Friday, June 15, 2018

Notes on Richard Spencer’s Discussion of Anti-White Hatred, Elites, Martyrdom, and Power & the State on JF Gariepy’s "The Nature of Power | Richard Spencer, TrueDiltom, TPS #42"

In the video link above at 34:16, Richard Spencer says the reason why "THEY Hate us" is because there is a ‘great moral weight against (white people)’. True enough, but paradoxically, non-whites claim to ‘hate’ whites because they really love whites. Non-whites prefer whites over non-whites, even over their own kind. Asian-Indians would rather live with whites than with other Asian-Indians who shit all over and practice corruption on a massive scale. Chinese would rather live with whites(in US, Canada, or Australia) than with their own kind who are so corrupt and cruel. Also, Chinese women would much prefer to marry white/Jewish men and have white/Jewish kids than Chinese ones. Their sexual mentality is ‘No Dogs and Chinese Men Allowed’. Mexicans would rather live with gringo, work under gringo, and marry gringo than be with their own kind in Mexico, a nation known for corruption, mediocrity, and tacociousness. And we know Muslims and Africans would rather live with white Europeans than with their own kind. Muslims fear other Muslims in the Middle East. And Africans know how awful things are in black-run Africa. Also, they want white women(who now have jungle fever from too much rap music, black-dominated sports, and pornified culture). So, all these black men come to Europe hollering, ‘muh dick’ and ‘where da white women at?’ Now, if these peoples love white people so much — indeed, so much that they want to flee from their own nations, peoples, and cultures to be with whites in white or white-majority nations — , why do they spew so much anti-white vitriol? Partly, it is to hide their shame of preferring whites over their own kind. They don’t want to admit that they see whites as superior in governance, achievement, technology, morality, integrity, and beauty. So, they whine a lot about ‘white privilege’. But the bigger reason is that they need to suppress white identity, white pride, and white nationalism in order to gain access to the white world. After all, if whites felt pride of identity and ownership of their own nations, achievements, and genetic heritage, they would choose to guard, defend, and keep their domain for themselves. The ONLY way non-whites can gain access to the White World is by making whites feel ashamed of being white and having nice white things(that PC says must be shared with all the Worthless World). Of course, Jews understood this first and spearheaded PC. In order for Jews to have nice things and rule the world, they needed access to the White World. Also, they needed whites to go into White Submissivist mode to serve Jewish Supremacism. After all, if whites were to care about whiteness just like Jews care about Jewishness, whites will prioritize their own identity and interests. Then, Jewish Supremacism cannot prevail. For Jews to take over and gain hegemony, they've needed whites to welcome Jews, praise Jews, honor Jews, and feel morally guilty about Jews. So, all this anti-white vitriol from Jews is really the result of Jews loving whites. Jews want to have sex with whites. Jews want to appropriate ‘Aryan’ looks for their own half-Jewish kids. Indeed, look at Jewish immigration patterns, and Jews always favored white nations(especially those dominated by Anglos and Germanics) over all other nations. Jewish immigration-patterns were always white-preferist and white-supremacist. Jews wanted to follow where whites went, even when whites gained territory through invasions and 'genocide'. So, Jews love the fact that they gained total access to the white world. But in order to do so, they had to promote White Guilt and White Self-Loathing. Only if whites are made to feel guilty and sorry can they be manipulated to allow Jews and tons of non-whites into the White World.

So, whenever non-whites bitch about whites, whites should ask, "If you are so proud of your kind and hate us whites, why did you flee from your own nation, people, and culture to come live in the White World? Why do you want to have sex with whites and have white-looking kids? You must believe whites are superior to your own. You want to be with us. You’re more ‘white supremacist’ than we are."

