blood and soil' so as to associate it with Nazism, but this is disingenuous because the best thing about National Socialism was blood-and-soil nationalism up to 1939, and the WORST thing about Nazism was its imperialist violation of the blood-and-soil of other nations. If National Socialist Germany had been true to the principles of blood-and-soil, it would have united only German peoples in German lands -- just like Israel sought to unite Jews from around the world in Israel. In the end, both Germans and Jews failed because they went from nationalism to imperialism. Hitler wanted more than German lands, and Jews grabbed West Bank in 1967 and never let it go. Worse, via the US(which came under total Jewish power under Clinton), the Zionists have been exerting their hegemonic ambitions all over Middle East and North Africa, causing so much havoc as a result.
Nationalism is blood-and-soil. Imperialism is a bloody takeover of other people's soils. It was when Hitler moved into imperialist mode that his project was doomed. His aggression awoke blood-and-soil rage in other nations that refused to live under the German heel. When Bismarck unified Germany, his goal was to forge German peoples in German areas into one nation. He wasn't interested in violating the blood-and-soil of other peoples; he advised the Kaiser against emulating the French and British imperialists in grabbing other parts of the world that belonged to other peoples. If Hitler had kept his nationalism on the Bismarckian level, WWII would have been avoided.
In our world, 'Russianism' means every nation should preserve itself and be itself. It doesn't mean all nations should be like Russia or imitate Russian values. It means, "just as Russia preserves Russian-ness, other nations should preserve their own unique identities and heritages." THIS is what most threatens Jewish globalists because the rise of non-Jewish nationalism in each nation means more barriers to Jewish penetration and takeover(not least with the proxies of homosexual globalists who seek to plant the homo-globo victory flag in every nation; also, when homos take over the culture of a nation, they promote the ideal of the pansy-wussy male, which undermines national masculinity that serves as bulwark against foreign threats. Europe, having been wussified, cannot even defend itself from US bullying and Muslim/African invasions. Jews want it this way).
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
The CHANGELING Syndrome that threatens the West with the Idea that White People are replaceable with Non-Whites
Congressman Steve King said the West cannot preserve its cultural legacy with somebody else’s babies or children. Europeans and European-Americans are members of a racial-cultural-historical family. They are unique and not replaceable by other peoples.
King's sentiments are not unlike the dramatic tension in THE CHANGELING, the movie by J. Michael Straczynski & Clint Eastwood.
In the movie, a mother’s child goes missing, and he is replaced with another boy who is not her son. She insists the kid isn't hers, and naturally she's unwilling to pretend that her real child has been restored. She can't pretend that this new kid(who is not her real son) is as dear to her as her real child. But the INSTITUTIONS demand that she accept the kid as ‘hers’. If not, she will be deemed sick in the head and treated accordingly.
What we are seeing with mass-migration-invasion in the West is THE CHANGELING on a massive scale. It is mass-replacement of a people with a new one that pretends to be the real thing. It's worse than the INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.
All these non-white invaders are changelings. They are to invade the West and replace Europeans, but Europeans are supposed to welcome and embrace these usurpers as their own, as suitable and even rightful replacements for native Europeans. The ‘new Europeans’.
It’s like the changelings of folklore.
The Changeling Phenomenon is happening both physically and culturally.
So, if a man says he is a woman, he is a ‘she’ who can take the place of a woman on a women's sports team. He is to be regarded as a 'woman' and replace a real woman. If women complain that he is not a real woman, they are denounced as 'intolerant' and 'hateful'.
Even Rachel Dolezal got into the changeling act and pretends to be ‘black’.
Homomania replaced Christianity as a neo-religion or 'neoligion' that's supposed to fill people's hearts with rapture. MLK or Mandela is the replacement for Jesus.
Fantasy is the new reality.
It used to be that reality was the center of life, and fantasy/imagination was appreciated as extra-mental-activity adding color and escapism. But now, fantasy isn’t merely an addition to reality but the changeling to supersede reality itself. So, we are to believe some Meso-American indicted on murder charges is a ‘they’.
We are to accept 50 genders(maybe more) as replacement for two sexes. We are to believe the new Russia(that wants peace) is a bigger menace than the old Soviet Union in a New Cold War. We are to believe homosexuality is just as normal and useful as real sexuality.
We are beyond fake news. We live in the world of Fantasy News. When fantasy replaces reality as the fulcrum of culture, we can be led to believe just about anything. A warped habit of mind has a way of corrupting cognition and poisoning perception. Normal cognition feeds on honest perception. It assesses truth based on what is seen, heard, and felt of the real world. But PC injects the cognitive faculty with fantastical notions, and resultant ideological hallucinations distort even honest perceptions that are misread. When cognition is contaminated with the notion that 'gender is fluid', even someone who is obviously a man pretending to be a woman is seen as a real 'woman'.
It used to be that we understood the truth of life and how it is created. There is real sexuality, and from that comes life, but there are also organic deviations from the genetic norm, such as homosexuality.
Sane people can accept homosexuality as a minority deviance from real sexuality.
It is an odd branch that sprouts from the tree of real sexuality. But now, we are to believe that this deviant branch is as good or even better than the Core Tree... or that IT is the core tree.
Once the Changeling Syndrome takes effect, people get into the habit of believing that anything is replaceable with something else. It’s a habit of mind that trivializes and corrupts everything.
King's sentiments are not unlike the dramatic tension in THE CHANGELING, the movie by J. Michael Straczynski & Clint Eastwood.
In the movie, a mother’s child goes missing, and he is replaced with another boy who is not her son. She insists the kid isn't hers, and naturally she's unwilling to pretend that her real child has been restored. She can't pretend that this new kid(who is not her real son) is as dear to her as her real child. But the INSTITUTIONS demand that she accept the kid as ‘hers’. If not, she will be deemed sick in the head and treated accordingly.
What we are seeing with mass-migration-invasion in the West is THE CHANGELING on a massive scale. It is mass-replacement of a people with a new one that pretends to be the real thing. It's worse than the INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.
All these non-white invaders are changelings. They are to invade the West and replace Europeans, but Europeans are supposed to welcome and embrace these usurpers as their own, as suitable and even rightful replacements for native Europeans. The ‘new Europeans’.
It’s like the changelings of folklore.
The Changeling Phenomenon is happening both physically and culturally.
So, if a man says he is a woman, he is a ‘she’ who can take the place of a woman on a women's sports team. He is to be regarded as a 'woman' and replace a real woman. If women complain that he is not a real woman, they are denounced as 'intolerant' and 'hateful'.
Even Rachel Dolezal got into the changeling act and pretends to be ‘black’.
Homomania replaced Christianity as a neo-religion or 'neoligion' that's supposed to fill people's hearts with rapture. MLK or Mandela is the replacement for Jesus.
Fantasy is the new reality.
It used to be that reality was the center of life, and fantasy/imagination was appreciated as extra-mental-activity adding color and escapism. But now, fantasy isn’t merely an addition to reality but the changeling to supersede reality itself. So, we are to believe some Meso-American indicted on murder charges is a ‘they’.
We are to accept 50 genders(maybe more) as replacement for two sexes. We are to believe the new Russia(that wants peace) is a bigger menace than the old Soviet Union in a New Cold War. We are to believe homosexuality is just as normal and useful as real sexuality.
We are beyond fake news. We live in the world of Fantasy News. When fantasy replaces reality as the fulcrum of culture, we can be led to believe just about anything. A warped habit of mind has a way of corrupting cognition and poisoning perception. Normal cognition feeds on honest perception. It assesses truth based on what is seen, heard, and felt of the real world. But PC injects the cognitive faculty with fantastical notions, and resultant ideological hallucinations distort even honest perceptions that are misread. When cognition is contaminated with the notion that 'gender is fluid', even someone who is obviously a man pretending to be a woman is seen as a real 'woman'.
It used to be that we understood the truth of life and how it is created. There is real sexuality, and from that comes life, but there are also organic deviations from the genetic norm, such as homosexuality.
Sane people can accept homosexuality as a minority deviance from real sexuality.
It is an odd branch that sprouts from the tree of real sexuality. But now, we are to believe that this deviant branch is as good or even better than the Core Tree... or that IT is the core tree.
Once the Changeling Syndrome takes effect, people get into the habit of believing that anything is replaceable with something else. It’s a habit of mind that trivializes and corrupts everything.
changeling syndrome,
Clint Eastwood,
mass immigration,
The Changeling,
the West
Monday, September 24, 2018
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Paypal, and etc. became MONOPOLIES on the basis of Neutrality and Fairness. Therefore, They have No Justification to now Censor People and Deny Service on the basis of Identity + Ideology.
Some argue that Google, Facebook, Twitter, Paypal, and other Internet Monopolies have the right to censor or deny services to just about anyone because they are private companies. But this argument is utterly bogus. They are not merely companies but monopolies, and furthermore, they got to be so HUGE because they offered their products and services to all of us with the promise of fairness, integrity, and neutrality. After all, Google’s motto used to be "Don’t do evil". Now, ‘evil’ is a vague term, but the general understanding was that Google would not rig the system to favor certain interests over others. It would play the role of a fair arbiter and referee. As for Twitter, it expanded worldwide because of its stated commitment to Free Speech. It presented itself as a forum providing free exchange of ideas even for those living in repressive un-democratic nations. And Paypal had no stated ideological agendas. It offered payment processing services to people around the world. And it is precisely for those reasons that so many people of all identities and ideologies signed up to use their services. It was on the assumption that the companies would act fairly and without favor to any one particular group. Would any of them have become the behemoths they are now IF, in their incarnations, they'd stated their long-term ideological and tribal goals outright? No, many people would have refused their services and gravitated toward other alternative platforms. Why would so many people have signed up for services and products by companies that pledge to push agendas against their kind? For example, if Twitter had stated from the very beginning that it would favor globalists, Zionists, the Deep State, anti-white cretins, nasty blacks, homosexuals & trannies, crazed feminists, and the like WHILE targeting conservatives, moral people, white folks, Palestinians, race-realists, Christians, pro-family people, patriots, nationalists, and etc for shadow-banning, censorship, and blacklisting, countless millions of people would never have signed up with Twitter. People of all ideological convictions signed up to Twitter because the word was that Twitter does not play favorites: It lives by principles, integrity, and basic sense of fairness. It doesn’t favor agendas by ideology or identity EVEN IF most Twitter employees happen to lean in a particular way politically. Our understanding was that Twitter employees' politics would be a personal matter and not affect their professionalism as maintainers of a social platform committed to Free Speech.
All these companies didn’t gain prominence simply by appealing to one side of the ideological spectrum or favoring one identity over another. Google didn’t start out by saying, "Our system will favor Progs over Conservatives, globalists over nationalists, Zionists over Palestinians, homos & trannies over natural-normal decent folks." If it had been forthright about its long-term political and cultural agenda, there is no doubt that most peoples disfavored by Google Jews would never have used the service, thereby preventing its becoming a Search Engine Monopoly around the world hogging over 85% of the traffic. Google got BIG on the promise and pledge of neutrality and fairness. People signed up and used the service because they thought they could trust Google to stick to its pledge of "Don’t be evil."
Imagine if Paypal had stated in its startup phase that it would favor certain identities and ideologies while denying service to a whole spectrum of identities and ideologies, especially those related to Palestinian causes, white identity, and Natural Morality, the kind that believes it makes zero sense to celebrate homo fecal penetration & tranny penis-cutting. Many people would have thought twice about signing up for Paypal. The success of all those companies(even to the point of becoming global monopolies) depended on their ideological neutrality. Imagine if Paypal had been started up by a bunch of white nationalist-patriots who sympathize with Palestinians, and suppose their stated purpose for the company was to favor white patriots, Palestinians, pro-family people, and Christians while denying service to a host of Zionist figures(on the basis of Jewish Hate and Tyranny against Palestinians), radical feminists, Deep State globalists(for their wanton destruction of the Middle East via Wars for Israel), and homo-tranny radicals(for spreading degeneration and perversion as hate propaganda against morality and normality). If such had been the stated principles of the company, then we know that many people would not have signed up for Paypal because its values and agenda offend them. Even moderate Liberals and Progressives might not have signed up(even if they wouldn’t have been denied service) because they find the notion of a company censoring or denying service to their ideological allies to be offensive. Indeed, if a white-nationalist-patriot-run Paypal had hidden its long-term agenda and persuaded countless millions to sign up to its service on the promise of ideological neutrality, then it would have a responsibility to stick to those principles. After all, the ONLY reason why so many people signed up was on the basis that the company has no ideological bias.
Now, suppose this white-nationalist-patriot Paypal grew super-huge into a monopoly by pretending to be ideologically unbiased but, upon gaining near-total-dominance, decided to purge a whole bunch of people deemed to be Zionist haters, globalist-imperialists, homo-tranny degenerates, radical feminists, and etc. Even if most moderate Liberals and Progressives are not denied service, wouldn’t they feel cheated that they’d been led to sign up on the premise of the company's ideological neutrality? Their memberships made the company a dominant player in global business, but suddenly, the company targets many people on the ‘leftist’ side of the spectrum. And Jewish members are left wondering why Zionists are being especially targeted for ‘hate speech’ when Palestinian anti-Zionist 'hate speech' is not only allowed by endorsed.
In retrospect, all these companies became behemoths and monopolies via false advertising. They couldn’t have become so big if they’d stated their ideological biases in their start-up phase. After all, if a company says it will go out of its way to favor ONE side while discriminating against the OTHER, then people on the Other side will support another company that especially caters to them. If a hamburger chain opens with the express ideological statement against conservatives, then most conservatives will not patronize the place. They will look for another chain that caters especially to conservatives and works against liberals. The reason why certain businesses got so big is that they claimed to be ideologically neutral and unbiased. Thus, they pulled customers from the entire ideological spectrum and from all identities. McDonalds and Walmart didn’t start out by saying they’ll favor certain kind of customers with particular ideological views while disfavoring other kinds of customers. The understanding was that, regardless of your identity or ideology, if you order their products, you will be treated well as a customer. If either company had started out with a stated ideological bias, it would have alienated tons of customers.
Now, imagine if Walmart, upon gaining retail supremacy, declares that it will treat customers with certain ideological bias better than other customers. So, certain customers will get discounts and special deals while other kinds of customers will be over-charged or banned from stores. That would be pretty lousy, wouldn’t it, especially since the company got SO BIG by having led all Americans into believing that it’s a fair and neutral retail outlet for ALL customers.
Same logic applies to the Internet Monopolies. They got so big because they promised neutrality, fairness, and lack of bias. Google didn’t start out saying that its search engines will favor globalists over nationalist, progs over conservatives, homos & trannies over natural-normal folks, and etc. When it turned out that some Jews in Israel rigged the engine to hide Pat Buchanan from search recommendations, Google quickly fixed the problem. So, we were led to be believe that, while there were some bad apples at Google, the top management was committed to fairness and neutrality. But now, we know that the rottenest apples are at the very top of Google. Indeed, the Google Jews fooled us into believing that they have integrity & principle and would not stoop so low to rig the algorithms to favor their agenda. If insider-trading is illegal, why isn’t insider-algorithm-rigging illegal, especially when Google search results affect the lives of countless peoples around the world? There was a time when Google started out as a little guy, and perhaps, it did identify with the upstarts, mavericks, rebels, and the like. But once Google became one of the biggest companies in the world, its CEO’s and oligarchs identified with the Deep State, Establishment, Globo-Homo Hegemony, and Zionist Tyranny. But then, even when they were starting at the ‘bottom’, Google Jews were elitists with connections with some of the most powerful people in America and the world. And given their tribal links with Israelis who oppress Palestinians, for how long could Google be equally fair to Jews and Palestinians? The history of the Google Doodle illustrates how the company became increasingly more ideological and tribal. It became ever more Jewish-supremacist, and its ideology was the globo-homo kind meant to subvert and undermine the cultures and values of all goy nations. (The fact that Google and other Jew-dominated companies are not really leftist can be seen in the fact that Google Doodles never celebrate Palestinian heroes and martyrs. And given that 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Nakba Pogroms that wiped Palestine off the map, you’d think Google would do *something* to honor the tragedy of the powerless and helpless Palestinians. Aren’t leftists supposed to care for the underdog, the downtrodden, and wretched of the earth? If Google is really leftist, where is its concern for Palestinians? Name one doodle in honor in Yasser Arafat or for the brave Palestinian children who took part in the Intifada. And if Google is really leftist, why hasn’t it condemned the globalist imperialist Wars for Israel that turned the Middle East upside down? Why no Google Doodle to commemorate all the Muslims or Arabs[many of them Christian] maimed or killed by these Zionist-made wars? Google, like so many Jews, are only faux-leftists. They don’t care about the downtrodden, the poor, and the wretched of the earth. They only care about wealth, privilege, power, and monopoly, mostly to be concentrated in Jewish hands.
