Monday, January 27, 2020

Why is Jewish Politics so dirty? — Does Jewish Power practice Foreign Policy within the American Body Politic? — What happens when National Politics takes on the coloring of Foreign Policy? — 'Mossad' and 'Palestinians' as Metaphors

The above essay by Ron Unz details the various acts of terror, assassinations, and other extra-legal measures taken by the Mossad and secret Jewish organizations. Most striking is how brazen Jewish Power has been even in nations that are thought to be supportive and protective of their lives, wealth & interests, and of course Israel. What is the mentality behind such an attitude and worldview among Jews? And what does this say about the nature of Jewish Politics in the West? Do Jews practice a kind of Foreign Policy in goy nations despite being national citizens in them?

Why is Jewish Politics so dirty? Perhaps because Jews regard all politics(except in Israel) to be a matter of Foreign Policy. (Of course, there's plenty of corruption and dirty dealings in Israel, but Israeli political dynamics is still a case of healthy national politics where rulers are mindful of the needs of the ruled as fellow Jews.) What is the striking feature about foreign policy as opposed to domestic policy? The former tends to be far more Machiavellian, cynical, opportunistic, and gangster-like. We can see this in the dichotomy of US national politics and US foreign policy. While there's plenty of foulness and filth to be found in both, there is a limit to bad behavior in national politics. No matter how much the President or the Deep State hates someone in the US, he or it cannot use drone strikes against him. George W. Bush could kill any number of Iraqis but couldn't send goons to take out Michael Moore. Trump cannot anyone in the US like he took out Soleimani the Iranian. The Democrats can't hire ISIS or 'moderate rebels'(as done in Syria) to slaughter American Conservatives. People of the nation have rights and/or voices, and the rulers and the ruling class must maintain legitimacy as elites with good intentions. Indeed, it is telling that both Joe Biden and Donald Trump got in hot water in relation to Ukraine. Apparently, both felt that they could get away with pulling some stunt in a FOREIGN country that wouldn't pass muster in the US. (Granted, there are nations where domestic politics is pretty brutal and lawless, but then, such regimes rule more by secret police and fear factor than with genuine legitimacy. North Korea would be a prime example. But in nations like the US, Russia, Iran, and China, the rulers must maintain some genuine measure of support and trust among the populace, the 'mandate of heaven' thing. And that means the elites can't just do ANYTHING and get away with it.)

It's been said the US president must abide by the Rule of Law in the US but can act almost like an imperial-dictator in relation to the world. Consider how Trump got away with assassinating Soleimani. And US tramples on feeble 'international law' as it continues to occupy Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. When it comes to foreign policy, the only rule is "If doable, we do it." So, Obama got away with wrecking Libya, engineering a coup in Ukraine, and aiding crazy terrorists in Syria. And US foreign policy in Latin America has been dismal overall, even supporting 'death squads' to prop up allies against the rise of the masses or Marxist insurgents. FBI has abused power in the US but nothing like what the CIA did overseas. National politics is like City Hall. Dirty and corrupt but within some limits of Rule of Law. Foreign policy is like gangsterism, and this is true of every nation. The CIA was all over the map. It funded modernist art in Eastern Europe and aided ultra-conservative Islamists in the Middle East. The only rule was 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', with former friends suddenly becoming enemies and vice versa. CIA worked with China to prop up remnants of Khmer Rouge against the Vietnamese who once occupied Cambodia. And of course, the foreign policies of nations like China, Russia, Iran, and etc. have also been gangsterish and even ghoulish at times. Foreign policy is like gangsterism plus the Wild Wild West. As different nations have different interest, different norms, and different conceptions of rules/laws, there is an absence of universal standards and values. And so, the US, in one moment, denounces Iran as a theocratic tyranny, and then turns around to embrace Saudi Arabia as a most valued ally. In America, when the elites say Segregation was wrong, they better mean it. But American morality is a game of smoke-and-mirrors outside the US as the very politicians who endlessly remind us of the bad ole days of Jim Crow have no issues with neo-apartheid in West Bank against Palestinians.
The problem with Jews is that they are minorities in all nations except in Israel. Now, if Jews hadn't gained great power in goy nations, none of this would matter. But in fact, Jews have gained power that ranges from considerable to tremendous to even dominant in goy nations. Jewish power is considerable in certain Eastern European and Latin American nations despite their tiny numbers. Jewish power is tremendous in France and UK, even in Russia. It is dominant in the US, the lone superpower. Now, if Jews in whatever goy nation primarily identified with the majority goy population, their politics might be more humane, considerate, normative, and responsible within respective national contexts. But many Jews regard goyim as The Other, and that means Jews regard just about all politics(except in Israel and within Jewish communities) as a matter of Foreign Policy. So, Jewish American elites think not in terms of National Politics but regard even US politics as just another game of Foreign Policy, a matter of Jews and Goyim or Jews vs Goyim. Jews regard goy Americans like US government regards nations like China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Ukraine, Poland, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Egypt, etc. Just like the US government acts the gangster in Foreign Policy, lawlessly going to any length to make or break alliances to maximize power and position, it seems Jewish American Power has few qualms about doing even the most outrageous things WITHIN the US in the name of "Is it good for Jews, Zionism, and Israel?"
This has huge repercussions for all of America because Jews are the ruling elites, and thus set the tenor of power for the rest of the people. If this style of politics continues in the US, there won't be any real National Politics left as the Foreign-Policy mindset will come to define and determine all aspects of power and relations. (In a similar vein, Latin American politics has been lousy because the white ruling elites always regarded the non-white majority as the Other, and of course vice versa. Despite all the flowery rhetoric of all Latin Americans being happily mixed, there have always been racial demarcations. Latin American elites regard the brown national masses as 'foreigners' and vice versa, and this accounts for why the politics there have especially been gangsterish. When dealing with 'foreigners', anything goes. It seems Jewish elites look upon goy Americans like how white elites in Latin America look upon brown masses. Thus, national politics turns into a kind of foreign policy where Machiavellian gangsterism takes precedence over any notion of Rule of Law or the Good of the Nation.)