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At the 37:46 mark in the video link above, Spencer says the White Middle Class is being crushed in a 'pincer motion by the elites and the bottom, the Third World, Global South, and People of Color'. He is right in a broad sense, but it’s worth scrutinizing what is happening with greater detail. In the past, the elites would have been mostly Wasps, Anglo-Americans and others of Northern European heritage. The Other whites also gain entry into the elite realm by becoming Anglo-Americanized. Initially, even many Jews chose this route, becoming essentially Anglo-Jews. But at some point, Jews emerged not only as a counter-elite and separate elite(even a ‘hostile elite’ to the host elite, as Kevin Macdonald might characterize them) but as the New Elite. Thus, US went from a mono-elite power to a multi-elite power: Jews on top and Wasps below them. I’m thinking much of Jewish resentment had to do with aesthetics. They felt ‘uglier’ and felt resentful EVEN WHEN Wasps were being welcoming to them. Even when some Wasp country clubs let Jews in, Jews still felt as outsiders when they looked in the mirror. The other reason probably had to do with personality. Jews are feisty, pushy, and nasty. Wasps were into form and manners. Wasps could be insulting and dismissive too, but with a veneer of respectability. So, Jews saw themselves as honest hustlers versus Wasps who were about greed and privilege but put on genteel airs. Also, because of Wasp privilege, many not-too-bright Wasps made it to the top, whereas Jews had to be really smart to make the climb. So, many ambitious Jews of real talent from humble backgrounds found themselves in the company of not-too-bright Wasps in elite circles. Jews felt that those Wasps weren’t deserving of their power and status. And even though rich and successful Wasps outnumbered rich and successful Jews, in percentage terms Jews beat Wasps by a mile. After all, up to the 1980s, Wasps made up nearly half the population of the US whereas Jews were generally never more than 2%. In terms of pound-for-pound power, Jews were the top winners. But there was another factor that made Jews so much more powerful than Wasps. Jews concentrated on taking over the media that could make or break reputations. And via the Media, Jews made Shoah and American Slavery the two greatest evils the world has ever known. Now, anyone who knows history knows that genocides happened all over and all the time. Jews themselves were involved with mass killings when they gained power as Bolsheviks. Also, slavery wasn’t unique to White America. After all, Brazil imported 10x the slaves. And Africa had slavery for 10,000 yrs. And there were tyrannies and bloodbaths all over the world since time immemorial. So, why did Jews make Shoah and American Slavery so crucial to World Morality. Both were devised to undermine Northern European Christian Power. Jews perceived Wasps as their main rivals in prestige, privilege, power, wealth, and narrative. So, Jews had to clip the wings of Wasp pride. One clipped wing was Gentile Guilt over the Holocaust and the other clipped wing was the White Guilt over Black Slavery. So, even though the Wasp Bird was still bigger, it no longer had wings to fly with. In contrast, the Jewish canary still had wings and monopolized flight. But being only 2% of the population concentrated in elite brainy fields, Jews couldn’t maintain power without the cooperation of others, especially whites who made up most managers, operators, engineers, supervisors, workers, and etc. Because the white masses or the white middle would be less likely to take orders from a bunch of nasty Jews — even if the white hoi polloi were instilled with ‘gentile guilt’ — , Jews needed to form an alliance with the demoted Wasp elites whereby Wasps could keep the status but must surrender the real power. Though Jewish elites were the new champions, Wasps were still in the ranking as contenders. But instead of challenging the power of Jewish champion elites, they came to play a subordinate and subservient role. They would become like the comprador native elites of India and Hong Kong who dutifully served the British Imperialists who could be generous to those who submitted to Anglo-dominance. That way, Jews could use Wasp-White Elites as the face of American Power. Then, the White Middle was far more likely to follow Elite Policy even though it was concocted by Jews than by White Elites. Jews had the power but its face was still White-Elite. Jews mastered the art of using White Elites as a front for Jewish Power. But this skill was perfected over a long period as Jewish banking elites in Europe needed to operate behind the prestige of white monarchs and aristocrats. And when Jewish radicals were blacklisted in the anti-communist era of the 1950s, they often used fronts to sell their works and get their ideas across. (Of course, those Jewish communists were fully supportive of Stalinist mass-killings, and today, their descendants are totally for doxxing, firing, and blacklisting any white person who says NO to White Submissivism to Jewish Supremacism. Incidentally, the Wikipedia entry for THE FRONT goes to show how hypocritical and un-self-aware these weasly Jews are. These very Jews(who now say people’s lives should be destroyed for refusing to bake wedding cakes for homo fecal penetrators who desecrate marriage, for standing up for Palestinian dignity & freedom, and for saying NO to Jewish Supremacist Power) still wax romantic about how noble Jewish Communists were wronged by a ‘witch-hunt’. Of course, all this BS about Civil Liberties was really just a Jewish Front to cover up their radical hatred of White America. When Jews have the power, they have no qualms about using Lawfare and other means to shut down voices who say NO to Jewish Supremacism. What an utterly vile and disgusting people. Never trust Jews who don’t know the meaning of ‘principle’ and ‘honor’. It’s no wonder that the term ‘dirty Jew’ became part of the lexicon.)

Anyway, because the current US is multi-elite than mono-elite, it’s too simplistic to say the White Middle is caught between the pincer movement of High and Low. Rather, one problem is that the White Middle is pressed down by High and High: Jewish Champion Elites and White Contender Elites(or more like Cucktender Elites as they don’t challenge the power of the Champion Elites). Ideally, the White Elites should represent the White Middle. And there was a time when they used to. Both Theodore Roosevelt(on the Right) and Franklin Delano Roosevelt(on the Left) felt some degree of connection with the White Masses. Indeed, despite heavy Jewish representation in FDR’s administration, many Jewish proposals and demands were rebuffed. FDR used Jewish talent and connections, but he had no illusions about the nature of Jews. And even up to Richard Nixon, there was honest discussion of Jewish influence in the corridors of power. So, there was still a sense that White Elites should look out for the ‘Silent Majority’ and keep a watchful eye on the nasty Jews.