Jews are tribal supremacists who invoke symbolic ideology to appear ‘progressive’, which in our time, mainly means worship of homos and trannies, a practice that only goes to help the rich and powerful since the vain & narcissistic homos and trannies love to cater to the wealthy and powerful.)
The Jewish Factor is all-important in the understanding of how these internet giants operate. The rigged game isn’t only about ideology. It’s not really about Left vs Right. With Jews, it’s all about manipulating ideology to serve identity. Jews hide behind ‘leftism’ to give the impression that they are for ‘social justice’ and the ‘little guy’. In fact, they are for the minority elite supremacists, namely themselves. Jews promote ‘leftism’ to encourage the gentile majority to turn against itself. Jews want whites to be ‘leftist’ in siding with non-whites(and Jews) against white patriots. It’s classic divide-and-rule strategy. These white ‘leftists’ are never supposed to notice that Jews got the Real Power. Consider Michael Moore who makes so much noise about Big Money but never says anything about Jews. He’s a useful tool for the Tribe. Even when Neocon Jews were instigating 9/11, Moore only went after Bush and Big Oil when, in fact, it was the Big Jew, not Big Oil, that clamored for Wars for Israel. The clearest indication that Jews support ‘leftist’ ideology only as a ploy can be seen in the case of Jeremy Corbyn. Like him or not, Corbyn takes his leftism more seriously than others. He sees the world in terms of the lowly masses(of all the world) vs the elites. So, he naturally sides with brown Arabs and Palestinians against Jewish bankers and elites. So, how have so-called Jewish ‘leftists’ responded to this? With favor and sympathy? No, with utmost vitriol. You see, ‘leftism’ is wonderful when Jews can use it to ideologically divide whites into two camps at each other’s throats. But, when it is used more sincerely and consistently, as when white leftists ally with brown masses against Jewish elites(who control the Anglo cuck-collaborator elites), Jews flip out and foam at the mouth.
This is why people who call Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Paypal ‘leftist’ are really doing a favor to the Jewish Oligarchs of Big Tech. It makes rich and powerful Jews sigh with relief. It gives the false impression that Silicon Valley is run by people who really care about the downtrodden, the less privileged, and the marginalized. That is, of course, a total myth. Silicon Valley is run by super-rich Jewish supremacists who fully support the Deep State, the Warfare state, Wall Street financial gangsterism, the ‘new cold war’ with Russia, the strangulation of Iran, Homomania(the quasi-religious cult of globalism), and the Zionist tyranny over Palestinians. These Jews work with cuck-white-collaborators and with Asian-Indian elites(some of whom are oligarchs themselves) who are totally obsessed with money, power, and privilege. By hiring some publicity clowns to make ‘progressive’-seeming doodles or gestures, companies like Google manufacture the impression that it’s all about the ‘little guy’ or the ‘oppressed’. It’s about as convincing as the aristocratic elites of Old Europe feigning humility and piety via Christian rituals ostensibly about atonement and sacrifice. (How sincerely spiritual was Michael Corleone when he stood in the Church as godfather for the child whose father he was plotting to kill? Jewish elites use 'leftism' like the Mafia used the Catholic Church. As moral perfume to mask the stench of power.)
In fact, the only thing most aristocrats ever cared about was their own vanity, privilege, and power. Power eventually comes to obsess over itself. We saw this with communist elites who gradually turned into the new Power Elites whose main objective was to maintain power for its own sake. Behind the symbolism and chorus of righteousness, everything turns ‘fascist’. Look what happened to the once idealistic boomer generation. They became the Clintons. They became the likes of Joe Biden and John Kerry, once an anti-war activist but ultimately just another operative of the Deep State using American Power in a game of neo-imperialist hegemony.
This is why the current censorship makes no sense purely from an ideological viewpoint. After all, most of the Real Left sympathizes with the Palestinians against Zionist Occupiers. And yet, the behavior of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Paypal, and etc. are all geared to favor Zionists and Jewish supremacists. Members of BDS that tried to highlight the 70th anniversary of the Nakba pogroms were banned from Twitter.
Much of Google is operated from Israel, and those working on the algorithms are nasty vicious Zionist Jews. Facebook is working with Neocon warmongers to shut down ‘hate speech’. Now, any honest person would say the most consequentially hateful speech is Zionist Imperialism. In its name, an entire people have been ethnically cleansed, humiliated, brutalized, occupied, and periodically killed in escalations of violence. And in the name of securing the supremacy of Israel, Zionists in the US have hatched one crazy war plot after another resulting in ruined nations all across Middle East and North Africa. And if Jews don’t destroy nations with US and Israel bombs, it is with financial strangulation. Since the US controls much of Asia and EU, nations like Japan, Germany, UK, and France do like the US tells them to. And since Jews run the US, most of the advanced world is about serving Jews. And even nations like Russia and China that have sovereignty are affected by this Jewish supremacist power because they rely on world trade dominated by the US that is dominated by Jews.
We need to identify and label Jewish power properly. Calling it ‘leftist’ does it too much credit, and indeed, that is exactly what Jews want. The concept of the ‘Alt Right’ was flawed in that it too saw the world in terms of right vs left. In fact, a people need both leftism and rightism. This is the necessary truth of neo-fascism. Indeed, such is the formula for Jewish success. Jews don’t divide themselves into Jewish Left against Jewish Right and vice versa. No, the secret of Zionism was meaningfully integrating Jewish nationalism with socialism and capitalism. Only stupid children see the world in terms of black-and-white. This was the great promise of Fascism, but Mussolini and Hitler failed in the first round because of the Cult of Personality and Imperialism. And this is also why Zionism has failed morally. Had it been merely a nationalist phenomenon, it would have made political and moral sense. But, it turned imperialist, megalomaniacal-supremacist, and pathological in its hegemonic ambitions. Jews have become the New Nazis, or Judeo-Nazis. When people like Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Nicholas Fuentes, James Allsup, Richard Spencer, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, and the rest of them refer to Big Tech as ‘leftist’, the Silicon Valley Jew-oligarchs are loving it and laughing their asses off. Here they are, playing the Power Game of supremacy as Tribal Jewish Hegemonists, and a bunch of Alt-Right, Alt-Lite, and Conservative types are calling them ‘leftists’, creating the impression that all those super-rich psychopathic Jewish supremacists who aid-and-abet in the ruthless tyranny over Palestinians are a bunch of naive do-gooders whose hearts melt at ‘little people’. If anything, many in the Alt Right are far more leftist(in the genuine sense) than Jewish globalists are.
The trick is to avoid something as extreme as communism. We don’t need pure leftism, just like we don’t need pure rightism. We need a healthy combination of Left and Right. Left-Right, not ‘Alt Right’, is the real formula for truth, justice, and success. Without Rightism, leftism has no focus or gravity. No ideology can be totally universal and about ALL people. It’s difficult enough to manage, protect, and preserve your own nation. Imagine if your people had to take care of three or four nations. Next, imagine if your people had to take care of all the world. Swedes are discovering how stupid their ‘moral superpower’ posturing really is. Not only is it naive and silly, it’s arrogant and closet-supremacist. Swedes seem to believe that they must take care of other nations and peoples because most of the world is incapable of doing so on its own. It’s as if Swedes are overly qualified to manage their own nation only with its small population. With their surplus energy and talent, they should take care of Africa and Middle East too. Now, it’s not a bad thing to lend help to less fortunate or capable peoples. But it’s a mad sign of hubris to believe that one’s own people could play moral superman to the world. This is why Leftism must revolve around a Rightist Core. That way, the idealism of leftism has a specific gravity and purpose. Just like Leftism needs a rightist gravitational core, Rightism needs leftist expansiveness. Imagine a society where the ruling elites only care about their own power, privilege, and prestige. Suppose they snub and look down on the masses as dirty, ignorant, and worthless. Aristocrats treated serfs in such manner. And today, Jewish supremacist elites have ordered their white cuck-collaborate elites to look upon the white masses in the same way: As Trash. This is why Jews are faux-leftists. They don’t care about the white masses. Jews fear that a left-right unity among white elites and white masses(as during the New Deal and Eisenhower Era) will weaken white goy-elites servitude to Jews. Jews want white elites to serve Jews, not to lead and represent the white people. Jews want white elites to be ‘rightist’ or ‘leftist’ but not left-right.
If white elites are totally ‘rightist’(or libertarian, self-centered, and greedy), then they will become like GOP cucks who don’t have the trust or support of white people. What white person respects that turd Paul Ryan who only shills for the Koch Brothers and Israel?
If white elites were totally ‘leftist’, they will be too busy attacking any sign of white success and wealth to forge a unity between white elites and white masses. This is why white ‘socialist’ types just don’t get it. By hating on all vestiges of wealth, they don’t think to forge a unity of white mind and white body. White ‘right’-libertarians can be found in Congress and think-tanks. White ‘left’-socialists can be found in academia and bunch of organizations. Because they lack a sense of racial consciousness(something that existed even in FDR’s time), they judge everything ideologically or just cynically suck up to Power.
In contrast, because Jews do have a strong tribal sense, their leftism and rightism can be shaped to serve something deeper than ideology: Identity. It is Jewish identity that serves as the gravitational pull to their ideological inclinations. Identity is real and concrete. A Jewish people really exist, and they want territory and power; and they have a history. Abstractions must serve something tangible and real. Even with their religion, Jews used the Covenant to partially reverse man’s servitude to God. Without the Covenant, the abstract God is at the center, and Jews must serve Him and His abstract, cosmic, and universal Truth. Since God is the Lord of all that is, Jews would feel compelled to serve OTHER peoples as the children of God. But the Covenant makes God ‘serve’ the Jews as the Chosen People. The Covenant serves as a contract between God and Jews. Jews are to honor and glorify His greatness, and in turn, He is to favor and support the Jews over all other peoples and their gods and cults.
The problem with Christianity is there is no specific covenant between God and Christians. Though Jesus’ promise is considered the New Covenant, it is too universal and pervasive to have a meaningful purpose, at least since the West has spread the Gospel all over the world. When Western Power was limited to Europe, Christianity did serve as a defacto ‘white’ religion, especially as European Christians were at war with mighty Arabs, North Africa, and Turkic Muslims. Back then, Christian Europe was not richer nor more powerful than other parts of the world. There seemed little likelihood that Europe would dominate the world and spread Christianity to other peoples. But as the West did begin to expand and conquer other lands, Christianity gradually transformed from a European/white religion and faith to a universal faith. Thus, it lost the defacto quasi-covenant feature it once had for Europeans. When Jews conquer a people like the Palestinians, the last thing they try to do is convert them to Jewishness. The Covenant is between God and the Jews. It is not to be shared with non-Jews. Thus, the core principles of Jewishness work against Conversion. Even Reform Judaism that allows conversion does so without enthusiasm and with reluctance. It allows conversion but doesn’t encourage it. In contrast, the core principle of Christianity is conversion. After all, Europe itself went from Paganism to Christianity via massive conversion. That Christianity was defacto a European religion for so long was due to an accident of history. Until the rise of modernity, Europe simply didn’t have the means to conquer and dominate other peoples. If anything, it came close to being invaded by others such as Moors, Mongols, and the Turks. But once Europeans gained dominance around the world, the core principle of Christianity awoke in a spectacular way and mass conversions were planned for non-white subjects. Indeed, white Christian masters converted black slaves to Christianity. Despite social differences between whites and blacks, whites were willing to turn blacks into the spiritual equals of whites. And given what Jesus stood for, black slaves were bound to be favored by Christian sentimentality, which explains the rise of Abolitionism driven by religious fury.
In contrast, Jewish slave-owners in the South never dreamed of turning their black slaves into fellow Jews, no more than any Jew in Israel wants to convert Palestinians and Arabs into New Jewish Brothers. For Jews, the Tribe and goyim are different in both body and soul. In contrast, white Christian masters, even as they separated white bodies from black bodies, preached a Gospel that said whites and blacks were at least united in spirit and the love of Christian God and Jesus. This may be seen as the noble element of Christianity, but as the Faith takes in more and more converts from all over the world, its meaning and spirit becomes ever more abstract and confused because they have to cater to just about all peoples whose identities, appearances, customs, histories, values, and group-personalities are so different. And look at the Catholic Church today. It is a hodgepodge of confusion, with a globo-homo cuck-pope presiding over Africans, Asians, and the Third World. As for Mainline Protestantism, what the hell is that nowadays? On the one hand, it’s supposed to be about saving all the world, and yet its main obsession is Homomania that is the darling cult of over-privileged-and-pampered urban elites.
What goes for religion goes for ideology. After all, religions are spiritual ideologies. Unless a faith is connected to something specific and tangible, it grows bigger and bigger. It seems to be growing in power but actually grows diffuse and diluted as it has to appeal to more and more peoples who are so much at odds in tangible matters. This is why even universal-seeming ideologies work best only in specified settings. ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ is a good universal principle, but it’s best if Turks enforce it among themselves. We don’t want Turkish police and courts to be responsible to law-and-order all around the world. And I doubt if Turks want the responsibility either. Then, how stupid for the US to be the ‘policeman of the world’. Worse, given that the US is ruled by nasty vicious Jews, its foreign policy is usually that of a gangster even as it pretends to be the defender of ‘human rights’ and ‘liberal democratic’ values in five continents. While it’s good for nations to share ideas and advise other nations against doing evil, most peoples are best off when they mind their own business. It’s like the Sun warms all the planet, but each people use the sunlight to grow food on their land. Solar-based agriculture is a universal practice wherever there is soil, but each nation has its own national farms. Drinking water is also universal, but that doesn’t mean the US should supply water to all the world or that the whole world must come to the US for water. Education is a universal ideal, but each nation has its own obligation to educate their national folks. It’s not up to the US to educate the world. Besides, these days, US academic influence means spreading Homomania, Afromania, and Shoah-Worship to all nations. Outside hard sciences, so much of US academia and media have gotten utterly decadent and corrupt due to Jewish and Homo influence.
Anyway, Big-Tech got to be monopolies by drawing users from the entire spectrum of ideological allegiances. If the intent of Big Tech companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook was to rig the algorithm and manipulate results to favor ONE side over another, it should have made known from the beginning. Then, many on the Right would have sought alternative platforms. Indeed, the reason why a social platform site like Gab was a late-comer to the game was because it was unnecessary when Twitter more or less remained true to the principles of Free Speech and allowing views from all sides. Even Andrew Torba surely thought something like Gab would have been pointless a few years ago. Why offer a Free Speech platform when Twitter was being fair and allowing views all across the ideological spectrum? But ever since Donald Trump won, Jewish Wall Street has been tempting Jack Dorsey with investment and higher stock prices IF he would allow Zionist supremacist groups like ADL to monitor for ‘hate’, which means whatever Jewish Supremacists don’t like. The main targets have been those who mock Jewish tyranny, call for white emancipation from Jewish supremacism, and espouse pro-Palestinian causes. Jews even spread the lie that the most effective pro-Trump voices, such as that of ‘Ricky Vaughn’, were Russian agents. At least Joe McCarthy was right about the existence of a vast web of Soviet spies in postwar US government agencies. All this stuff about Russia has been made of whole cloth by Jews who simply cannot stand a fair fight.