Whether it was stealing US atomic secrets, assassinating Americans(and other goyim), planning terrorist attacks, crushing free speech, undermining border security, pushing tons of Africans & Arabs into Europe, abusing the most unscrupulous use of lawfare(which is mafia-like perversion of the law), using control of finance to destroy lives, springing Jewish crooks from jail, spreading the most outrageous lies via media monopoly -- just how can a nation that calls itself a 'liberal democracy' with a 'free press' get away with something as surreal as 'Russia Collusion' Hoax? -- , peddling opioids & other drugs that killed whites at near-genocidal levels, indulging in the rankest hypocrisy of denouncing nationalism & 'white supremacism' while compelling all Americans to praise & protect the Nation of Israel and praise Jews, Jews, Jews, and etc., the result has been that American Politics no longer resembles National Politics. We don't so much feel like Americans being guided by National Interest but as foreigners being terrorized or manipulated with the most cynical set of carrots-and-sticks by an alien entity.

Given the current state of affairs, the 'Mossad' can serve as a useful metaphor for Jewish Power in the US. While Jewish Power doesn't go around literally assassinating or bombing goy politicians, it has ways of destroying just about anyone, and the reasons have almost nothing to do with whether someone is good or bad for the nation but everything to do with whether he's good or bad for Jewish Power. When judged bad-for-Jews, he is destroyed by the combined drone-attack by media, deep state, and power of blackmail, as we learned from Jeffrey Epstein. And even when some Jews are outed and brought down, as with Bernie Madoff, the Jewish-mafia-media narrative is that Madoff mainly hurt poor poor fellow Jews and it's terribly 'antisemitic' for anyone to say otherwise. If Mossad is a useful metaphor for Jewish American Power in general, 'Palestinians' are a useful metaphor for the great masses of goyim. When the norms of Foreign Policy prevails over National Politics within the very nation, the name of the game is gansterism all around. In a way, globalism, by spreading Diversity all over the world and severing the jugular vein between the national elites and national masses, has facilitated the spread of gangster politics. When a predator attacks a larger prey, it attempts to bite the back of the neck to sever the nerves that connect head to body. Once severed, the body goes limp, paralyzed. America had a healthier national politics when the white head was connected and responsive to the white body.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

How Jewish Bagel Brains Came to Own Irish Potatoheads — How Jews Manipulated the Mis-Alignment of Self-Preservation and Self-Righteousness in Irish Politics, Values, and Spirituality.