But over time, the Jewish Elites took total power. They did it not only by gaining great wealth & buying up whore politicians and by saturating the air waves with Fake News that distorted mass perception but by using the power of academia and iconography to instill White People with ‘white guilt’ and moral paralysis(or moralysis). But Guilt alone isn’t entirely effective because it’s a downer and depressing. After all, if Christianity only said ‘sinful humanity killed Jesus’, people would just feel sad and bad about the Faith. Instead, Christianity says Jesus nobly died for the sins of mankind, triumphed over death, entered Heaven, and returned with the message of Redemption and Salvation for those who’d accept His status as the Son of God. That added an element of light and joy to Christianity. Christianity has Easter and Christmas as well as the sad stuff about how Jesus was unjustly whupped and killed by humanity. So, Jews found it useful to promote black sexual culture. This way, whites would be both paralyzed with ‘white guilt’ about the Negro and feel ‘liberated’ by Negro rhythm and sexuality. Thus, whites got both the ‘guilt’ and ‘fever’ in regards to blacks. All those white women who feel ‘white guilt’ could find salvation via sex with black men and allowing their white wombs to be colonized by black seed. And all those white boys could be ‘redeemed’ by turning into hapless cucks who worship everything black: They cheer for black athletes who hump tons of white cheerleaders, they praise their kids for listening to rap music where black thugs sing about how white girls need to suck ‘muh dick’, and they even invite black guys to hump their own wives and girlfriends as this Daily Beast Article explains: Of course, ‘intellectuals’ is euphemism for Proggy White Urbanites.

So, it’s not just a matter of the White Middle being crushed by Top and Bottom. Rather, the White Middle lost the White Top to the Jewish Top. When white people used to be gloriously race-ist in the past, the white elites felt an affinity and common bond with the white masses. This was also why the victorious North in the Civil War didn’t push for black revenge and domination over Southern Whites. In the end, Northern Whites figured Southern Whites were still their racial brethren and didn’t deserve to be mass-raped by Negroes. Today, Jews still have this sense of top-middle-bottom solidarity among themselves. Jewish elites in Israel care about the Jewish middle and Jewish bottom. And they are proud of it. And in the US, even as Jews berate white identity and interests, they make lots of noises about how Jewishness is so great, how every American needs to support Israel, and how there’s nothing wrong with Jews caring about fellow Jews(all around the world ) and helping those Jews who have less. So, the Jewish Top cares about the Jewish Middle and Jewish Bottom. But the White Top no longer feels for the White Middle & Bottom because of the cult of White Guilt. If members of the White Top today spoke and acted like Teddy Roosevelt or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, their reputations would be destroyed in no time by the Jews. Donald Trump hasn’t explicitly said anything pro-white — even though he’s said plenty that specifically praised Jews and blacks — , but notice how Jews have been having conniptions about him as Literally Hitler. Why? It’s because Trump has refused to talk and act in the mode of White Guilt 24/7. Because of his lack of apologetics, Jews fear that Trumpism may trigger the waking up of the White Giant that may say NO and then eventually give the Middle Finger to Jewish Supremacist perfidy.
As long as White Guilt is at the center of the National Narrative, the White Top will remain subservient to Jews. After all, even the White Middle, as having been instructed by Jew-run academia and informed by Jew-run media, have bought into White Guilt. So, suppose a member of the White Elite decides to go ‘rogue’ and come out as a Pan-European Patriot. Jews would use all their media power to smear him as a ‘racist’, ‘anti-Semite’, and ‘Neo-Nazi’. Then, even the White Middle will denounce and reject him EVEN THOUGH he’s speaking in the interests of the vast majority of the White Race. Via control of Academia and Media, Jews have infected even the hearts and minds of the White Middle with PC crap about ‘white guilt’. Indeed, Jews have even gone so far as to infect the vast majority of whites with the idea that it’s a noble idea to desecrate the crucial bio-moral institution of marriage by associating it with Homo-Fecal-Penetration and Tranny-Penis-Cutting. If a white elite member came out in favor of restoring True Marriage, he would be rejected by the much-corrupted-and-soul-soiled White Middle whose main culture is Pop Culture and whose main ideology is PC(though somewhat milder than the PC of colleges). Why did the White Middle become so corrupted? Because the White Elites or the White Top totally surrendered to Jews. In the past, the White Top saw the dangers of rising Jewish Power and took measures to keep the Radicalism of the Tribe in check. But Jews kept on gaining in power. And then, by hammering a certain Narrative until White Guilt became the focal point of American Consciousness, it became difficult for White Elites to call out on Jewish Perfidy since any criticism of Jewish Power came to be associated with ‘antisemitism’ and ‘Nazism’. So, Jews could rant on and on about Wasps, but whites had to shut up about Jews. It’s like Gene Siskel could get away with talking crap about Anglo-American bankers. But imagine if a white film critic had said similar shit about Jews. He would have been canned there and then, even if the sentiments had been said between takes.