Too many Jews act dirty. They fixed baseball games and boxing matches in the past. They use media and money to make sure that US foreign policy is rigged in favor of Zionist supremacist imperialists than of Palestinians who are oppressed, murdered, and terrorized. Jews are without character and principles. Because of their verbal IQ, they are very adept at making themselves sound intellectual and sophisticated, but it’s mostly sophistry,a dirty game of power and control to fool us. The fact is Jews simply cannot stand anything that goes against their own power and agenda. So, the Jewish idea of ‘liberal democracy’ is only one where the masses vote in the way that Jews want. Rule by Jewish oligarchy and elites is ‘liberal democracy’ according to Jews. If the masses vote against Jewish globo-elite wishes, it’s called ‘populism’. According to Jews, people are good only when they obey Jewish elites. Jewish elitism = Liberal Democracy. If the people think on their own and vote for their needs and against Jewish agenda, it’s demeaned as ‘populism’. Jews hate ‘populism’ because it is a call by the goy masses upon goy elites to lead them. Jews want goy elites to serve Jewish-super-elites, just like British or French Imperialists wanted local non-white elites of the empire to serve the Imperial overlords than their own native folks. The imperialists wanted comprador elites than comrade elites. Comprador elites collaborated with the Imperialist overlords whereas the comrade elites sided with the native masses against the imperialists. Today, Jewish globo-homo supremacist elites rule the West, and there is nothing they fear more than the unity of white elites and white masses. Jews think, "How dare those white elites represent and defend their own people than serve us Jewish masters!"
It is time all good Americans denounced the Big Lie of the Big Tech companies. They got to be monopolies because of the participation of everyone, and everyone participated in their services and products because of the understanding that Big Tech companies will be fair and neutral. If Big Tech had made their ideological agenda known from the beginning, they would have missed out on tons of customers and users because countless people would have been outraged and offended by the agenda. Imagine if Twitter got started by having made its ideological biases and pro-Zionist tribal agenda well-known. Then, something like Gab would have been viable as it would have offered a truly Free Speech platform. But Twitter was dishonest. It promoted itself as a Free Speech platform and drew in users from all over the world and all across the ideological spectrum. And with such promise, it became a monopoly. But with its great power and influence(made possible by promise of Free Speech), it is now rigging the system to favor one identity, Jewish supremacism, above all others and favoring globo-homo ideology over other views. According to current Twitter(and Facebook) policy, someone who says that real sex only happens between man and woman is accused of ‘hate speech’ against Homomaniacs who celebrate man-to-man fecal penetration and tranny penis-cutting. We must never criticize perversion and degeneracy, especially the kind favored by Jewish Globalists. Twitter will even allow Jewish-controlled porn that feature white women as sex meat and cumbuckets to be traded and sold by Jewish adult-entertainment industry moguls. But if you’re a decent traditional person or a good Christian who is off-put by homo fecal penetration and say so, you will be suspended and eventually deleted.
Now, if Twitter weren’t a monopoly, it wouldn’t matter. If it was just one among many social platforms offering its kind of services, those banned by Twitter can go to another platform. The problem is Twitter is virtually a monopoly, and it got to be such because of its false promise of Free Speech to all sides. That was why other similarly-conceived companies couldn’t compete with it. What’s the point of creating another Free Speech platform when Twitter was just that? It would have been redundant. And because of its reputation for free speech and neutrality, so many people signed up and made Twitter a total monopoly. If Twitter had been honest about its intentions from the beginning, an alternative platform would have been viable because people would have known from the outset that Twitter is a pro-Zionist, pro-Globo-Homo, anti-white, and anti-Palestinian platform. A company like Gab would have had a chance and would have grown(even bigger than Twitter) if people years ago knew that Twitter would not allow Free Speech. (Of course, Twitter is totally erratic in its regulation of ‘hate speech’. It bans Jared Taylor but allows David Duke, a figure who is far more extreme than Taylor. Why? Precisely because Taylor is an especially intelligent and rational voice on the Right about race, intelligence, and other matters. ADL that gives orders to that pathetic cuck Jack Dorsey simply cannot stand a man like Jared Taylor. ADL would prefer if most people associated White Interests with David Duke who is forever denigrated for his KKK past.
To be sure, Taylor’s one big failure is his loyalty to Jewish Power despite the fact that Jews are his main persecutors. When will Jared Taylor wake up and understand, as does Kevin MacDonald, that it’s hopeless with most Jews. Sure, there will be some Jews who do have principles and will do what’s right. But most Jews have no qualms about playing a dirty game to get what THEY want. Jews developed as merchants whose main objective was profit. They weren’t shaped by the ethos of noblemen who, despite their exploitative nature, had a sense of honor and pride. Jews are essentially fixers than fitters. Not to be trusted. And their influence is deeply corrupting. Their control over the white cuck-elites have turned even people of Northern European stock into pathetic dogs like John McCain and Ben Sasse, gutless and spineless toadies who suck up to Jewish supremacist power but pretend they are helping a poor helpless ‘survivors of the Holocaust’. From a cosmic perspective, it’s all very funny. Unfortunately, we don’t live in cosmic dimensions as gods do but in the human world where we all suffer from the sheer rottenness of the Tribe.
All these companies didn’t gain prominence simply by appealing to one side of the ideological spectrum or favoring one identity over another. Google didn’t start out by saying, "Our system will favor Progs over Conservatives, globalists over nationalists, Zionists over Palestinians, homos & trannies over natural-normal decent folks." If it had been forthright about its long-term political and cultural agenda, there is no doubt that most peoples disfavored by Google Jews would never have used the service, thereby preventing its becoming a Search Engine Monopoly around the world hogging over 85% of the traffic. Google got BIG on the promise and pledge of neutrality and fairness. People signed up and used the service because they thought they could trust Google to stick to its pledge of "Don’t be evil."
Imagine if Paypal had stated in its startup phase that it would favor certain identities and ideologies while denying service to a whole spectrum of identities and ideologies, especially those related to Palestinian causes, white identity, and Natural Morality, the kind that believes it makes zero sense to celebrate homo fecal penetration & tranny penis-cutting. Many people would have thought twice about signing up for Paypal. The success of all those companies(even to the point of becoming global monopolies) depended on their ideological neutrality. Imagine if Paypal had been started up by a bunch of white nationalist-patriots who sympathize with Palestinians, and suppose their stated purpose for the company was to favor white patriots, Palestinians, pro-family people, and Christians while denying service to a host of Zionist figures(on the basis of Jewish Hate and Tyranny against Palestinians), radical feminists, Deep State globalists(for their wanton destruction of the Middle East via Wars for Israel), and homo-tranny radicals(for spreading degeneration and perversion as hate propaganda against morality and normality). If such had been the stated principles of the company, then we know that many people would not have signed up for Paypal because its values and agenda offend them. Even moderate Liberals and Progressives might not have signed up(even if they wouldn’t have been denied service) because they find the notion of a company censoring or denying service to their ideological allies to be offensive. Indeed, if a white-nationalist-patriot-run Paypal had hidden its long-term agenda and persuaded countless millions to sign up to its service on the promise of ideological neutrality, then it would have a responsibility to stick to those principles. After all, the ONLY reason why so many people signed up was on the basis that the company has no ideological bias.
Now, suppose this white-nationalist-patriot Paypal grew super-huge into a monopoly by pretending to be ideologically unbiased but, upon gaining near-total-dominance, decided to purge a whole bunch of people deemed to be Zionist haters, globalist-imperialists, homo-tranny degenerates, radical feminists, and etc. Even if most moderate Liberals and Progressives are not denied service, wouldn’t they feel cheated that they’d been led to sign up on the premise of the company's ideological neutrality? Their memberships made the company a dominant player in global business, but suddenly, the company targets many people on the ‘leftist’ side of the spectrum. And Jewish members are left wondering why Zionists are being especially targeted for ‘hate speech’ when Palestinian anti-Zionist 'hate speech' is not only allowed by endorsed.
In retrospect, all these companies became behemoths and monopolies via false advertising. They couldn’t have become so big if they’d stated their ideological biases in their start-up phase. After all, if a company says it will go out of its way to favor ONE side while discriminating against the OTHER, then people on the Other side will support another company that especially caters to them. If a hamburger chain opens with the express ideological statement against conservatives, then most conservatives will not patronize the place. They will look for another chain that caters especially to conservatives and works against liberals. The reason why certain businesses got so big is that they claimed to be ideologically neutral and unbiased. Thus, they pulled customers from the entire ideological spectrum and from all identities. McDonalds and Walmart didn’t start out by saying they’ll favor certain kind of customers with particular ideological views while disfavoring other kinds of customers. The understanding was that, regardless of your identity or ideology, if you order their products, you will be treated well as a customer. If either company had started out with a stated ideological bias, it would have alienated tons of customers.
Now, imagine if Walmart, upon gaining retail supremacy, declares that it will treat customers with certain ideological bias better than other customers. So, certain customers will get discounts and special deals while other kinds of customers will be over-charged or banned from stores. That would be pretty lousy, wouldn’t it, especially since the company got SO BIG by having led all Americans into believing that it’s a fair and neutral retail outlet for ALL customers.
Same logic applies to the Internet Monopolies. They got so big because they promised neutrality, fairness, and lack of bias. Google didn’t start out saying that its search engines will favor globalists over nationalist, progs over conservatives, homos & trannies over natural-normal folks, and etc. When it turned out that some Jews in Israel rigged the engine to hide Pat Buchanan from search recommendations, Google quickly fixed the problem. So, we were led to be believe that, while there were some bad apples at Google, the top management was committed to fairness and neutrality. But now, we know that the rottenest apples are at the very top of Google. Indeed, the Google Jews fooled us into believing that they have integrity & principle and would not stoop so low to rig the algorithms to favor their agenda. If insider-trading is illegal, why isn’t insider-algorithm-rigging illegal, especially when Google search results affect the lives of countless peoples around the world? There was a time when Google started out as a little guy, and perhaps, it did identify with the upstarts, mavericks, rebels, and the like. But once Google became one of the biggest companies in the world, its CEO’s and oligarchs identified with the Deep State, Establishment, Globo-Homo Hegemony, and Zionist Tyranny. But then, even when they were starting at the ‘bottom’, Google Jews were elitists with connections with some of the most powerful people in America and the world. And given their tribal links with Israelis who oppress Palestinians, for how long could Google be equally fair to Jews and Palestinians? The history of the Google Doodle illustrates how the company became increasingly more ideological and tribal. It became ever more Jewish-supremacist, and its ideology was the globo-homo kind meant to subvert and undermine the cultures and values of all goy nations. (The fact that Google and other Jew-dominated companies are not really leftist can be seen in the fact that Google Doodles never celebrate Palestinian heroes and martyrs. And given that 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Nakba Pogroms that wiped Palestine off the map, you’d think Google would do *something* to honor the tragedy of the powerless and helpless Palestinians. Aren’t leftists supposed to care for the underdog, the downtrodden, and wretched of the earth? If Google is really leftist, where is its concern for Palestinians? Name one doodle in honor in Yasser Arafat or for the brave Palestinian children who took part in the Intifada. And if Google is really leftist, why hasn’t it condemned the globalist imperialist Wars for Israel that turned the Middle East upside down? Why no Google Doodle to commemorate all the Muslims or Arabs[many of them Christian] maimed or killed by these Zionist-made wars? Google, like so many Jews, are only faux-leftists. They don’t care about the downtrodden, the poor, and the wretched of the earth. They only care about wealth, privilege, power, and monopoly, mostly to be concentrated in Jewish hands.
Jews are tribal supremacists who invoke symbolic ideology to appear ‘progressive’, which in our time, mainly means worship of homos and trannies, a practice that only goes to help the rich and powerful since the vain & narcissistic homos and trannies love to cater to the wealthy and powerful.)
The Jewish Factor is all-important in the understanding of how these internet giants operate. The rigged game isn’t only about ideology. It’s not really about Left vs Right. With Jews, it’s all about manipulating ideology to serve identity. Jews hide behind ‘leftism’ to give the impression that they are for ‘social justice’ and the ‘little guy’. In fact, they are for the minority elite supremacists, namely themselves. Jews promote ‘leftism’ to encourage the gentile majority to turn against itself. Jews want whites to be ‘leftist’ in siding with non-whites(and Jews) against white patriots. It’s classic divide-and-rule strategy. These white ‘leftists’ are never supposed to notice that Jews got the Real Power. Consider Michael Moore who makes so much noise about Big Money but never says anything about Jews. He’s a useful tool for the Tribe. Even when Neocon Jews were instigating 9/11, Moore only went after Bush and Big Oil when, in fact, it was the Big Jew, not Big Oil, that clamored for Wars for Israel. The clearest indication that Jews support ‘leftist’ ideology only as a ploy can be seen in the case of Jeremy Corbyn. Like him or not, Corbyn takes his leftism more seriously than others. He sees the world in terms of the lowly masses(of all the world) vs the elites. So, he naturally sides with brown Arabs and Palestinians against Jewish bankers and elites. So, how have so-called Jewish ‘leftists’ responded to this? With favor and sympathy? No, with utmost vitriol. You see, ‘leftism’ is wonderful when Jews can use it to ideologically divide whites into two camps at each other’s throats. But, when it is used more sincerely and consistently, as when white leftists ally with brown masses against Jewish elites(who control the Anglo cuck-collaborator elites), Jews flip out and foam at the mouth.
This is why people who call Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Paypal ‘leftist’ are really doing a favor to the Jewish Oligarchs of Big Tech. It makes rich and powerful Jews sigh with relief. It gives the false impression that Silicon Valley is run by people who really care about the downtrodden, the less privileged, and the marginalized. That is, of course, a total myth. Silicon Valley is run by super-rich Jewish supremacists who fully support the Deep State, the Warfare state, Wall Street financial gangsterism, the ‘new cold war’ with Russia, the strangulation of Iran, Homomania(the quasi-religious cult of globalism), and the Zionist tyranny over Palestinians. These Jews work with cuck-white-collaborators and with Asian-Indian elites(some of whom are oligarchs themselves) who are totally obsessed with money, power, and privilege. By hiring some publicity clowns to make ‘progressive’-seeming doodles or gestures, companies like Google manufacture the impression that it’s all about the ‘little guy’ or the ‘oppressed’. It’s about as convincing as the aristocratic elites of Old Europe feigning humility and piety via Christian rituals ostensibly about atonement and sacrifice. (How sincerely spiritual was Michael Corleone when he stood in the Church as godfather for the child whose father he was plotting to kill? Jewish elites use 'leftism' like the Mafia used the Catholic Church. As moral perfume to mask the stench of power.)
In fact, the only thing most aristocrats ever cared about was their own vanity, privilege, and power. Power eventually comes to obsess over itself. We saw this with communist elites who gradually turned into the new Power Elites whose main objective was to maintain power for its own sake. Behind the symbolism and chorus of righteousness, everything turns ‘fascist’. Look what happened to the once idealistic boomer generation. They became the Clintons. They became the likes of Joe Biden and John Kerry, once an anti-war activist but ultimately just another operative of the Deep State using American Power in a game of neo-imperialist hegemony.