There are two ways of responding to the world around us, two ways of feeling about who we are and how we relate to others, near and far. They define much of our lives as a constant struggle and/or exertion(and even excitement). One is about self-preservation and the other is about self-justification(that can easily turn into self-righteousness). Most ideal is when self-preservation is aligned with self-justification. Most dangerous is when self-justification comes to malign self-preservation. Consider Body and Soul(or Spirit). Consider Health and Sensation. Though the soul/spirit is an extension of the body, excessive indulgence of the body or excessive purification of the spirit can lead to misalignment of the two. A person who prioritizes only the needs of the body will neglect the spirit, and a person who seeks spiritual perfection will neglect the body. The narcissism of the body will conflate physical beauty with sanctity itself. The purist strains of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity have led to problematic, even pathological, rejection of the needs of the body. And even though sensations exist to preserve life and health — hunger makes us eat, cold leads us to warmth, pain alerts us to seek relief, sexual desire leads to birth of new life to perpetuate the species, etc — , they can take on a life of their own and deviate from their original/main purpose. Normally, pain and strain alert us that something is wrong, and pleasure assures us that health has been restored. Hunger is a kind of strain/pain and makes the organism seek out food that provides pleasure and ensures its preservation. But what if the organism overly fixates on pleasure of eating and keeps eating beyond what is necessary for health and preservation? Consider all the fatsos who keep eating and eating when they don’t need all that food. They’ve fallen into the Pleasure Trap where pleasure no longer serves its primary purpose of preservation but exists for its own sake. We see such behavior with sex, drugs, and leisure of all kinds. These kinds of pleasures aren’t correctives to Pain Alarms that something is wrong but sensations that demand more and more stimulation, titillation, and scintillation for an organism that has become addicted to excessive jolts of intense pleasure. This is most problematic with drugs such as crack, meth, and heroin. Pleasure offered by such drugs do NOTHING for preservation of health of the organism, but it is sought out by the organism that finds itself increasingly divorced from reality. It’s like the 1980s commercial of the monkey that became so addicted to cocaine that it neglected everything else to get more highs from the drug... even unto death. Same could be said of pleasures offered by vice industries such as gambling and prostitution, real-life or electronic(aka video-pornography).

Ideally, body and soul are united in purpose. Though body and soul are different, they must be complementary, like negative and positive charges of electricity. Likewise, pleasure associated with eating should primarily be associated with needs of health. When hungry, people should seek out good food and consume essential calories and nutrients. While a bit of junk food snacks like cookies and ice cream are okay in small amounts, they should be avoided as main course or staple diet. (Consider that much of the obesity and diabetes problem in the West has to do with people constantly munching on snacks of all kinds away from the meal table.) Even healthy activity such as exercise must be in sound coordination with the needs and limits of the body. Consider all the people who end up with chronic aches(or even debilitating injuries) because they pushed their bodies too hard in search of pathological narcissism or egotistical glory. Unless one is a professional athlete or adventurer, one should never push too hard. No sense in pushing oneself to become tougher and stronger only to end up crippled or dead.