Because the Jewish Top owns the White Top(and because the Jew-run mass media and mass education mold the hearts and minds of the White Masses), we have a case of not only the High(Jewish) and the High(Wasp) versus the White Middle but also the High(Jewish) and the White Middle versus the White High. Even though there is no White High that openly stands for white identity and interests in the US — Donald Trump is not such a leader — , even if such were to emerge, it would most likely be rejected and even reviled by the White Middle that’s been so mentally warped by Jewish control of media and academia. Many in the White Middle sincerely believe Diversity & Inclusion trumps all else and worship nonsense like ‘gay marriage’. If so-called ‘conservative’ S. E. Cupp shed tears of joy upon the passing of ‘gay marriage’, imagine how proggy white middle women feel?
Furthermore, to speak of the White Middle is problematic because the Middle Class has been breaking up between the still-successful upper-middle-class and the declining sub-working class. There used to be a time when the idea of the ‘middle class’ had broad meaning, especially after WWII when there was a vast rise in wealth for many Americans. So, even the traditional working class believed they were part of the ‘middle class’. Having a blue-collar job didn’t mean you weren’t middle class. You could have a house, own cars, and send kids to decent schools where they rubbed shoulders with kids from more affluent families. So, there was a sense of a broad white middle class. But globalism made it possible for some tech-savvy member of the middle class to shoot up to the upper-middle class yuppie territory. As for the blue collar middle class folks, they sunk lower and lower as globalism and ‘free trade’ shipped tons of US jobs overseas. Also, Mass Invasion by Third World folks meant depressed wages in the US. So, with even decent-paying blue collar jobs disappearing across America, the working-class-as-middle-class increasingly became a pipe dream. And there was also the cultural degradation. When family, church, tradition, and patriotism were part of American blue collar life(or British blue collar life), working class folks had some degree of respectability in their lives. They had families. Fathers were fathers, mothers were mothers. They went to Church. They had a sense of ethnic community. But with the rise of radical individualism, youth culture, hedonism, Afro jiggity-ness, Jewish perversity, and feminist nastiness, the overall culture got trashier, more shameless and vulgar. And working class types were affected more negatively because their relatively inferior intelligence, irony, and sophistication made them easier prey to the culture of excess and degeneration. A smart and educated person is likely to act more sensible even if his values are decadent and hedonistic. In contrast, a less intelligent and less sophisticated person is more likely to dive head first into morass of filth and obscenity.

And then, due to Mass Invasion(aka immigration) and Affirmative Action, the Top became increasingly ‘diverse’. Silicon Valley is now filled with Asians(especially Hindus) as well as with Jews and whites. In political science departments of many elite colleges, there are peoples of all backgrounds. Therefore, white elites find themselves drawing closer with global elites of all races and cultures. Since they have little in common in terms of tradition, religion, and history, they draw together and circle around the banner of Globo-Afro-Homo Cult funded and promoted by the Empire of Judea. In the US, the Holy Three are Jews, blacks, and homos. And Jews are holy in the EU because of Shoah as neo-religion. But Jew-Worship is a tough sell outside the West. While the non-West will bow down to Jewish Power(because it is so formidable), they have no special love for Jews. And as they weren't responsible for WWII and the Holocaust, they have no reason to feel ‘guilty’. If anything, many people in Asia see Jews as the real rulers of America. And many in the Muslim world see Jews/Zionists as the biggest a**holes. And most in Africa see Jews as just ‘richer whites’ who should be milked as much as possible. Because Jewishness isn’t holy outside the West, Jews seek to use the front of Globo-Afro-Homo Cult to unify all of mankind under Jewish Hegemony. Why? Homos exist in all societies, so Jews can recruit homos in any nation to serve as their collaborators. Also, Homomania is flamboyant and fun for those who take part in it. It’s like globo-Mardi-Gras or globo-Samba-Carnival. As for Negroes, they got rap, sports, and sexuality-via-dong-and-booty. Also, their booming voices and howling hollers make their suffering just seem more intense and eloquent. People don’t like to hear complaints but may listen up if the complainers are orating like MLK or some Mountain-Sized-Negro-who-done-luv-a-wittle-white-mouse. Notice that both Zionists and Palestinians express their tribal pride & rage in the form of Rap, the biggest musical genre in the US. And both Zionists and Palestinians try to out-wave the Homo Flag in the West to be associated with homo-holiness. Even though Globo-Homo thing is Jewish-made and Jewish-funded, there are anti-Zionist forces who seek to appropriate the ‘holy’ symbol for themselves. (Apparently, it is holy in the Current Year to be associated with symbol of homo fecal penetration and tranny-penis-cutting.)
Anyway, Affirmative Action favors non-whites for elite positions. And Asians, Hindu and Yellow, are graduating from elite colleges and taking over many positions in media, academia, and middle management. So, when we say the Top and Bottom are crushing the Middle, it’s no longer so much the case of Jewish/White Top and Brown/Black bottom working against the White Middle. The White Middle has long cracked into Upper Middle Class(yuppies and their ilk) and the Sub-working-class(many of whom are not even gainfully employed). And the Top is becoming more brown with Affirmative Action favoring mulattos and with Mass Invasion making Asians rise above even the White Upper Middle Class. Also, the race-mixing at the top is creating all sorts of weird hybrids whose main identity is globo-power-and-privilege than anything else. When the privileged kids of Jews, whites, Hindus, Chinese, mulattoes, white Hispanics, and etc. attend the same elite institutions, the only thing they have in common is want of privilege, wealth, and status. They are Status Supremacists. They will sacrifice and attack anything that threatens their vaunted positions in society. Even though they will do ANYTHING to get more for themselves, they cover their tracks of self-interest with vapid talk of ‘progress’ premised on ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’, which are bogus because Diversity is the result of imperialism and Inclusion(which now means coercive inclusion) is just euphemism for Invasion. The US surely uses the Politics of Inclusion in the Middle East. Iraq, Libya, and Syria were all forced to allow the invasive ‘inclusion’ of US military might(that serve the interests of the Empire of Judea of course). Against all norms of International Law, the US military is now occupying large swaths of territory in Syria.