This is why the current censorship makes no sense purely from an ideological viewpoint. After all, most of the Real Left sympathizes with the Palestinians against Zionist Occupiers. And yet, the behavior of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Paypal, and etc. are all geared to favor Zionists and Jewish supremacists. Members of BDS that tried to highlight the 70th anniversary of the Nakba pogroms were banned from Twitter.
Much of Google is operated from Israel, and those working on the algorithms are nasty vicious Zionist Jews. Facebook is working with Neocon warmongers to shut down ‘hate speech’. Now, any honest person would say the most consequentially hateful speech is Zionist Imperialism. In its name, an entire people have been ethnically cleansed, humiliated, brutalized, occupied, and periodically killed in escalations of violence. And in the name of securing the supremacy of Israel, Zionists in the US have hatched one crazy war plot after another resulting in ruined nations all across Middle East and North Africa. And if Jews don’t destroy nations with US and Israel bombs, it is with financial strangulation. Since the US controls much of Asia and EU, nations like Japan, Germany, UK, and France do like the US tells them to. And since Jews run the US, most of the advanced world is about serving Jews. And even nations like Russia and China that have sovereignty are affected by this Jewish supremacist power because they rely on world trade dominated by the US that is dominated by Jews.
We need to identify and label Jewish power properly. Calling it ‘leftist’ does it too much credit, and indeed, that is exactly what Jews want. The concept of the ‘Alt Right’ was flawed in that it too saw the world in terms of right vs left. In fact, a people need both leftism and rightism. This is the necessary truth of neo-fascism. Indeed, such is the formula for Jewish success. Jews don’t divide themselves into Jewish Left against Jewish Right and vice versa. No, the secret of Zionism was meaningfully integrating Jewish nationalism with socialism and capitalism. Only stupid children see the world in terms of black-and-white. This was the great promise of Fascism, but Mussolini and Hitler failed in the first round because of the Cult of Personality and Imperialism. And this is also why Zionism has failed morally. Had it been merely a nationalist phenomenon, it would have made political and moral sense. But, it turned imperialist, megalomaniacal-supremacist, and pathological in its hegemonic ambitions. Jews have become the New Nazis, or Judeo-Nazis. When people like Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Nicholas Fuentes, James Allsup, Richard Spencer, Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, and the rest of them refer to Big Tech as ‘leftist’, the Silicon Valley Jew-oligarchs are loving it and laughing their asses off. Here they are, playing the Power Game of supremacy as Tribal Jewish Hegemonists, and a bunch of Alt-Right, Alt-Lite, and Conservative types are calling them ‘leftists’, creating the impression that all those super-rich psychopathic Jewish supremacists who aid-and-abet in the ruthless tyranny over Palestinians are a bunch of naive do-gooders whose hearts melt at ‘little people’. If anything, many in the Alt Right are far more leftist(in the genuine sense) than Jewish globalists are.
The trick is to avoid something as extreme as communism. We don’t need pure leftism, just like we don’t need pure rightism. We need a healthy combination of Left and Right. Left-Right, not ‘Alt Right’, is the real formula for truth, justice, and success. Without Rightism, leftism has no focus or gravity. No ideology can be totally universal and about ALL people. It’s difficult enough to manage, protect, and preserve your own nation. Imagine if your people had to take care of three or four nations. Next, imagine if your people had to take care of all the world. Swedes are discovering how stupid their ‘moral superpower’ posturing really is. Not only is it naive and silly, it’s arrogant and closet-supremacist. Swedes seem to believe that they must take care of other nations and peoples because most of the world is incapable of doing so on its own. It’s as if Swedes are overly qualified to manage their own nation only with its small population. With their surplus energy and talent, they should take care of Africa and Middle East too. Now, it’s not a bad thing to lend help to less fortunate or capable peoples. But it’s a mad sign of hubris to believe that one’s own people could play moral superman to the world. This is why Leftism must revolve around a Rightist Core. That way, the idealism of leftism has a specific gravity and purpose. Just like Leftism needs a rightist gravitational core, Rightism needs leftist expansiveness. Imagine a society where the ruling elites only care about their own power, privilege, and prestige. Suppose they snub and look down on the masses as dirty, ignorant, and worthless. Aristocrats treated serfs in such manner. And today, Jewish supremacist elites have ordered their white cuck-collaborate elites to look upon the white masses in the same way: As Trash. This is why Jews are faux-leftists. They don’t care about the white masses. Jews fear that a left-right unity among white elites and white masses(as during the New Deal and Eisenhower Era) will weaken white goy-elites servitude to Jews. Jews want white elites to serve Jews, not to lead and represent the white people. Jews want white elites to be ‘rightist’ or ‘leftist’ but not left-right.
If white elites are totally ‘rightist’(or libertarian, self-centered, and greedy), then they will become like GOP cucks who don’t have the trust or support of white people. What white person respects that turd Paul Ryan who only shills for the Koch Brothers and Israel?
If white elites were totally ‘leftist’, they will be too busy attacking any sign of white success and wealth to forge a unity between white elites and white masses. This is why white ‘socialist’ types just don’t get it. By hating on all vestiges of wealth, they don’t think to forge a unity of white mind and white body. White ‘right’-libertarians can be found in Congress and think-tanks. White ‘left’-socialists can be found in academia and bunch of organizations. Because they lack a sense of racial consciousness(something that existed even in FDR’s time), they judge everything ideologically or just cynically suck up to Power.
In contrast, because Jews do have a strong tribal sense, their leftism and rightism can be shaped to serve something deeper than ideology: Identity. It is Jewish identity that serves as the gravitational pull to their ideological inclinations. Identity is real and concrete. A Jewish people really exist, and they want territory and power; and they have a history. Abstractions must serve something tangible and real. Even with their religion, Jews used the Covenant to partially reverse man’s servitude to God. Without the Covenant, the abstract God is at the center, and Jews must serve Him and His abstract, cosmic, and universal Truth. Since God is the Lord of all that is, Jews would feel compelled to serve OTHER peoples as the children of God. But the Covenant makes God ‘serve’ the Jews as the Chosen People. The Covenant serves as a contract between God and Jews. Jews are to honor and glorify His greatness, and in turn, He is to favor and support the Jews over all other peoples and their gods and cults.
The problem with Christianity is there is no specific covenant between God and Christians. Though Jesus’ promise is considered the New Covenant, it is too universal and pervasive to have a meaningful purpose, at least since the West has spread the Gospel all over the world. When Western Power was limited to Europe, Christianity did serve as a defacto ‘white’ religion, especially as European Christians were at war with mighty Arabs, North Africa, and Turkic Muslims. Back then, Christian Europe was not richer nor more powerful than other parts of the world. There seemed little likelihood that Europe would dominate the world and spread Christianity to other peoples. But as the West did begin to expand and conquer other lands, Christianity gradually transformed from a European/white religion and faith to a universal faith. Thus, it lost the defacto quasi-covenant feature it once had for Europeans. When Jews conquer a people like the Palestinians, the last thing they try to do is convert them to Jewishness. The Covenant is between God and the Jews. It is not to be shared with non-Jews. Thus, the core principles of Jewishness work against Conversion. Even Reform Judaism that allows conversion does so without enthusiasm and with reluctance. It allows conversion but doesn’t encourage it. In contrast, the core principle of Christianity is conversion. After all, Europe itself went from Paganism to Christianity via massive conversion. That Christianity was defacto a European religion for so long was due to an accident of history. Until the rise of modernity, Europe simply didn’t have the means to conquer and dominate other peoples. If anything, it came close to being invaded by others such as Moors, Mongols, and the Turks. But once Europeans gained dominance around the world, the core principle of Christianity awoke in a spectacular way and mass conversions were planned for non-white subjects. Indeed, white Christian masters converted black slaves to Christianity. Despite social differences between whites and blacks, whites were willing to turn blacks into the spiritual equals of whites. And given what Jesus stood for, black slaves were bound to be favored by Christian sentimentality, which explains the rise of Abolitionism driven by religious fury.
In contrast, Jewish slave-owners in the South never dreamed of turning their black slaves into fellow Jews, no more than any Jew in Israel wants to convert Palestinians and Arabs into New Jewish Brothers. For Jews, the Tribe and goyim are different in both body and soul. In contrast, white Christian masters, even as they separated white bodies from black bodies, preached a Gospel that said whites and blacks were at least united in spirit and the love of Christian God and Jesus. This may be seen as the noble element of Christianity, but as the Faith takes in more and more converts from all over the world, its meaning and spirit becomes ever more abstract and confused because they have to cater to just about all peoples whose identities, appearances, customs, histories, values, and group-personalities are so different. And look at the Catholic Church today. It is a hodgepodge of confusion, with a globo-homo cuck-pope presiding over Africans, Asians, and the Third World. As for Mainline Protestantism, what the hell is that nowadays? On the one hand, it’s supposed to be about saving all the world, and yet its main obsession is Homomania that is the darling cult of over-privileged-and-pampered urban elites.
What goes for religion goes for ideology. After all, religions are spiritual ideologies. Unless a faith is connected to something specific and tangible, it grows bigger and bigger. It seems to be growing in power but actually grows diffuse and diluted as it has to appeal to more and more peoples who are so much at odds in tangible matters. This is why even universal-seeming ideologies work best only in specified settings. ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ is a good universal principle, but it’s best if Turks enforce it among themselves. We don’t want Turkish police and courts to be responsible to law-and-order all around the world. And I doubt if Turks want the responsibility either. Then, how stupid for the US to be the ‘policeman of the world’. Worse, given that the US is ruled by nasty vicious Jews, its foreign policy is usually that of a gangster even as it pretends to be the defender of ‘human rights’ and ‘liberal democratic’ values in five continents. While it’s good for nations to share ideas and advise other nations against doing evil, most peoples are best off when they mind their own business. It’s like the Sun warms all the planet, but each people use the sunlight to grow food on their land. Solar-based agriculture is a universal practice wherever there is soil, but each nation has its own national farms. Drinking water is also universal, but that doesn’t mean the US should supply water to all the world or that the whole world must come to the US for water. Education is a universal ideal, but each nation has its own obligation to educate their national folks. It’s not up to the US to educate the world. Besides, these days, US academic influence means spreading Homomania, Afromania, and Shoah-Worship to all nations. Outside hard sciences, so much of US academia and media have gotten utterly decadent and corrupt due to Jewish and Homo influence.
Anyway, Big-Tech got to be monopolies by drawing users from the entire spectrum of ideological allegiances. If the intent of Big Tech companies such as Google, Twitter, and Facebook was to rig the algorithm and manipulate results to favor ONE side over another, it should have made known from the beginning. Then, many on the Right would have sought alternative platforms. Indeed, the reason why a social platform site like Gab was a late-comer to the game was because it was unnecessary when Twitter more or less remained true to the principles of Free Speech and allowing views from all sides. Even Andrew Torba surely thought something like Gab would have been pointless a few years ago. Why offer a Free Speech platform when Twitter was being fair and allowing views all across the ideological spectrum? But ever since Donald Trump won, Jewish Wall Street has been tempting Jack Dorsey with investment and higher stock prices IF he would allow Zionist supremacist groups like ADL to monitor for ‘hate’, which means whatever Jewish Supremacists don’t like. The main targets have been those who mock Jewish tyranny, call for white emancipation from Jewish supremacism, and espouse pro-Palestinian causes. Jews even spread the lie that the most effective pro-Trump voices, such as that of ‘Ricky Vaughn’, were Russian agents. At least Joe McCarthy was right about the existence of a vast web of Soviet spies in postwar US government agencies. All this stuff about Russia has been made of whole cloth by Jews who simply cannot stand a fair fight.
Too many Jews act dirty. They fixed baseball games and boxing matches in the past. They use media and money to make sure that US foreign policy is rigged in favor of Zionist supremacist imperialists than of Palestinians who are oppressed, murdered, and terrorized. Jews are without character and principles. Because of their verbal IQ, they are very adept at making themselves sound intellectual and sophisticated, but it’s mostly sophistry,a dirty game of power and control to fool us. The fact is Jews simply cannot stand anything that goes against their own power and agenda. So, the Jewish idea of ‘liberal democracy’ is only one where the masses vote in the way that Jews want. Rule by Jewish oligarchy and elites is ‘liberal democracy’ according to Jews. If the masses vote against Jewish globo-elite wishes, it’s called ‘populism’. According to Jews, people are good only when they obey Jewish elites. Jewish elitism = Liberal Democracy. If the people think on their own and vote for their needs and against Jewish agenda, it’s demeaned as ‘populism’. Jews hate ‘populism’ because it is a call by the goy masses upon goy elites to lead them. Jews want goy elites to serve Jewish-super-elites, just like British or French Imperialists wanted local non-white elites of the empire to serve the Imperial overlords than their own native folks. The imperialists wanted comprador elites than comrade elites. Comprador elites collaborated with the Imperialist overlords whereas the comrade elites sided with the native masses against the imperialists. Today, Jewish globo-homo supremacist elites rule the West, and there is nothing they fear more than the unity of white elites and white masses. Jews think, "How dare those white elites represent and defend their own people than serve us Jewish masters!"
It is time all good Americans denounced the Big Lie of the Big Tech companies. They got to be monopolies because of the participation of everyone, and everyone participated in their services and products because of the understanding that Big Tech companies will be fair and neutral. If Big Tech had made their ideological agenda known from the beginning, they would have missed out on tons of customers and users because countless people would have been outraged and offended by the agenda. Imagine if Twitter got started by having made its ideological biases and pro-Zionist tribal agenda well-known. Then, something like Gab would have been viable as it would have offered a truly Free Speech platform. But Twitter was dishonest. It promoted itself as a Free Speech platform and drew in users from all over the world and all across the ideological spectrum. And with such promise, it became a monopoly. But with its great power and influence(made possible by promise of Free Speech), it is now rigging the system to favor one identity, Jewish supremacism, above all others and favoring globo-homo ideology over other views. According to current Twitter(and Facebook) policy, someone who says that real sex only happens between man and woman is accused of ‘hate speech’ against Homomaniacs who celebrate man-to-man fecal penetration and tranny penis-cutting. We must never criticize perversion and degeneracy, especially the kind favored by Jewish Globalists. Twitter will even allow Jewish-controlled porn that feature white women as sex meat and cumbuckets to be traded and sold by Jewish adult-entertainment industry moguls. But if you’re a decent traditional person or a good Christian who is off-put by homo fecal penetration and say so, you will be suspended and eventually deleted.
Now, if Twitter weren’t a monopoly, it wouldn’t matter. If it was just one among many social platforms offering its kind of services, those banned by Twitter can go to another platform. The problem is Twitter is virtually a monopoly, and it got to be such because of its false promise of Free Speech to all sides. That was why other similarly-conceived companies couldn’t compete with it. What’s the point of creating another Free Speech platform when Twitter was just that? It would have been redundant. And because of its reputation for free speech and neutrality, so many people signed up and made Twitter a total monopoly. If Twitter had been honest about its intentions from the beginning, an alternative platform would have been viable because people would have known from the outset that Twitter is a pro-Zionist, pro-Globo-Homo, anti-white, and anti-Palestinian platform. A company like Gab would have had a chance and would have grown(even bigger than Twitter) if people years ago knew that Twitter would not allow Free Speech. (Of course, Twitter is totally erratic in its regulation of ‘hate speech’. It bans Jared Taylor but allows David Duke, a figure who is far more extreme than Taylor. Why? Precisely because Taylor is an especially intelligent and rational voice on the Right about race, intelligence, and other matters. ADL that gives orders to that pathetic cuck Jack Dorsey simply cannot stand a man like Jared Taylor. ADL would prefer if most people associated White Interests with David Duke who is forever denigrated for his KKK past.