The same rule applies to self-preservation and self-justification. They must be balanced and aligned with one another. One must serve the other with an understanding that they aren't synonymous. Just as it’s wrong to conflate self-preservation with self-justification, it’s wrong to risk self-preservation for sake of self-justification(morphed into self-righteousness). Nazi German soldiers fought to preserve themselves in Russia, and to that extent, they were working in the mode of self-preservation. But were they in the right to invade and terrorize another nation? At least on Russian soil, didn’t Russians have the priority of self-preservation against the German invaders. Thus, Russian self-preservation was aligned with Russian self-justification whereas, by normal standards of universal nationalism, German presence in Russia was not justified. Of course, there were Nazi radicals who argued that Germans had the racial right to invade and conquer Slavic territories since ‘Aryans’ are the superior and more deserving race. To be sure, it’s been a common justification all through the ages. For example, Latinos and Anglos certainly felt justified in conquering and taking the New World from the natives who were seen as savage, primitive, backward, inferior, or satanic(especially with the massive human sacrifices in South America and Mexico). Nazi Germans felt likewise justified in their invasion of Russia to create lebensraum for the Teutonic ubermensch. Humans certainly feel this way about animals and nature in general. Human races the world over have wiped out entire floras and faunas to create safer and securer habitats for themselves as the premium and more deserving species. And the West says the Jews were justified in carrying out Nakba Pogroms against lowly Arab Palestinians who were colonized, conquered, and expelled from their ancient homeland.
Still, while mankind has always been invasive, the defenders of blood & soil were always more justified in protection of homeland from invaders. And in cases where invaders did take over and put down roots, they went into defensive mode to protect their acquired territory from further invasion. And after many years passed, the descendants of the invaders came to regard the land they were born on as their homeland of blood and soil. History has always been complicated in this respect. Invaders become defenders, and defenders can become expansive and invade territories defended by others. History of imperialism has been like a football game where the only meaningful boundary is the latest scrimmage line. That said, the persistence of homeland often survived despite the anarchy of borders. For instance, even under Roman Imperial rule, the Jews regarded Jerusalem as their sacred city. And even after Poland was effectively wiped off the map, most Poles between Prussia/Germany and Russia had a general sense of their heritage and territory, which is why it was relatively easy to reconstitute Poland once Russian and German empires fell in World War I. And despite the vastness of the Soviet Empire, various ethnic groups maintained a sense of territorial integrity that emerged into full-fledged nationhood once USSR came to an end.
A people are most justified when their sense of self-preservation is paired with a powerful sense of self-justification. Indeed, such a people tend to be the fiercest fighters with the highest morale and determination. Take the Vietnamese under Ho Chi Minh. They believed in Vietnam as their motherland to take back from foreigners, be they French or Americans, and this sense of national self-preservation(or self-restoration) was almost synonymous with their sense of self-justification. They felt 100% justified in fighting for defense of their homeland. Justification = Preservation. They felt this so powerfully that they were willing to fight the French and then the Americans against all odds and despite losses of millions of lives. The Irish too were a fierce people at one time because their sense of self-preservation was one with their self-justification. They believed in national liberation and independence of Ireland from British Imperial rule. Their sense of nationhood was justification enough. Their sense of national memory & territoriality was powerfully wedded to their sense of political morality, historical necessity, and ideological commitment. Ireland for the Irish, the Irish for Ireland. Thus, despite the great military advantage of the British Empire, the greatest in the world at the time, the Irish independence struggle remained a major thorn on its side.
And of course, the reason why Jewish Power and Israel/Zionism are so mighty has to do with the complementary relation between Jewish self-preservation and Jewish self-justification. Jews don’t need to invoke GDP numbers or variety of -isms(and catchphrases and mantras about ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’) to justify the existence of Israel. The fact that it is the homeland of the Jews is justification enough for Jewish national self-preservation. Jews don’t need to ideologically defend their identity and territory. The mere fact of preserving Jewishness and Jewish homeland is more than sufficient. Then, it’s no wonder that Israel is so powerful and confident. (Granted, Israel was created by destroying Palestine. Indeed, Jewish-European imperialism kicked into gear just when Christo-European imperialism was beginning to recede from the Third World following the end of WWII, but Jews do have ancient roots in the land, the holiness of which wouldn’t make sense apart from Jewish ethno-spiritual narratives.) In a way, Israelis today feel as Irish did a century ago. Or, as the Vietnamese did as they struggled against the French & Americans. Algerians and Cubans also had a unity of self-preservation and self-justification in their struggles against imperialism/colonialism, respectively, of the French and Anglo-Jewish-Italo-Americans. And both Algerians and Cubans prevailed.