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In the above video link at 42:57, Spencer says he’s not interested in being a ‘martyr’, and he conflates martyrdom with losing. He is wrong. A true martyr is a winner because his defeat is admired and remembered. It inspires others to take up the cause. A martyr is more than someone who just loses or is defeated. A martyr is who ‘loses’ beautifully and nobly, thereby inspiring others to follow in his footsteps. Jesus was certainly the most famous example. But it also goes for John Wayne’s character in SANDS OF IWO JIMA. A martyr doesn’t die in vain. He dies to inspire others to take up the cause with even greater fervor and commitment. And no movement can get anywhere without martyrs, without those who are willing to take the first bullets as they charge into battle.

The big irony is that Spencer IS a martyr whether he wants to admit it or not. Not in the classic sense as he is still alive and in one piece. But in terms of reputation and representation, he’s been targeted, cornered, tarred-and-feathered, shot with arrows, and nailed to the wall. Because of his commitment to the cause, he’s been punched in the face(with great fanfare from wicked Jews who are asking for their comeuppance), robbed of Constitutional Rights at Charlottesville, denied payment systems, kicked off Facebook(even though he did nothing to violate terms of policy), and harassed with Lawfare(again by wicked Jews). He can't raise funds for his trial because Jew-run payment systems deny him service(even though Americans are forced to pay taxes to send billions to Judeo-Nazi Israel). He can’t even pay for a drink at a bar with a credit card. His college speeches have been sabotaged by Antifa which effectively works as strongarm of SPLC that is funded by Jewish globalists. Whether Spencer wants to admit it or not, he’s been the lightning rod of Establishment Fury. Because the Power sees Spencer, rightly or wrongly, as the focal point of Alt Right Movement, it has been directing most of its fury at Spencer and those around him. The only reason why Spencer still has a Twitter account is because he’s been mild and moderate in his tweets. Especially after Charlottesville, how can anyone not say that Spencer and his inner circle have not been ‘martyred’? Whether Spencer accepts the label or not, he’s been hit hard. And he will continue to be hit hard as NOTHING he says or does henceforth will redeem his reputation in the eyes of the Power. He can only go forth by accepting his ‘martyrdom’ as a fact of life. Wherever he goes, he will carry the mark-of-cain because the Jew-run media see him as most dangerous. If Spencer is sensible, he should wear this mantle of martyrdom with pride. Perhaps, the reason for his unwillingness is due to an Anglo honor-code where it’s not considered dignified to play up one’s downtrodden status. Spencer’s pride can’t accept that he’s been licked. Also, his Nietzschean perspective makes him identify with the winner, victor, and hero while disdaining anyone who reeks of 'loserdom'. But sometimes, it makes more sense to take something from the Biblical play-book that is filled with martyrs. In the Greek myths, the heroes usually triumph and win. In Biblical tales, many fail and fall. Even the greatest Jewish king, David, failed in the end like King Arthur in EXCALIBUR. And before him, Moses was finally banished from the Promised Land by God. While Moses and David weren’t exactly martyrs, they were ultimately tragic vessels for something larger than themselves. And in the larger scope of things, Nietzscheanism fails because, like Ayn-Randianism, it’s all about the power of individuality. A true mastermind should, prophet-like, be able to see the bigger picture. While losing is usually futile and pathetic, the nobler kind of losing isn’t losing at all. It is setting the grounds for bigger victory down the line. The beauty of martyrdom means that the fall of one may inspire the rise of a million. While Alt Right people should not invite defeat, they must accept the fact that they will be met with defeat after defeat after defeat before they finally get something really going. It’s like the US space program had to suffer many setbacks before finally designing a rocket that could go into space. To move forward and upward, Alt Right will have to get used to ‘martyrdom’ like a cat wishing to cross to the other side of the river has to get used to getting wet.