To be sure, Taylor’s one big failure is his loyalty to Jewish Power despite the fact that Jews are his main persecutors. When will Jared Taylor wake up and understand, as does Kevin MacDonald, that it’s hopeless with most Jews. Sure, there will be some Jews who do have principles and will do what’s right. But most Jews have no qualms about playing a dirty game to get what THEY want. Jews developed as merchants whose main objective was profit. They weren’t shaped by the ethos of noblemen who, despite their exploitative nature, had a sense of honor and pride. Jews are essentially fixers than fitters. Not to be trusted. And their influence is deeply corrupting. Their control over the white cuck-elites have turned even people of Northern European stock into pathetic dogs like John McCain and Ben Sasse, gutless and spineless toadies who suck up to Jewish supremacist power but pretend they are helping a poor helpless ‘survivors of the Holocaust’. From a cosmic perspective, it’s all very funny. Unfortunately, we don’t live in cosmic dimensions as gods do but in the human world where we all suffer from the sheer rottenness of the Tribe.
Big Tech,
Internet Monopoly,
Jack Dorsey,
Jared Taylor,
Jewish Covenant,
Thursday, September 6, 2018
In the Jewish War on Whites(or J-WOW) and Palestinians, Zionist-Globalists regard White Patriots and Palestinian Nationalists as the Biggest Threats to their Hegemony
Jewish War on White or J-WOW.
An interesting fact is that the Two Peoples who are most repressed by Jewish Supremacist Globo-Homo Power are (1) White Patriots and (2) Palestinian Nationalists.
Jewish supremacism fears white patriots and Palestinian nationalists the most because...
(1) Jewish supremacism cannot sustain itself around the world without cucky White Submissivism. Jews don't have the numbers to rule the world. White numbers and talent must be in service of the Jewish Agenda. In order to make whites serve Jewish interests than white interests, Jews must 'pathologize' any hint of white identity and white interests as 'white supremacism', 'nazism' or 'far right'(even though genuinely far-right elements in Israel are never called such by NYT and Jew-run MSM). And yet, the great irony is that Jewish supremacism attacks 'white supremacism' not to eradicate supremacist ideology but to ensure the continuance of Jewish supremacism. It's like the master 'pathologizes' the desire for freedom on the part of the slave as 'uppity' not because he's opposed to uppitiness per se but because he wants to safeguard his own uppity status as the master. So, Jews must 'pathologize' all forms of white identity. (For this reason, true white patriots must distance themselves from neo-Nazi morons who really do harbor supremacist ideology, albeit as a crutch as Neo-Nazi types tend to be low in IQ and ability. White Patriots must support national autonomy for ALL peoples. Richard Spencer shot himself in the foot by saying he's for empire. He wants to replace Jewish globo-homo hegemony with Spencerian 007-Darth-Vaderian awesomeness. The best way to fight Jewish supremacism is to oppose supremacism of all kinds.)
2. Jewish supremacism fears Palestinian nationalism for two reasons. For Israel to have come into existence, Palestine had to be wiped off the map. We never hear any US politician say, "Palestine has the right to exist". They say "Israel has the right to exist" while totally ignoring that it came into existence by geo-ciding Palestine off the map. Jews sure love to project. They wiped Palestine off the map but they accuse Iran of wishing to wipe Israel off the map when, in fact, Iranian leaders never said such thing.
Anyway, Palestinian nationalism is a threat to Israel because Palestinians have a legitimate claim to the land that European Jews wrested from them.
Jews fear Palestinian nationalism for geopolitical and MORAL reasons. In some parts of the world, there is no clear right-or-wrong in territorial disputes. India and China still disagree on border issues. Such disputes are common all over the world. But there is NO DENYING the fact that Israel came into existence by massive Nakba Pogroms of 1948 that destroyed Palestine in whole.
Incidentally, 2018 is the 70th anniversary of the Nakba Pogroms that wiped Palestine off the map and denied the right of Palestinians to have a nation of their own. Notice the Jew-run media remain shhhhhhh about this anniversary. (Everyone in the Alt Right should run with the 1948-2018 Nakba Pogroms theme.) So, something like the BDS movement poses not only a geo-political but moral challenge to Jewish-Zionist supremacist power. It is an 'existential' threat to the Holy Holocaust Narrative that has so many people believing that Jews have always been gentle, kindly, and helpless souls who were incapable of harming a fly but were abused and murdered by 'anti-Semites'. But a closer examination of history reveals that Jews were among the biggest killers of all time as Bolsheviks and have been acting like Judeo-Nazis against Palestinians. Also, isn't it strange how conveniently the world forgot that Israel was the closest ally of South Africa during the apartheid years(while communist Jews in South Africa worked with blacks against the Boers; in effect, the backroom deal seems to have been that Jewish communists would help the blacks who, in turn, would go easy on Jewish capitalist diamond merchants; Jewish communists and Jewish capitalists work like hand in glove; white goyim think in terms of white left VERSUS white right whereas Jews think in terms of Jewish left AND Jewish right; this is why Jews feared fascism; it was the unity of white leftism and white rightism, a most potent combination of socialist benefits for workers and capitalist incentives for the elites, with both sides being united by nationalism)?
So, Jews fear white identity and Palestinian nationalism the most. They do everything to repress anything that is white-and-proud and anything that is Palestinian-and-for-freedom. Jews use Big Tech(which is mostly Jew-tech) to silence white voices and deny financial services to white patriots. Jews use their whore politicians to criminalize BDS and to deny financial services to pro-Palestinian groups.
Even though Jews pressure the US to funnel billions to Israel, a nation that supports ISIS and Alqaeda terrorists in Syria, just about any pro-Palestinian group in the US is targeted and defunded as a 'terrorist' group.
Given what Jews do to both groups, you'd think white patriots and Palestinians would make natural allies. But Jews pit them against one another, like Kirk Douglas and Woody Strode, as slave-warriors, were made to fight and kill one another by the haughty Roman elites in SPARTACUS.
Incredibly, the two groups who are most repressed by Jews are always insulting and hating on one another. Even as Jews crush Palestinians OVER THERE, they coddle Muslims OVER HERE and tell them that 'white racists' are the biggest danger to Arabs and Muslims when, in fact, it was Jewish Hollywood that made all those All-Arabs-are-terrorists movies and it was the Zionists who used their power in media and deep state to make White Christian Soldiers fight Wars for Israel that, along with unrelenting sanctions, have killed over a million Muslims. (Of course, many Muslims ally with Jewish globalists despite their loathing for Zionism because their main priority is to gain entry into the West for material improvement. Since Jews are for non-white invasion of the West, even anti-Jewish Muslims work with Jews.)
As for white cucks and paycheck conservatives, they are spineless & gutless, eager to do anything to win favors from Jews inside the Beltway. As for men like Jared Taylor, there is this pathological hope that, some day, all these high IQ wealthy Jews will wake up and side with whites. This is purely delusional. Notice in the video below, Taylor refuses to Name the Jew even though it is the real power behind the Russia-Hysteria and the censorship of White Advocates like Taylor himself. It wasn't the Chinese or Mexicans who got Taylor and Alex Jones removed from many platforms. It wasn't the Chinese or Mexicans who denied basic financial services to Taylor. It's the Jews. Just like "It was Barzini all along" in THE GODFATHER, it was the Jews who were the real force in the War on White.
Jews want supremacism for themselves, not 'equal partnership' with goyim. Jewish personality is such that it cannot accept equal-anything with any other group. Just think... Jews are fuming over Russia because they weren't allowed to take over and dominate that country. Imagine that. Jews are less than 1% of Russians, but they think THEY have the right to call all the shots. Since Putin denied them this 'right', he is defamed as a 'new hitler' according to Jew-run MSM and cuck-dogs who bark for their Jewish master.
And remember how Jews once said Palestinians have no reason to worry about Jewish migration into the Holy Land because Jews only want to peacefully co-exist with Palestinians and would pose no threat to the demographic integrity of Palestine as Arab-majority territory? Well, how did THAT work out? Palestinians who trusted Jews were like whites who fell for proto-cuck Ted Kennedy's promise that the European character of America would not be altered by radical changes in Immigration Policy. Today, Jews rule all of Israel, and IDF death squads ruthlessly mow down anyone in Gaza or West Bank who stand up for Palestinian freedom.
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Ann Coulter on Ted Kennedy and 1965 Immigration Act |
Jews hire yellow dogs like Sarah Jeong to spew hatred against whitey... just like Jews hired white cucks like Mitt Romney to spew hatred against Palestinians. The first step toward freedom is to say NO. White people must say NO and refuse to cuck out to Zionist-imperialism that is destroying the Palestinian people. Why should whites support Zionist policy against Palestinians when Jews in the West regard & treat whites the same way that Israeli Jews regard & treat Palestinians? In West Bank, Palestinians are dehumanized and their lands are to be resettled by Jewish migrant-imperialists. And in the West, the Jew-run PC spreads anti-white hatred among POC(people of color) and instills self-hatred among whites(who end up like Mollie Tibbetts); and its end-goal is to flood the West with immigrant-invaders who are to take over white lands and colonize white wombs.
8 -- Rule by Semitic Noses for eternity. (Some people say that Diversity will eventually undermine Jewish Power because many POC are anti-Jewish. While this may be true in France and UK where so many of the immigrant-invaders are Arabs or Muslims, there is little chance of that in US and Canada where immigrant-invaders are mostly not Muslim and come from all over the world. Also, most of them don't have the brains to rise very high. East Asians do, but their dog-like personality leads them to serve The Power than challenge the power(like Jews did against the Wasp elites). Since the Power is Jewish, most Asian elites become little more than yellow dogs of Jews. In the US, the majority of immigrant-invaders come from south of the border, and their votes mostly end up serving Jewish supremacism. As all politicians rely on Jewish money, American people have only two choices: Republicans who suck up to Jews and Democrats who also suck up to Jews. So, even as POC supply the votes to elect Democratic politicians, the politicians take their orders from the donors[many of whom are Jewish], not from the masses whose idea of culture is the bread-and-circuses of TV shows[made by Jewish Hollywood]. There are many more black, brown, and yellow voters than Jewish ones, and yet, all Democratic politicians take orders from rich Jews and usually ignore their constituents. Why? Because, before they can campaign for votes, they must be vetted and funded by Jewish interests. Many more Mexicans and blacks than Jews may vote for a Democratic candidate, but the candidate's priorities will be Israel, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Homomania[proxy of Jewish power], and whatever Jews want, like 'new cold war with Russia' and more sanctions against Iran, a nation which most Mexicans and blacks in America couldn't even find on the map. Indeed, even Muslim votes that go to Democrats end up serving Jewish interests because the politicians are chosen and groomed by Jews. Even politicians who started out as critics of Israel soon change their tune and sing hosannas to Israel-First policy as they seek higher office.)
Anyway, it is time for white people to stop the War on Palestine. When the Jewish War on Whites now treats white Americans like Zionists treat Palestinians in Israel/Palestine, Gaza, and West Bank, isn't it about time for white folks to see the light? White people need to look in the mirror and say "We are the New Palestinians." And white people need to atone for what they've done to Palestine. Palestinians did NOTHING to white Americans, but white Americans chose to support the Jewish destruction of Palestine. Unlike Palestinians, many Jews had taken part in mass murder of whites in the 20th century. Many top Bolsheviks were Jews. And the main spies and agents for the Soviet Union were Jews. (While the current Russia Hysteria is total fantasy concocted by crazy Jews, the Red Scare was premised on the REALITY of extensive Soviet-Jewish espionage in the US. But in Jew-run US, the Red Scare was a terrible time of political repression while the current US is ruled by Trump-as-new-hitler-as-puppet-of-Putin-as-another-new-hitler.)
And yet, white Americans supported Jews in their destruction of Palestinians in the great Nakba tragedy of 1948. Now, if Jews had felt grateful for white support of Zionism and returned favor in kind, the white support of Zionism would have made political if not moral sense. After all, much of politics(especially involving foreign policy) is amoral and based on realpolitik considerations of "What's in it for us?"
But guess what? Jews only felt contempt. Given an inch, they demanded a mile. Given a mile, they demanded the whole nation. Given the whole nation, they now demand the world. It's incredible that the US must wage 'new cold war' with Russia simply because of Jewish neurosis for supremacist madness. So, the white support for Zionism turned out to be both a moral and political disaster.
It is time to wake up.
Ziad Ahmed Revisited -- Jews, Muslims, and the Politics of Holiness
Ziad Ahmed wrote 'Black Lives Matter' 100x times on his application essay and was rewarded with admission to Stanford University, beating out other applicants who took their essays seriously. (Stanford's act of 'social justice' was clearly a case of corruption whereby worthier candidates were passed over in favor of the trendy virtue-signaler. How ironic that justice, which is supposed to defend fairness against corruption, is utterly blind to its own corruption of favoring the correct over the credentialed. Worse, the fact that there was no real effort to challenge Ahmed's undeserved admission indicates that America is not only increasingly corrupt but utterly craven. Apparently, blacks are holy and magical. That being the case, it wouldn't be good sport to reverse the admission of a kid who wrote BLM a 100x, right?)
Anyway, does Ahmed's fame(or notoriety) signal the rise of Muslim power in America? Are Muslims prepped to join and ultimately challenge Jews for the mantle of American 'Liberalism'? Should Jews be worried?
No, Jews need not worry about his ilk since he is a Bangladesh Muslim whose beef is with Hindus than with Jews in the Middle East. He is a Safe Muslim. Even though all Muslims around the world pay lip-service to the plight of Palestinians, non-Arab Muslims really don’t care. (And even most Arabs don't much care since the main rift in the Middle East is Sunnis vs Shias than Muslims vs Jews.) That said, a Muslim is still a Muslim, and Jews don’t like Muslims and vice versa.
The ONLY reason why Muslims have received some favorable coverage of late is because of Donald Trump. In order for the US to continue with the INVADE policy(military intervention and proxy wars) in the Middle East, it must mask its imperialism with Humanitarian gestures of INVITE(taking in 'refugees' with shows of 'compassion'). So, when Trump endangered the policy of INVITE, he also endangered the policy of INVADE, and that enraged the Supra-Semites(Jewish Supremacists) who want perpetual wars among Arabs/Muslims to further hegemonic Israeli interests. US makes a show of offering a helping hand to strike with the other hand holding the hammer.
Now, surely many Muslims see right through the duplicity of the Supra-Semitic US foreign policy. They most certainly understand how Jewish-controlled foreign policy is messing up Muslim nations. So, why are so many Muslims, abroad and in the West, allied with Jewish-Zionist globalists? Because for many Muslims, their main hope is gaining entry to the good life in the West, not some high-minded principles about protecting Muslim nations from neo-imperialism emanating from the Zionist-controlled US. So, even though Muslims detest the brutality of the INVADE strategy, they much appreciate the INVITE policy(at least for themselves and their close ones) and therefore are opportunistically allied with Jews(who are behind the US foreign policy of using Saudis, Turks, and Qatar to undermine Syria).
Even so, there is no real love for Muslims among Americans, not even among Progs addicted to Virtue Vanity. Muslims are just political pawns(against Trump) for Progs and globalists to toy with and feel good about. (The Jewish way is to attack Trump as a 'xenophobic racist' for his wariness about mass immigration-invasion from the Muslim World but then to pull the strings to effectively silence and strangle the BDS movement calling for justice for Palestinians still struggling under occupation. Perversely enough, Jews in the UK are freaking out about close ties between the Labour Party and Muslim groups. Jews pressured the UK to take in all those African and Muslim immigrant-invaders and refugees. But because the plan didn't pan out as Jews wished when the White Left made common cause with Muslims who loathe Zionism, the very Jews who'd admonished the UK into taking in all those Muslims are now throwing tantrums about how Jeremy Corbyn is overly sensitive to the concerns of Muslims against the supremacist interests of Zionists. In a nutshell, Jews had intended to use non-whites against whites in the UK, but Corbyn's alliance of the White Left with non-whites & Muslims against the Zionist strange-hold over the UK is making many Jews go batshit crazy.) The proof that White Progs feel no special love for Muslims was quite evident when most Progs said nothing and did nothing while Obama-Hillary team was destroying Libya(with no-fly-zone air war) and Syria(by working with allies to undermine Assad). Well well, so much for their ethical concern for Muslim lives!