Spencer says that speaking the truth & standing for principles but losing isn’t worth it. He says he’s in it to WIN. But, there is losing and then there is losing. There is losing because one has been exposed as wrong and fraudulent. That kind of losing is definitive. But there is losing because one has spoken the truth and aroused the ire of the Establishment that suppresses the truth. That kind of losing lays the groundwork for eventually winning. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a loser who was later lionized as a moral winner. Also, one has to correctly gauge one’s options in the struggle. When truth, honesty, and integrity are the ONLY things one has, they must be used as the main weapon. If the Alt Right has representation in Deep State, Ivy League, Silicon Valley, Big Media, the Law Courts, and etc., then Spencer’s talk of WINNING may have credence. But the Alt Right has NOTHING in terms of the actual instruments of power. Spencer cannot even pay for a freaking drink at a bar. He can’t even rent out space at the Ronald Reagan building for an NPI conference. He can’t even rely on cops to defend his supporters from Antifa thugs. So, what is this talk of WINNING? With what? The only way to win, at least incrementally, is by focusing on what the Alt Right has available at the moment: Truth, Honesty, Integrity, and Courage via the platform of the Internet. If the Power has thrown you down a well and if you can’t climb back up, the only thing left is for you to shout out your message so that people around the well can hear you. Jews use ethno-totalitarian financial monopoly to deny people like Spencer, Jared Taylor, and Kevin MacDonald from collecting donations. Money is the water of the modern economy, and Jews have the power to shut off the flow to Pan-Europeanists just like Zionists cut off water to Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. And of course, Jews cut off food and medicine to Iraq so that 100,000s of women and children died. Jews are that venal, wicked, heartless, and cruel.

Anyway, even if the dissidents of the Alt Right cannot raise money, they can still use the FREE services of the internet to get their ideas and views across far and wide. Even with so many Jew-run internet platforms shutting down so many voices, there are many more new voices speaking truth to power, and Jews can’t shut everyone down. And every time Jews shut another person down, word gets around that Jews do indeed control everything. In the end, Jewish Tyranny over white folks will be like Soviet control over Eastern Europeans. Total but seen for what it is. There will be so much hatred and resentment against Jews that when their fall comes, it will be as swift and absolute as the fall of Soviet Occupation of Eastern Europe. Until Alt-Tech comes into its own and ensures financial and networking for all peoples and voices, the Alt Right, Dissident Right, and Left-Right(aka Neo-Fascist National Humanism) will have to accept the fact that their only potent weapon is Speaking Truth to Power with Honesty, Truth, Courage, and Integrity. And ‘martyrdom’ will be a daily part of life. Spencer can deny his situation all he wants. The fact is he IS the most famous ‘martyr’ of the Alt Right. And if his admirers still stick with him, it is only because he didn’t turn cuck like Jack Hunter the Souuuuuuthern Avenger.

Also, even though Spencer talks about how ‘we need to gain power’, the first step in the road to power is by weakening the Power-that-be. It's like, before you construct a new building, the existing building has to be brought down first. Focus on destruction before construction.
As long as the Power-that-be is around, it will do everything to prevent the formation of Alt Right power. It will use financial tyranny, lawfare, bribery of cuck-politicians, Antifa goonery, Big Media lies, and etc. So, before Spencer thinks about increasing ‘our power’, he needs to first think about how to weaken ‘their power’. Since the Power-that-be is so immense in terms of cash, connections, and conspiracy, it can’t be taken down by going head to head. The smaller power will be defeated. Rather, the weaker power will have to assess the key vulnerabilities in the Power. It’s like Luke Skywalker shot lasers into a certain portal to blow up the Death Star. And it makes no sense to attack a giant bridge with a sledgehammer from the top. It will take forever. Rather, one must assess the structure of the bridge and the laws of gravity. One must find the key supportive points and place the explosives there. This is why even a few explosives can bring down an entire bridge. Though an immense structure, simple gravity will bring it all down if its critical supportive links are destroyed. Same thing with a boxer. Even the biggest and toughest boxer can be brought down by being hit ‘right on the button’. In the animal world, how does a leopard bring down an animal many times its size and weight? How come a cougar can sometimes kill a horse? Because even though a horse is much bigger and stronger, it has a vulnerable spot in the back of the neck. If a cougar can jump on the horse’s neck, cling tight, and sink its fangs into the spinal cord, the horse will come down. A horse has no means to reach the back of its neck with its hooves or teeth. If a cougar tries to go against a horse face-to-face, forget it.