Now, this Muslim kid Ziad Ahmed surely has an inkling(even if only subconscious) of how the political-moral game is played in the West. That is why he ran with BLACK LIVES MATTER than MUSLIM LIVES MATTER(even though countless more Muslim lives have been destroyed by the US war machine than blacks were killed by American Police).
Despite all the PC talk of equality, some groups are more equal than others in Western Political Morality. Notice how Mandela the Negro is revered while Arafat the Palestinian has been disappeared down the memory hole in the West. (Also, notice how Israel touts the memory of Mandela, as if to own him, when, in fact, Israel was the main ally of apartheid South Africa and currently practices apartheid against Palestinians in the West Bank.)
Certain groups are designated as holier by the sacraments of PC. So, to gain political advantage in the US, your people need ethno-consecration via association with officially recognized holy groups IF your own group is deemed unholy, uncool, or unimportant.
If you’re black, Jew, or homo, you are holy and justified just for being what you are.
But most racial/ethnic/cultural/religious groups mean little or nothing in America. So, in order for them to gain the aura of righteousness, they must associate themselves with one of the holies. Their own group must be presented as being in good graces with one of the Holy Three, or their own cause/interest must be shown to reflect or further the prestige and authority of the holies. (So, Ziad Ahmed went with BLACK LIVES MATTER than SAVE CHRISTIAN ARABS FROM US IMPERIALISM.) Trump also played this card by hugging blacks and flattering homos as people for whom he feels special consideration. He said he wanted to vet Muslims to protect homos, a holy people. He said he wants to limit immigration to help them Negroes in Detroit(who are being out-competed). And of course, Iran must be destroyed to save those poor poor Jews in Israel.
In the US, you won’t gain much if you belong to a non-special people. Also, your cause or movement doesn't mean much if you express sympathy for a people who are not of the Holy Group pantheon. For instance, so many Christian Arabs have been brutalized or killed since the Iraq War. So many lost their homes, so many got raped, and so many were exiled. It’s a sad story. But they are ignored and passed over because they are deemed a Holy People; the Glob-Homo Media all but ignore them. (Jews hate Christian Arabs because the latter rely on secular Arab leaders like Assad for protection. As Assad is allied with Iran and Russia -- nations hated most by Jews -- , Jews hate Christian Arabs who support him.) So, it doesn’t matter how much you champion the plight of Christian Arabs. No one listens and no one cares. Also, it has long been political poison in the US to champion the cause of Palestinians because doing so offends the Jews, the holiest of the holies. So, despite all the injustices suffered by Palestinians, there's been either silence or compliance with Zionism as the supposed 'outpost of Western values'.
The reason why the GOP cuddles up to Zionists is because white gentiles lack autonomous holiness and therefore need to rub themselves on Jews for some holy static. Groups without holiness are like men suffering from scurvy who crave fruits with vitamin C. Likewise, the non-holies rely on the holies for doses of sanctimony and righteousness.
The service is costly. It's like Russia, a non-holy nation by canons of globalism, must associate itself with Chabad Jews to obtain and stockpile its supply of holiness. (Given Russia's great sacrifices and suffering in WWII and its victory over Nazi Germany, you'd think the Russian Brand would be blessed with eternal holiness. But the globalist narrative is controlled by Jews who have denied this aura to the Russians. So, political holiness is less about real history than who gets to spin history.)
Jews, homos, and blacks are designated as holy, so they don't need to rely on others to feel justified and righteous. But, a people who aren’t one of the three must associate themselves with one or all to earn moral pokemon points. And that is what Ziad Ahmed did. Black Lives Matter indeed.
Black Lives Matter,
Holy Three,
invade and invite,
Ziad Ahmed
Libertarianism vs Nationalism. Nationalism is the Answer. / Proglodytes as Demon-Possessed. Talk to the Devil, not to its Minions
Donald Trump's supporters are becoming disillusioned with Zionist-Globalist War Cries emanating from Washington D.C. Whatever happened to nationalism over globalism? Whatever happened to no more wars and instead focusing on the problems facing the American people?
It goes to show that a people cannot rely on just one man.
It's like Moses led his people out of Egypt, but the Hebrews couldn't rely only on his leadership and vision. After all, even great men fade, fall, or die eventually. So, Moses had to provide his people with the Law, the vessel of principles and meaning. That way, with or without him, the Hebrews had something to guide them and set them straight through the ages.
Likewise, white people need something more than Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin. Putin won't live forever, and Trump has shown himself to be a huckster and opportunist. He's not to be trusted. Also, Jewish Power is so entrenched in the US that it's difficult for Trump to outmaneuver the Jews even if he wanted to. In contrast, Russia was such an anything-goes anarcho-gangster state in the 90s that someone like Putin with deep state instincts and connections could pull off a counter-coup against the Jewish oligarchs.
Anyway, white people need a sense of who they are, what they are, where they came from, and how they must advance into the future. Trump was useful in shaking things up, but he has to deal with the reality of the Deep State and powerful institutions being controlled by Jews and/or globalists.
One thing for sure, white people need to reject libertarianism that has defined so much of 'conservative' thought. Consider soulless and spineless asses like Paul Ryan. While individualism and freedom are valuable, libertarianism goes too far in lionizing those themes above all else. It is the ideology of "I got mine, and I don't care about others, even or especially for those of my own race/ethnicity."
The problem isn't one's conviction in individuality, independence, responsibility, and personal success; it isn't one's criticism of those paying the price for poor decisions. After all, the kind of leftism that mindlessly fawns upon the poor and the 'powerless' is pretty useless. It has a knee-jerk tendency to see success as 'greed' and failure as 'nobility'. In fact, many people, especially in a free society, messed up in life due to poor/stupid decisions. And they must realize this and act more sensibly in life. To be free means to accept the consequences of one's freedom.
The important thing is there is a sensible middle-ground between Libertarianism and Socialism. Libertarianism is so radically self-centered that its adherents care only about their own success. Or, if unsuccessful themselves, they fawn on those with money and power with toady-like deference. Theirs is a worldview of arrogance and contempt. According to libertarianism, the winners must be great and wonderful since they used their smarts and freedom to rise high. Libertarianism tends to ignore how ability and success can easily lurch into corruption, abuses, and exploitation. It's like even naturally talented athletes will cheat by using steroids or dirty tricks. Lance Armstrong and Marion Jones.
Socialism, in contrast, is so sanctimonious in its righteous compassion that it fails to see the flaws and failings of groups deemed as 'victims'. So, lower classes are just saints with hearts of gold who, if they act crazy or violent, are merely reacting to oppression.
Blacks, refugees, and immigrants are automatically good for belonging to a 'marginalized' group. Such lack of critical mentality in socialism fails to come up with useful advice to the 'losers' of the world. By fawning on such peoples, socialism only encourages the 'victim' groups to feel sorry for themselves, self-righteous relative to the have-mores, and justified no matter how stupidly they act.
The Left has done itself no favors with this brand of socialism. It always gives useless or even destructive advice to people it purports to help because of its dogmatic sentimentality about the poor, the minorities, or the 'wretched of the earth'. So, if blacks riot and burn down a city, the Left just sees blacks as nobly enraged with injustice. So, if a bunch of Muslims leave their own nations and illegally barge into the West for material gain, they are to be coddled as the 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free' instead of as craven opportunists.
Imagine a parent who never straightens out his children but always makes excuses for them. Imagine a teacher who never accuses his students for bad behavior but only makes excuses for them, as if it's never the students' fault. There can be no progress, no improvement, and no rectitude with such attitude. This is why leftism has been such a catastrophe. The problem is not its concern for fellow man(who may be down and out) but the lack of courage to be critical of those in need of help. Even if a people are without privilege or advantage, they must be judged and corrected when they do wrong. It's like Moses sometimes had to be tough with his people even if they were a sorry desperate lot.
But libertarianism has its own problems. While it has some positive ideas like individuality, freedom, responsibility, and work ethic, it is obsessive about the self at the expense of all other considerations. In regard to humanity, it only sees single individual selves, not a people with common bonds of ethnicity, culture, history, and territory.
Libertarianism isn't wrong to espouse the ideal of individual success by individual effort. After all, no one should expect others to do his homework for him. Where libertarianism fails is the total unconcern for anything but the self(or the various individual selves). If the self has it good, a libertarian feels no compunction to care about anyone else. But with such unconcern, a libertarian cannot have a meaningful identity, culture, or sense of history.
He is just an atomized individual in a globo-cosmopolitan universe. Since he identifies only as an individual and sinks-or-swims as a mere individual, his heart and mind have no connection to anything beyond the self. As such, it cannot have a wider or deeper sense of community across time and space. Libertarianism sees lots of dots but never connects the dots to form a large picture.
Consider two individuals. One is a Libertarian Jew who is totally radical about his libertarian principles. The other is a Jewish nationalist. Now, suppose both individuals believe in individuality, responsibility, and ambition. Suppose both Jews gain success. In that regard, they have much in common.
However, the Libertarian Jew is only concerned with the individual, the self. He only cares about his individual freedom and success. And he considers rest of humanity ONLY AS INDIVIDUALS. So, he sees successful individuals, middling individuals, and failed-individuals. He has no other consideration of who-they-are when dealing with humanity.
In contrast, the other guy, the Jewish nationalist, has a sense of ethnic, historical, and cultural identity. He doesn't see himself merely as an individual but also as a person of a specific racial community. So, even though he also sees a world composed of successful individuals, middling individuals, and failed-individuals, he also sees a world made up of cultures and tribes. And he feels a unity with the people of his tribe/culture, the Jews of the world. So, even though, purely on the basis of economic and individual worth, he is more like rich Hindus, rich Anglos, and rich Chinese, he feels a deep connection with all other Jews, rich-middle-poor. And if possible, he would like to do something that serves the interests of all Jews on the racial, cultural, territorial, or historical level. Meanwhile, the Libertarian Jew feels no such feelings when it comes to other Jews. They are just individuals, and some are successful, and some are not.
Now, suppose there's a Jewish community in some part of the world and something horrible is happening to it. The Libertarian Jew's attitude is, "Why should I care?" Since he only sees himself as an individual among other individuals, why should he care MORE about what happens to some Jewish community than what happens to some other community? After all, bad things are happening all the time in some part of the world. Earthquake could destroy a community in Iran. Hurricane could destroy a community in Florida. Famine could destroy a community in Ethiopia. Flood could ruin a community in Japan.
So, why should the Libertarian Jew care more about what happens to a Jewish community? After all, his special concern for Jews would go against his own Libertarian principles.
It might be deemed 'racist', 'supremacist', and 'exclusive'. For him to care more about a tragedy befalling a Jewish community would mean his emotions are playing racial-favorites. It means he's thinking collectively and nationalistically than as an individual committed only to principles of colorblind freedom, liberty, and success. So, even though, in a broad sense, he might feel generic sympathy for any group facing hardship or horrors -- and donate to humanitarian charities for trouble-spots around the world -- , he doesn't feel an obligation to care more about suffering Jews than any other people. So, he sees suffering Jews only in a generic way. They are suffering like the rest of humanity that is suffering, and that's that. And there is no need for him to feel especially bad about the plight of his people. Indeed, he doesn't even regard them as 'my people'. So, even though there could be some Jews suffering really badly in some part of the world, he feels no special connection with or obligation toward them. As such, he feels just fine going about his daily business and is concentrating on persona/professional interests. So, if HE is rich and happy, all's fine with the world. His happiness isn't associated with what happens to a bunch of Jews halfway around the globe.
In contrast, the Jewish Nationalist feels as part of a larger ethno-humanity. No matter how well he may be doing, no matter how well-off he is personally and professionally, and no matter how safe & secure he and his family are, he doesn't feel happy or feel all's well with the world IF there are Jews suffering terribly in some part of the world. He sees them as a part of an extended family. So, their suffering is, at least partly, his suffering as well. He feels a connection to others of his kind. His life doesn't revolve around himself. His life revolves around something bigger and deeper, a sense of being part of a history and culture.
There's a scene in SANDS OF IWO JIMA where a soldier goes on break. He's supposed to return quickly and aid his company, but he prolongs his recess to take it easy. As the result, his fellow soldiers end up getting killed because of his absence. He is overcome with shame and guilt. His extended break proved negligent and led to the death of his compatriots.
The Jewish Nationalist feels in a similar way in relation to other Jews. He feels that all Jews should care about one another. This doesn't mean that some Jews should work so that others can freeload off them. Such dependence would be parasitic and opportunistic. Rather, his ideal is for a kind of ethno-INTERdependence whereby, despite every Jew's effort to gain success on his own, he would be mindful of what's happening with the worldwide Jewish community. So, if some Jews are seriously hurting in a part of the world, other Jews should feel obligated to do something, like when American Jews lent a hand to Soviet Jews. Such compassion may be tribal than universal, but universalism is too generic for meaningful emotions. After all, it's impossible for anyone to care about all the families around the world. Naturally, one cares more for one's own family. Trying to help or save all the peoples around the world would be impossible. Besides, universalists only pretend to care about other groups as for one's own. 20th century was filled with lots of horrors, but Jews have been fixated on the Shoah. Why? Would Jews have cared so much if it had been directed only at Polish Catholics and not Jews? It's only natural that Jews would care more about fellow Jews.
For a person to care ONLY ABOUT THE SELF AND CLOSE ONES would be petty. For a person to care for ALL OF HUMANITY would be generic, more a case of virtue-signaling than anything meaningful or consequential. The middle-ground for meaningful human emotions is ethno-culturalism. A Polish person shouldn't just care about the self or the individual. But it'd be impossible for him to care about all of humanity. Universalism will always be generic and confused.
The meaningful balance can be found in ethno-culturalism: A Pole who cares about Polish-ness as a people, culture, nation, and history. Let him defend and preserve Polish-ness, and let peoples of other nationalities defend and preserve their own identities and heritages.
It's like different departments in colleges focus on different things. Chemistry department focuses on chemistry, not on the law. Accounting Department focuses on accounting, not on agriculture or rocket science. It would be absurd to expect every academic department to focus on every discipline & every field of knowledge and welcome any student with any interest. Likewise, every nation has its own specialization in ethnicity, culture, territory, history, and mythology(collective narrative). Specialization allows the university to maintain the various departments. People of each department specialize in a certain field and maintain expertise in it. So, those in psychology maintain knowledge about psychology, and those in film studies maintain knowledge on the art of cinema. We don't condemn such specialization as 'academic tribalism' or 'academic exclusionism'. In order for every department to be expert in its specialty, it has to concentrate on certain kinds of knowledge at the expense/exclusion of other kinds. So, if a department is about teaching foreign languages, it would be stupid for it to include physics and finance as well in the name of 'academic inclusion'.
Likewise, each nation has its own special history. And each nation is stamped by a unique story of a dominant ethnic group. And each nation has a rich history, culture, folklore, and tradition. It is up to the people of each nation to safeguard, preserve, defend, and disseminate this specialized body of national-cultural knowledge among all its members. Each person of a nation must be seen as a student & scholar of its ethnicity, history, culture, and territory.
Just like everyone in a college department must gain expert knowledge of the department's subject, every person of a nation should try to be an expert on that nation's history, culture, arts, geography, and etc.
It is the loss of such mindset under the pressures of globalism that has made so many people into such bad students of their own identity, history, and culture. It is no wonder they are flunking in national survival and self-preservation. Poisoned by globalism that says every nation must inclusively accept ALL nationalities across its borders, people are no longer compelled to become knowledgeable patriots of their ethnicity, history, and culture with the will to defend their territory.
Imagine if the French language department was accused of specializing in French and not welcoming other disciplines. Therefore, suppose the French department declares itself as no longer exclusively about French and allows people from engineering, agriculture, ceramics, photography, law, medicine, and etc into the department. So, what would the French department be about now? It'd be deemed 'nativist' or 'racist' for the department to be about French above other disciplines. But the people in the department only know French, and they know nothing of other disciplines. And people who specialize in other disciplines feel lost wandering around the French department which is ill-equipped to serve their interests. In time, every discipline that's been allowed into the French department suffers since no one is allowed to meaningfully concentrate on anything. Only by everyone returning to his own department and only by French department concentrating on French will all departments flourish.
Likewise, all nations have more to gain by maintaining their own peoples, cultures, histories, and territories. Let the French preserve what is French in France. Let Cameroonians preserve what is Cameroonian in Cameroon, and let Algerians preserve what is Algerian in Algeria. Let different peoples specialize in their own ethnicity, territory, history, and narrative. And once each nation is preserved in such manner, the world can share and exchange each other's ideas, stories, achievements, and etc... just like various departments in colleges can share their general knowledge with other departments that specialize in their own disciplines. For there to be interdisciplinary studies across departments, each department must maintain expertise in its special field. That way, if another department needs help from the French Department, the latter will be all revved up to deliver.
We need a robust nationalism that encourages each person to be an expert in his folk, history, and culture of his/her nation. And it should be seen as a lifelong pursuit than something only learned in schools. A person with no such interest or investment should be seen as a flunk. What's the point of being a member of a nation if one has no interest in it? It'd be like being part of college department without having any knowledge of its subject.
Anyway, a nationalist doesn't only care about himself or look upon humanity as a collection of 'free individuals' in a borderless world. That would be a libertarian. A nationalist believes that certain peoples, histories, and territories became interwoven to form special 'cultures' that need to be preserved, ideally by those with blood ties to the cultures. Surely, a black African feels a deeper connection when he looks upon the artifacts of his culture. While anyone can appreciate African art on the aesthetic level, it is more than mere art to those of the race and culture that created it. Similarly, Chinese culture surely means more to people of Chinese lineage. It's like Jewish things in Jerusalem mean more to a Jew than to a Japanese, for whom the gardens of Kyoto have special meaning.
Globalism wages war on the specialization of cultures, histories, and peoples. It tries to turn all cultures into Cultures-for-Dummies: bland, generic, superficial, interchangeable. Globalism tries to turn every nation into Nation-for-Dummies.
In contrast, nationalism believes that each person should become an expert of one's identity, history, and culture. Also, if the people of the culture fail in this, they mustn't expect any other people to do it for them. If Hungarians give up on Hungary, non-Hungarians will not fill the void? If Hungarians decide to abandon their culture, who will preserve it for them? Africans? Mexicans? Japanese? Brazilians? No chance.
And even if another people did decide to preserve it for Hungarians, it still wouldn't be the same. It'd be like Chinese preserving the Kenyan nation, or Nigerians speaking Polish and pretending to be Polish Catholics. It'd be just 'larping'. If Jews gave up on Jewish identity and culture AND if Hawaiians or Gypsies took up the mantle of Jewishness, would it be the same? Of course not. No more than if Vietnamese took over Congo and pretended to be New Congolese.
For a nationalist, the meaning of freedom and justice cannot derive solely from personal well-being. No matter how free and well-off he may be as an individual, he doesn't feel truly free and secure as long as others of his kind are suffering or living in bondage. He feels a 'psychic' connection with others of his own kind. It's like a father cannot enjoy his meal no matter how much food he is served if he knows his own children are going hungry. It's like a son cannot enjoy his meal no matter how much food he is served if he knows his parents are starving. A nationalist sees his people as part of his larger family.
A libertarian has no special feeling for others of his own kind. He only cares about himself and has a generic sense of humanity as individuals. So, if people of his ethnicity are suffering, he doesn't see them as 'my people'. He just sees them as suffering individuals no different from other suffering individuals in some other part of the world. A true-blue Libertarian Jew would be no more disturbed by Jews being rounded up and killed than by any other people being rounded up and killed. He would be appalled but no more appalled than by violence committed to any other group.
Of course, few Jews actually feel that way. Jews, even those who claim to be libertarian, feel a great deal of tribal camaraderie with other Jews around the world. Jews know this feeling is the source of their power, resilience, unity, and will to survive.
Now, it'd be nice if Jews, in valuing the meaningfulness of such tribalism, respected similar feelings among other peoples. But Jews won't tolerate such among whites because white gentiles with a sense of tribal compassion may favor their own kind's interests overJewish interests. After all, if white gentiles felt special compassion & loyalty to their own kind, they'd be less partial to sacrificing their own interests in favor of Jewish ones. In some cases, they might see Jewish interests as threatening to their own and work against them. And this is why Jews will not tolerate tribal-communion compassion among white gentiles. (This is why Jews use three methods to make sure whites serve Jewish interests uber alles. First, Jews try to persuade whites that Jewish/Israeli interests and American/European interests are one and the same. So, what is good for Israel is good for the US, no ifs and buts about it. And Western Values are synonymous with Jewish values. Second, Jews tell whites that nationalism is passe, and therefore, whites must adopt Universal Values. Oddly enough, however, once whites are made to forgo white identity in favor of universalism, Jews steer whites toward to serving Zionism and Jews above all else. In other words, it's a case of 'heads I win, tails you lose'. When Jews say people must surrender nationalism for universalism, it doesn't apply to Jews who are, if anything, celebrated for clinging to their nationalism. Also, 'universalism' is a sham because deracinated and de-nationalized whites are then steered to serve specific Jewish interests than truly universal ones. To be sure, Jews mask their tribal interests with faux-principles about 'human rights', 'war on terror', and 'liberal democracy', but just about everything Jews push under such labels goes toward serving Jewish or Zionist interests. Third, Jews not only advise whites to adopt universalism but go all out to smear even the faintest whiff of white identity as 'nazi' or 'white supremacism'. Therefore, whites are made an offer they can't refuse. They must reject nationalism in favor of 'universalism' that, however, is configured only to serve Jewish tribal interests and Zionism. The current trouble with Russia and Syria has everything to do with Jewish obsessions and nothing else, at least from the standpoint of the US.) If Jews are killed by Palestinians, Jews care a great deal about Jewish victims. Indeed, they use the media to make even gentiles care for Jewish victims. But whites are not supposed to feel any kind of racial compassion for their own kind.
So, there's hardly been ANY expression of sympathy or alarm about all those whites who've been brutally robbed, raped, and/or murdered in South Africa. And Germans are not supposed to care about German victims of migrant rapists. French are not supposed to care about French victims of Muslim violence or African thuggery. And in the US, whites are never allowed to express racial camaraderie with fellow whites attacked by blacks or overrun by non-white immigrants. Ethno-Compassion has been stamped out for whites... but whites are pressured to feel compassion for Jews(every crisis is a new holocaust), blacks(black lives matter), homos, and immigrants, even illegal ones("we have to keep families together"). But when it comes to white identity and interests? Forget about it. If anything, non-whites are encouraged to insult whiteness(despite their desire to move to and live in white nations), and even many whites have been mentally-colonized to spit on their own identity and history. Whites are only allowed, indeed compelled, to feel racial compassion for other groups, especially Jews, blacks, and homos.
This must all change.
Dealing with Proglodytes, it's best not to approach them as individuals with critical faculty and agency of thought. It's best to see them as mind-infected, psycolonized, or 'possessed'.
Demon-possessed Regan in THE EXORCIST was no longer herself. She was taken over by the Devil. It would have made no sense for the priests to address her as a free-thinking, independent, and autonomous person. Her young impressionable mind was taken over by Satanic spirits.
Progs are possessed by some demonic GLOB spirit. And it is that demon-spirit in them that we must address. We must focus on the Soros-bug inside their minds that is doing the 'thinking' and talking for them. We must bypass them-as-individuals and get to the source of the malaise.
Progs are mere carriers of this disease. Notice how they all sound and act alike. It's as if they all caught the same Flu. It's the Globonic Plague. When a doctor treats a patient for a disease, he focuses on the infection or condition, not on the patient per se. It is the disease that has hold on the patient, not the patient who has hold on the disease. These ideological infections create the illusion among the afflicted that they freely and personally chose those 'ideas' & 'values' when, far more likely, they became infected or 'possessed' by them.
Granted, the afflicted might have done things that aided and abetted the likelihood of the infection. If a person situates himself in an area where lots of people have come down with the flu, he has a good chance of catching it himself. Still, once the person has caught the flu, it is the disease that must be addressed, not the person as he no longer has control over the disease that has a 'logic' and 'will' of its own.
Proglodytes are zombie-like minions... just like Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution were infected with Mao-itis. It would have made no sense to treat every Little-Red-Book-toting-and-quoting Red Guard as an independent thinker with free will. Their minds were infected with the same ideo-disease. Once Mao-itis ran its course and passed away, it was amazing how everyone lost the fever at the same time and the same way.
Now, the GLOB is tricky and deceptive in hoodwinking its minions into believing they are made free, liberated, independent, and empowered by casting off the core tenets of morality, integrity, responsibility, sobriety, and normality. But once young ones reject such virtues as 'reactionary', they are left with a void that, desperately hungry for meaning, fills up with every fad or fashion that comes down the pipeline. Young ones fail to understand that core virtues are the immunity against being infected by various fads concocted by the cynical GLOB or radicals(or fadicals) who are infected themselves. Now, there are degrees of infections. Some proglodytes may eventually emerge from the infection and regain sanity. But some have caught the viral rabies or leprosy version of the disease, and for them, it's total madness or slow decay.
Donald Trump's supporters are becoming disillusioned with Zionist-Globalist War Cries emanating from Washington D.C. Whatever happened to nationalism over globalism? Whatever happened to no more wars and instead focusing on the problems facing the American people?
It goes to show that a people cannot rely on just one man.
It's like Moses led his people out of Egypt, but the Hebrews couldn't rely only on his leadership and vision. After all, even great men fade, fall, or die eventually. So, Moses had to provide his people with the Law, the vessel of principles and meaning. That way, with or without him, the Hebrews had something to guide them and set them straight through the ages.
Likewise, white people need something more than Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin. Putin won't live forever, and Trump has shown himself to be a huckster and opportunist. He's not to be trusted. Also, Jewish Power is so entrenched in the US that it's difficult for Trump to outmaneuver the Jews even if he wanted to. In contrast, Russia was such an anything-goes anarcho-gangster state in the 90s that someone like Putin with deep state instincts and connections could pull off a counter-coup against the Jewish oligarchs.
Anyway, white people need a sense of who they are, what they are, where they came from, and how they must advance into the future. Trump was useful in shaking things up, but he has to deal with the reality of the Deep State and powerful institutions being controlled by Jews and/or globalists.
One thing for sure, white people need to reject libertarianism that has defined so much of 'conservative' thought. Consider soulless and spineless asses like Paul Ryan. While individualism and freedom are valuable, libertarianism goes too far in lionizing those themes above all else. It is the ideology of "I got mine, and I don't care about others, even or especially for those of my own race/ethnicity."
The problem isn't one's conviction in individuality, independence, responsibility, and personal success; it isn't one's criticism of those paying the price for poor decisions. After all, the kind of leftism that mindlessly fawns upon the poor and the 'powerless' is pretty useless. It has a knee-jerk tendency to see success as 'greed' and failure as 'nobility'. In fact, many people, especially in a free society, messed up in life due to poor/stupid decisions. And they must realize this and act more sensibly in life. To be free means to accept the consequences of one's freedom.
The important thing is there is a sensible middle-ground between Libertarianism and Socialism. Libertarianism is so radically self-centered that its adherents care only about their own success. Or, if unsuccessful themselves, they fawn on those with money and power with toady-like deference. Theirs is a worldview of arrogance and contempt. According to libertarianism, the winners must be great and wonderful since they used their smarts and freedom to rise high. Libertarianism tends to ignore how ability and success can easily lurch into corruption, abuses, and exploitation. It's like even naturally talented athletes will cheat by using steroids or dirty tricks. Lance Armstrong and Marion Jones.
Socialism, in contrast, is so sanctimonious in its righteous compassion that it fails to see the flaws and failings of groups deemed as 'victims'. So, lower classes are just saints with hearts of gold who, if they act crazy or violent, are merely reacting to oppression.
Blacks, refugees, and immigrants are automatically good for belonging to a 'marginalized' group. Such lack of critical mentality in socialism fails to come up with useful advice to the 'losers' of the world. By fawning on such peoples, socialism only encourages the 'victim' groups to feel sorry for themselves, self-righteous relative to the have-mores, and justified no matter how stupidly they act.
The Left has done itself no favors with this brand of socialism. It always gives useless or even destructive advice to people it purports to help because of its dogmatic sentimentality about the poor, the minorities, or the 'wretched of the earth'. So, if blacks riot and burn down a city, the Left just sees blacks as nobly enraged with injustice. So, if a bunch of Muslims leave their own nations and illegally barge into the West for material gain, they are to be coddled as the 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free' instead of as craven opportunists.
Imagine a parent who never straightens out his children but always makes excuses for them. Imagine a teacher who never accuses his students for bad behavior but only makes excuses for them, as if it's never the students' fault. There can be no progress, no improvement, and no rectitude with such attitude. This is why leftism has been such a catastrophe. The problem is not its concern for fellow man(who may be down and out) but the lack of courage to be critical of those in need of help. Even if a people are without privilege or advantage, they must be judged and corrected when they do wrong. It's like Moses sometimes had to be tough with his people even if they were a sorry desperate lot.
But libertarianism has its own problems. While it has some positive ideas like individuality, freedom, responsibility, and work ethic, it is obsessive about the self at the expense of all other considerations. In regard to humanity, it only sees single individual selves, not a people with common bonds of ethnicity, culture, history, and territory.
Libertarianism isn't wrong to espouse the ideal of individual success by individual effort. After all, no one should expect others to do his homework for him. Where libertarianism fails is the total unconcern for anything but the self(or the various individual selves). If the self has it good, a libertarian feels no compunction to care about anyone else. But with such unconcern, a libertarian cannot have a meaningful identity, culture, or sense of history.
He is just an atomized individual in a globo-cosmopolitan universe. Since he identifies only as an individual and sinks-or-swims as a mere individual, his heart and mind have no connection to anything beyond the self. As such, it cannot have a wider or deeper sense of community across time and space. Libertarianism sees lots of dots but never connects the dots to form a large picture.
Consider two individuals. One is a Libertarian Jew who is totally radical about his libertarian principles. The other is a Jewish nationalist. Now, suppose both individuals believe in individuality, responsibility, and ambition. Suppose both Jews gain success. In that regard, they have much in common.
However, the Libertarian Jew is only concerned with the individual, the self. He only cares about his individual freedom and success. And he considers rest of humanity ONLY AS INDIVIDUALS. So, he sees successful individuals, middling individuals, and failed-individuals. He has no other consideration of who-they-are when dealing with humanity.