So, before the Alt Right thinks in terms of ‘our power’, it needs to take a close look at the Power or ‘their power’. It needs to assess its overall structure and pinpoint its weak spots, the Achilles Heel. Samson understood this. He didn’t have to attack every square inch of the palace. He only needed to remove two columns underpinning the entire edifice. Since the Current Power is so moralistic, holier-than-thou, and virtue-signaling, it has set itself for de-legitimization and invalidation if its moral supports were to be removed. As power rises high, it comes under immense gravitational pressure. It becomes very expensive to maintain the moral justification for the power. (Indeed, why would the elites spend so much money on the truth when it can go against their interests? Only a fool would spend big money on unbiased and principled truth. If you're going to spend big bucks, make sure you get bang for the buck. Companies spend money on advertising to sell their products, not reveal truths that may undercut them. This is why much of the media and academia are Lie Factories. Big Money would not fund them just to be de-legitimized by them. Just about anything with a huge price-tag is a lie. Or, if it contains the ugly truth, it's about whatever or whomever that the Big Money hates. So, the Jew-run publishing industry produces many books about the Ugly Truth of Nazi Germans but precious little about the Ugly Truth of Jewish Bolshevik Mass Killers.) Alt Right must target the most vulnerable weak spots of Jewish Supremacist Power. With a little effort, it can easily be demonstrated that the US is really part of the Empire of Judea and that Jewish-Supremacism or Judeo-Nazism, not ‘white supremacism’, is the real animating force of American Power. And it can easily be demonstrated that the Current Elites of the Deep State are utterly corrupt, power-hungry, and demented. Obama can easily be outed as a flying-monkey-pet of Jews.

Obamonkey destroyed Libya and aided terrorists in Syria. (One wonders how many in the Deep State really believe in the ruling ideology. In THE WIZARD OF OZ, the henchmen surprisingly express their gratitude when the Wicked Witch is destroyed. They'd just been reluctant minions all along. Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead. Of late, many people, especially non-Jewish progs, seem happy to see the fall of men like Harvey Weinstein and Eric Schneiderman. Could many people in the Deep State just be cynical operators? But then, judging by James Comey, who gets all teary-eyed about tripe like TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, maybe these Deep State dufuses are really shallow maudlin fools who've drunken the Kool Aid of PC as their neo-religion.) Because there are so many moral strikes against the Globo-Homo Deep State neo-imperialism, the Alt Right has to present itself as essentially decent, honest, and moral. It is moral for a people to insist on their racial and cultural survival. If anything, it is the GLOB that is in neo-imperialist mode in wrecking the entire world through Zio-American military interference, financial terrorism, murderous sanctions, and demographic imperialism(especially against Europe that is filling up with millions of Africans and Muslims). Where Alt Right has failed is in compromising its own moral credit by allowing certain insane 14/88 Neo-Nazi types who are dumb or pathological enough to still admire Hitler. And while it’s totally necessary to speak truth to Jewish Power, spreading ugly lies about the Shoah and WWII is NOT okay. One of the few advantages a weaker power may have over the stronger power is in moral clarity. But even this is gone IF the Alt Right flirts with 14/88 clowns and lunatics. While Unite the Right had the Constitution on its side at Charlottesville, it should have sent out a message loud and clear that this New Right is not about Hitler-lovers, KKK, and such ilk. It failed to do that and got associated with scum who were easily exploited by the Jew-run media. A rich man has much more than a poor man, but the poor man can have morality and righteousness on his side. If the poor man relinquishes even that small but significant advantage by talking stupid ugly shit, then he shall remain powerless. (Incidentally, it was precisely because class-based leftism morally favored the have-lesses over the have-lots that the Jewish Globalists cooked up Homomania as the main banner of 'new leftism' because vain and fussy homos are on the side of the rich, famous, and wealthy. Jews handed the levers of morality, spirituality, and meaning to people such as the fruitkin in LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN.)

* * * * * * * * * *

In the above video link at 1 hr 16:48, Spencer says the Myth of American Democracy pretends as though the ‘rights’ and principles inscribed in the US Constitution have an existence and validity separate from the State. According to Spencer, that way of thinking — all too common among Conservatism Inc. types — is delusional and willfully naive. In truth, the ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’ that we cherish exist ONLY BECAUSE of the power of the state that maintains and enforces order, security, contracts, and rule of law through implicit threat of violence, e.g. "If you don’t pay taxes, the government will send men to arrest you." In the most elemental sense, Spencer is correct of course. Humans are organisms prone to violence and aggression, and only a form of governance and organized force can maintain order and ‘harmony’ among the people. In a simple social order, it could be the cooperation of elders and warriors. In a more complex social order, it could be the coordination of power among the military caste, the priesthood, and merchant class. In the modern world, nations are ruled by the complex apparatus of the state with its elaborate laws enforced by a vast bureaucracy in cooperation with the governing elites, elected or appointed.

Still, Spencer’s conception sounds too much like the Marxism of Power. It is overly materialist and focuses excessively on the bare-naked workings of power. In truth, the human mind is also a realm of power. Philosophers envision ideal societies and ideal concepts. Therefore, form and meaning of the state will depend on thinkers who offer a vision. After all, if ideals and principles merely follow the logic of the state as an instrument of (Darth Vaderian)power, all societies should be more or less alike. After all, all social orders, be they European-Islamic-Asian-African-Hindu-etc., came into existence through violence that eventually led to the creation of a state-run ‘harmony’ or ‘balance’. And yet, why did Europe, Asia, Muslim World, Hindu World, and etc. develop such different political orders? And even in Europe itself, why did different states end up working differently for different ends? And this is where ideas really do matter. Unlike animals who can only contend with reality as it is and as they find it, humans can drastically and fundamentally change their own environment based on the power of the mind. And this requires feats of imagination, creativity of thought, moral philosophy, and grand vision. It’s like there has to be an architect before any building. Sure, the building is made through the confluence of money, building material, engineers, and workers who do the heavy lifting. And the building is maintained by those who carry out the security details. But it had to have been envisioned and designed by someone in the first place. So, the ‘dream’ does matter. The ability to dream and envision something that doesn’t exist is the ultimate kind of power. You can have all the money-men, engineers, and construction workers. Without an architect, there won’t be any building. Same goes for cinema. Sure, movies cannot exist without producers, studios, the technical crew, costume department, and so much more. The studio is like the ‘state’ in art of movie-making. Without the studio and all its material assets, movies cannot be made. However, a movie still originates with an idea of writer. There is no CASABLANCA without the original story. There is no THE GODFATHER without Mario Puzo’s novel and screenplay. And of course, the director, if he’s really great, isn’t merely a manager of the crew but an artist and ‘author’(or ‘auteur’) in his own right. Stanley Kubrick didn’t write the bulk of 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, essentially a literary creation of Arthur C. Clarke, BUT the end-result is the product of Kubrick's unique vision, i.e. only he could have made it what it is. No Kubrick, no 2001, just like No Lucas, No STAR WARS.
Therefore, focusing so much on the power of the state while dismissing its ideals and themes as mostly delusional is to ignore what makes humans special and unique. Humans have the POWER to envision things and conceptualize a better order. So, even though it takes real struggle and the institution of the state to actualize those ideas, the fact is grand plans are motivated, shaped, and directed by ideas. This is as true of empires as of nations. Mongols were empire-builders just like the Ottomans and the British. And yet, why did the Mongol-ruled world differ so much from the British-ruled world or the Ottoman-ruled world? Because the power of ideas and principles really do matter in shaping the direction of power. And also in limiting the scope of power. After all, as yet anyway, the rulers of the US haven’t yet been able to act exactly like Hitler or Stalin even though, of course, there are many in Deep State who would love to exterminate us(like it did with 100,000s of Iraqi women and children).

Even though it is the power of the state that guarantees certain ‘rights’, it is no less true that the struggle to build a certain kind of state-power has often been motivated by certain ideals. After all, if people only struggle for money and power, they’d just be gangsters. But in fact, despite the perennial reality of greed and self-interest, many peoples throughout history were motivated by higher ideals. It wasn’t just about power for power’s sake but power to create a better order based on certain principles. Why would so many communists have sacrificed their lives? Because they really did believe in their Cult of Justice.

Granted, all ideals are cynically manipulated by savvy operators... as illustrated in George Orwell’s ANIMAL FARM. Also, power has its own logic in reasserting itself as the core dynamics of a social order. So, even if the most idealistic people were to gain power, they could gradually come to keep the power mainly for power-for-power’s-sake. They become accustomed to power, then addicted to power. Or they lack confidence in others to carry on with the ideals and try to rule as long as possible... as Mao and Castro did.

Jews came up with the most potent basis of power: The Covenant. It combined the highest ideal — blessing by the one and only God of all universe — with the base reality of blood and soil. The Way of God was to be contracted with the way of the Jewish pud. Thus, it became Godly for Jews to serve in the interests of their Tribal Power.
A people who think too abstractly without grounding in reality cannot amass much power. Buddhists were such people. Their ideas were too abstract and up in the clouds. Even though Buddhism became the official religion of certain powerful kingdoms, Buddhists themselves never became one of the great powers of the world.
In contrast, Mongols were very based in the realm of brutal power. They were nomadic-warriors without any great idea or vision. Their ambition was to conquer as much as possible and rape & pillage anything and anyone in their path. In terms of material power, they were among the greatest in human history. But lacking a higher ideal or noble vision, their power eventually faded and vanished once the Mongol victors grew lazy or just mixed with other peoples.
The lesson of Buddhists and Mongols is that high-idea-without-grounding-in-reality and brute-power-without-higher-ideals are both destined to fail as power. In contrast, the Jewish Covenant managed to forge a unity between High Concept and Base Reality. It combined Truth(God) and Tribe(Jews).

For the full video:

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