In contrast, the other guy, the Jewish nationalist, has a sense of ethnic, historical, and cultural identity. He doesn't see himself merely as an individual but also as a person of a specific racial community. So, even though he also sees a world composed of successful individuals, middling individuals, and failed-individuals, he also sees a world made up of cultures and tribes. And he feels a unity with the people of his tribe/culture, the Jews of the world. So, even though, purely on the basis of economic and individual worth, he is more like rich Hindus, rich Anglos, and rich Chinese, he feels a deep connection with all other Jews, rich-middle-poor. And if possible, he would like to do something that serves the interests of all Jews on the racial, cultural, territorial, or historical level. Meanwhile, the Libertarian Jew feels no such feelings when it comes to other Jews. They are just individuals, and some are successful, and some are not.
Now, suppose there's a Jewish community in some part of the world and something horrible is happening to it. The Libertarian Jew's attitude is, "Why should I care?" Since he only sees himself as an individual among other individuals, why should he care MORE about what happens to some Jewish community than what happens to some other community? After all, bad things are happening all the time in some part of the world. Earthquake could destroy a community in Iran. Hurricane could destroy a community in Florida. Famine could destroy a community in Ethiopia. Flood could ruin a community in Japan.
So, why should the Libertarian Jew care more about what happens to a Jewish community? After all, his special concern for Jews would go against his own Libertarian principles.
It might be deemed 'racist', 'supremacist', and 'exclusive'. For him to care more about a tragedy befalling a Jewish community would mean his emotions are playing racial-favorites. It means he's thinking collectively and nationalistically than as an individual committed only to principles of colorblind freedom, liberty, and success. So, even though, in a broad sense, he might feel generic sympathy for any group facing hardship or horrors -- and donate to humanitarian charities for trouble-spots around the world -- , he doesn't feel an obligation to care more about suffering Jews than any other people. So, he sees suffering Jews only in a generic way. They are suffering like the rest of humanity that is suffering, and that's that. And there is no need for him to feel especially bad about the plight of his people. Indeed, he doesn't even regard them as 'my people'. So, even though there could be some Jews suffering really badly in some part of the world, he feels no special connection with or obligation toward them. As such, he feels just fine going about his daily business and is concentrating on persona/professional interests. So, if HE is rich and happy, all's fine with the world. His happiness isn't associated with what happens to a bunch of Jews halfway around the globe.
In contrast, the Jewish Nationalist feels as part of a larger ethno-humanity. No matter how well he may be doing, no matter how well-off he is personally and professionally, and no matter how safe & secure he and his family are, he doesn't feel happy or feel all's well with the world IF there are Jews suffering terribly in some part of the world. He sees them as a part of an extended family. So, their suffering is, at least partly, his suffering as well. He feels a connection to others of his kind. His life doesn't revolve around himself. His life revolves around something bigger and deeper, a sense of being part of a history and culture.
There's a scene in SANDS OF IWO JIMA where a soldier goes on break. He's supposed to return quickly and aid his company, but he prolongs his recess to take it easy. As the result, his fellow soldiers end up getting killed because of his absence. He is overcome with shame and guilt. His extended break proved negligent and led to the death of his compatriots.
The Jewish Nationalist feels in a similar way in relation to other Jews. He feels that all Jews should care about one another. This doesn't mean that some Jews should work so that others can freeload off them. Such dependence would be parasitic and opportunistic. Rather, his ideal is for a kind of ethno-INTERdependence whereby, despite every Jew's effort to gain success on his own, he would be mindful of what's happening with the worldwide Jewish community. So, if some Jews are seriously hurting in a part of the world, other Jews should feel obligated to do something, like when American Jews lent a hand to Soviet Jews. Such compassion may be tribal than universal, but universalism is too generic for meaningful emotions. After all, it's impossible for anyone to care about all the families around the world. Naturally, one cares more for one's own family. Trying to help or save all the peoples around the world would be impossible. Besides, universalists only pretend to care about other groups as for one's own. 20th century was filled with lots of horrors, but Jews have been fixated on the Shoah. Why? Would Jews have cared so much if it had been directed only at Polish Catholics and not Jews? It's only natural that Jews would care more about fellow Jews.
For a person to care ONLY ABOUT THE SELF AND CLOSE ONES would be petty. For a person to care for ALL OF HUMANITY would be generic, more a case of virtue-signaling than anything meaningful or consequential. The middle-ground for meaningful human emotions is ethno-culturalism. A Polish person shouldn't just care about the self or the individual. But it'd be impossible for him to care about all of humanity. Universalism will always be generic and confused.
The meaningful balance can be found in ethno-culturalism: A Pole who cares about Polish-ness as a people, culture, nation, and history. Let him defend and preserve Polish-ness, and let peoples of other nationalities defend and preserve their own identities and heritages.
It's like different departments in colleges focus on different things. Chemistry department focuses on chemistry, not on the law. Accounting Department focuses on accounting, not on agriculture or rocket science. It would be absurd to expect every academic department to focus on every discipline & every field of knowledge and welcome any student with any interest. Likewise, every nation has its own specialization in ethnicity, culture, territory, history, and mythology(collective narrative). Specialization allows the university to maintain the various departments. People of each department specialize in a certain field and maintain expertise in it. So, those in psychology maintain knowledge about psychology, and those in film studies maintain knowledge on the art of cinema. We don't condemn such specialization as 'academic tribalism' or 'academic exclusionism'. In order for every department to be expert in its specialty, it has to concentrate on certain kinds of knowledge at the expense/exclusion of other kinds. So, if a department is about teaching foreign languages, it would be stupid for it to include physics and finance as well in the name of 'academic inclusion'.
Likewise, each nation has its own special history. And each nation is stamped by a unique story of a dominant ethnic group. And each nation has a rich history, culture, folklore, and tradition. It is up to the people of each nation to safeguard, preserve, defend, and disseminate this specialized body of national-cultural knowledge among all its members. Each person of a nation must be seen as a student & scholar of its ethnicity, history, culture, and territory.
Just like everyone in a college department must gain expert knowledge of the department's subject, every person of a nation should try to be an expert on that nation's history, culture, arts, geography, and etc.
It is the loss of such mindset under the pressures of globalism that has made so many people into such bad students of their own identity, history, and culture. It is no wonder they are flunking in national survival and self-preservation. Poisoned by globalism that says every nation must inclusively accept ALL nationalities across its borders, people are no longer compelled to become knowledgeable patriots of their ethnicity, history, and culture with the will to defend their territory.
Imagine if the French language department was accused of specializing in French and not welcoming other disciplines. Therefore, suppose the French department declares itself as no longer exclusively about French and allows people from engineering, agriculture, ceramics, photography, law, medicine, and etc into the department. So, what would the French department be about now? It'd be deemed 'nativist' or 'racist' for the department to be about French above other disciplines. But the people in the department only know French, and they know nothing of other disciplines. And people who specialize in other disciplines feel lost wandering around the French department which is ill-equipped to serve their interests. In time, every discipline that's been allowed into the French department suffers since no one is allowed to meaningfully concentrate on anything. Only by everyone returning to his own department and only by French department concentrating on French will all departments flourish.
Likewise, all nations have more to gain by maintaining their own peoples, cultures, histories, and territories. Let the French preserve what is French in France. Let Cameroonians preserve what is Cameroonian in Cameroon, and let Algerians preserve what is Algerian in Algeria. Let different peoples specialize in their own ethnicity, territory, history, and narrative. And once each nation is preserved in such manner, the world can share and exchange each other's ideas, stories, achievements, and etc... just like various departments in colleges can share their general knowledge with other departments that specialize in their own disciplines. For there to be interdisciplinary studies across departments, each department must maintain expertise in its special field. That way, if another department needs help from the French Department, the latter will be all revved up to deliver.
We need a robust nationalism that encourages each person to be an expert in his folk, history, and culture of his/her nation. And it should be seen as a lifelong pursuit than something only learned in schools. A person with no such interest or investment should be seen as a flunk. What's the point of being a member of a nation if one has no interest in it? It'd be like being part of college department without having any knowledge of its subject.
Anyway, a nationalist doesn't only care about himself or look upon humanity as a collection of 'free individuals' in a borderless world. That would be a libertarian. A nationalist believes that certain peoples, histories, and territories became interwoven to form special 'cultures' that need to be preserved, ideally by those with blood ties to the cultures. Surely, a black African feels a deeper connection when he looks upon the artifacts of his culture. While anyone can appreciate African art on the aesthetic level, it is more than mere art to those of the race and culture that created it. Similarly, Chinese culture surely means more to people of Chinese lineage. It's like Jewish things in Jerusalem mean more to a Jew than to a Japanese, for whom the gardens of Kyoto have special meaning.
Globalism wages war on the specialization of cultures, histories, and peoples. It tries to turn all cultures into Cultures-for-Dummies: bland, generic, superficial, interchangeable. Globalism tries to turn every nation into Nation-for-Dummies.
In contrast, nationalism believes that each person should become an expert of one's identity, history, and culture. Also, if the people of the culture fail in this, they mustn't expect any other people to do it for them. If Hungarians give up on Hungary, non-Hungarians will not fill the void? If Hungarians decide to abandon their culture, who will preserve it for them? Africans? Mexicans? Japanese? Brazilians? No chance.
And even if another people did decide to preserve it for Hungarians, it still wouldn't be the same. It'd be like Chinese preserving the Kenyan nation, or Nigerians speaking Polish and pretending to be Polish Catholics. It'd be just 'larping'. If Jews gave up on Jewish identity and culture AND if Hawaiians or Gypsies took up the mantle of Jewishness, would it be the same? Of course not. No more than if Vietnamese took over Congo and pretended to be New Congolese.
For a nationalist, the meaning of freedom and justice cannot derive solely from personal well-being. No matter how free and well-off he may be as an individual, he doesn't feel truly free and secure as long as others of his kind are suffering or living in bondage. He feels a 'psychic' connection with others of his own kind. It's like a father cannot enjoy his meal no matter how much food he is served if he knows his own children are going hungry. It's like a son cannot enjoy his meal no matter how much food he is served if he knows his parents are starving. A nationalist sees his people as part of his larger family.
A libertarian has no special feeling for others of his own kind. He only cares about himself and has a generic sense of humanity as individuals. So, if people of his ethnicity are suffering, he doesn't see them as 'my people'. He just sees them as suffering individuals no different from other suffering individuals in some other part of the world. A true-blue Libertarian Jew would be no more disturbed by Jews being rounded up and killed than by any other people being rounded up and killed. He would be appalled but no more appalled than by violence committed to any other group.
Of course, few Jews actually feel that way. Jews, even those who claim to be libertarian, feel a great deal of tribal camaraderie with other Jews around the world. Jews know this feeling is the source of their power, resilience, unity, and will to survive.
Now, it'd be nice if Jews, in valuing the meaningfulness of such tribalism, respected similar feelings among other peoples. But Jews won't tolerate such among whites because white gentiles with a sense of tribal compassion may favor their own kind's interests overJewish interests. After all, if white gentiles felt special compassion & loyalty to their own kind, they'd be less partial to sacrificing their own interests in favor of Jewish ones. In some cases, they might see Jewish interests as threatening to their own and work against them. And this is why Jews will not tolerate tribal-communion compassion among white gentiles. (This is why Jews use three methods to make sure whites serve Jewish interests uber alles. First, Jews try to persuade whites that Jewish/Israeli interests and American/European interests are one and the same. So, what is good for Israel is good for the US, no ifs and buts about it. And Western Values are synonymous with Jewish values. Second, Jews tell whites that nationalism is passe, and therefore, whites must adopt Universal Values. Oddly enough, however, once whites are made to forgo white identity in favor of universalism, Jews steer whites toward to serving Zionism and Jews above all else. In other words, it's a case of 'heads I win, tails you lose'. When Jews say people must surrender nationalism for universalism, it doesn't apply to Jews who are, if anything, celebrated for clinging to their nationalism. Also, 'universalism' is a sham because deracinated and de-nationalized whites are then steered to serve specific Jewish interests than truly universal ones. To be sure, Jews mask their tribal interests with faux-principles about 'human rights', 'war on terror', and 'liberal democracy', but just about everything Jews push under such labels goes toward serving Jewish or Zionist interests. Third, Jews not only advise whites to adopt universalism but go all out to smear even the faintest whiff of white identity as 'nazi' or 'white supremacism'. Therefore, whites are made an offer they can't refuse. They must reject nationalism in favor of 'universalism' that, however, is configured only to serve Jewish tribal interests and Zionism. The current trouble with Russia and Syria has everything to do with Jewish obsessions and nothing else, at least from the standpoint of the US.) If Jews are killed by Palestinians, Jews care a great deal about Jewish victims. Indeed, they use the media to make even gentiles care for Jewish victims. But whites are not supposed to feel any kind of racial compassion for their own kind.
So, there's hardly been ANY expression of sympathy or alarm about all those whites who've been brutally robbed, raped, and/or murdered in South Africa. And Germans are not supposed to care about German victims of migrant rapists. French are not supposed to care about French victims of Muslim violence or African thuggery. And in the US, whites are never allowed to express racial camaraderie with fellow whites attacked by blacks or overrun by non-white immigrants. Ethno-Compassion has been stamped out for whites... but whites are pressured to feel compassion for Jews(every crisis is a new holocaust), blacks(black lives matter), homos, and immigrants, even illegal ones("we have to keep families together"). But when it comes to white identity and interests? Forget about it. If anything, non-whites are encouraged to insult whiteness(despite their desire to move to and live in white nations), and even many whites have been mentally-colonized to spit on their own identity and history. Whites are only allowed, indeed compelled, to feel racial compassion for other groups, especially Jews, blacks, and homos.
This must all change.
Dealing with Proglodytes, it's best not to approach them as individuals with critical faculty and agency of thought. It's best to see them as mind-infected, psycolonized, or 'possessed'.
Demon-possessed Regan in THE EXORCIST was no longer herself. She was taken over by the Devil. It would have made no sense for the priests to address her as a free-thinking, independent, and autonomous person. Her young impressionable mind was taken over by Satanic spirits.
Progs are possessed by some demonic GLOB spirit. And it is that demon-spirit in them that we must address. We must focus on the Soros-bug inside their minds that is doing the 'thinking' and talking for them. We must bypass them-as-individuals and get to the source of the malaise.
Progs are mere carriers of this disease. Notice how they all sound and act alike. It's as if they all caught the same Flu. It's the Globonic Plague. When a doctor treats a patient for a disease, he focuses on the infection or condition, not on the patient per se. It is the disease that has hold on the patient, not the patient who has hold on the disease. These ideological infections create the illusion among the afflicted that they freely and personally chose those 'ideas' & 'values' when, far more likely, they became infected or 'possessed' by them.
Granted, the afflicted might have done things that aided and abetted the likelihood of the infection. If a person situates himself in an area where lots of people have come down with the flu, he has a good chance of catching it himself. Still, once the person has caught the flu, it is the disease that must be addressed, not the person as he no longer has control over the disease that has a 'logic' and 'will' of its own.
Proglodytes are zombie-like minions... just like Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution were infected with Mao-itis. It would have made no sense to treat every Little-Red-Book-toting-and-quoting Red Guard as an independent thinker with free will. Their minds were infected with the same ideo-disease. Once Mao-itis ran its course and passed away, it was amazing how everyone lost the fever at the same time and the same way.
Now, the GLOB is tricky and deceptive in hoodwinking its minions into believing they are made free, liberated, independent, and empowered by casting off the core tenets of morality, integrity, responsibility, sobriety, and normality. But once young ones reject such virtues as 'reactionary', they are left with a void that, desperately hungry for meaning, fills up with every fad or fashion that comes down the pipeline. Young ones fail to understand that core virtues are the immunity against being infected by various fads concocted by the cynical GLOB or radicals(or fadicals) who are infected themselves. Now, there are degrees of infections. Some proglodytes may eventually emerge from the infection and regain sanity. But some have caught the viral rabies or leprosy version of the disease, and for them, it's total madness or slow decay.
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