Still, it seems national identities have been fading all over the world, that is except for Jewish Identity. Part of the reason is Jewish Globalist agenda of weakening goy identities to make it harder for various goyim to unite into particular nationalities against Jewish globalist-imperialism. After all, even though Jews prize Israel as their sacred homeland, they also operate in neo-imperialist mode and derive most of their wealth and power from manipulating and exploiting goyim. Jews seek to flood the entire goy world with mass global migration while Israel alone remains afloat like Noah’s Ark in a mixed sea of miscegenationist confusion that shall engulf all goyim like the Sea of Reeds crashed upon Pharaoh’s chariots. Jews keep the crown and the rest of us drown. But, there is another reason for the fading of goy national identities. Many goyim around the world have artificial constructed identities, and ironically enough, their sense of nationality wouldn’t exist if not for European imperialism. After all, what is an ‘Indian’ or ‘Indonesian’? How did some Arabs end up as ‘Syrians’ while others ended up as ‘Saudis’ or ‘Iraqis’? How did some Kurds become ‘Iraqis’ while others became ‘Turks’, ‘Iranians’, or ‘Syrians’? While Arabs and Kurds pre-existed the coming of European Imperialism, they ended up in nation-states that resulted from often arbitrary lines drawn on the sand by the imperialists. To be sure, the line in the sand in the Middle East wasn’t certain even prior to European Imperialism.
What is the crucial difference between Israel and Ireland today? In Israel, there is virtual synthesis of Self-Preservation and Self-Justification whereas in Ireland the passion of Self-Justification has come unglued from Self-Preservation. There was a time when nothing was more just, necessary, and sacred in Irish hearts and minds than the independence and self-preservation of Irish people, land, and culture. But the great majority of Irish no longer feel that way. Indeed, many feel that the notion of Irish Self-Preservation is offensive, immoral, ‘racist’, ‘xenophobic’, and even downright evil. Their primary sense of Self-Justification comes from raving about Globo-Homomania, celebrating Diversity, welcoming ‘immigrants’(who are really invader-colonizers), Afro-worship(as Irish women got jungle fever, Irish men worship black athletes, and all Irish regard black music as the highest and deepest expression of soulful truth), and Jew-worship. (Many Irish still tend to be pro-Palestinian as legacy of past struggles when IRA and PLO were allies, but their anti-Zionist stance is ironically the consequence of their mindless Jew Worship. The Irish are so morally awed by Jews as the greatest victims of all time — the holy holocaust people — that it bothers their sensitivities to see wonderful Jews acting like a bunch of bullies against a powerless people such as Palestinians. Indeed, many Europeans have similar views. They are so committed to worshiping Jews as a holy people, the new christs who died for the sins of white folks, that they simply can’t digest the fact that powerful Jews in US and Israel are acting rather like Nazis.)

Because of the divergence between self-preservation and self-justification, the Irish are now a very schizo people. At the gut level, all organisms(which includes humans) instinctively want to secure their existence and ensure their continuance. So, even among Irish progs, there is some buried organismic want for survival. This side of them, no matter how repressed, is present in their drives and passion. But as Irish self-preservation has been ideologically and ‘idologically’ pathologized as ‘racist’, ‘far-right’, ‘exclusive’, and ‘xenophobic’, the majority of Irish now feel ashamed to harbor such nationalist passions. But because the feeling is there(as it’s natural), the Irish go out of their way to condemn it with even greater fury. If society deems something as sinful and if this sinful something happens to be ineradicable(as all natural feelings are no matter how repressed), extra measures must be taken to attack and condemn it day in and day out. It’s like the vilification of sexuality led to especially hysterical attempts to suppress natural passions in the witch-hunts of the Middle Ages. And communist societies had to be endlessly vigilant and alarmist about ‘greed’ precisely because self-interest is a permanent feature of human nature, even in the so-called New Man of Marxism-Leninism. Repressive hyper-virtue that runs against nature wants to be rid of all temptations and anything that reminds them of temptations. Then, it’s no wonder that campaigns against nationalism are so hysterical, relentless, fervent, and dogmatic. (Granted, human nature comprise opposites. Just as nationalism is natural, so is internationalism. Human nature is both naturally conservative and liberal, both cautious & wary and open & exploratory. Though the term ‘xenophobia’ is thrown around a lot, it should really apply only to societies where the order hysterically tries to suppress the natural inclination of humans to be curious, adventurous, and open to new experiences. North Korea would truly be a xenophobic nation. It is the mirror opposite of current Ireland. If North Korea ruthlessly suppresses the natural tendency of a people to look beyond their own domain, New Ireland fervently suppresses the natural tendency of a people to protect and preserve their own domain. Both are out of balance.) When people are pressured to do what goes against their nature, they must be drummed with constant reminders that the inquisition or purging is most necessary, desirable, and justified. Take the ritual of Seppuku in Japan, aka Harakiri. Suicide goes against organismic nature since life wants to live. People dread not only death but the pain involved. So, if samurai listened to their nature, they would have run like a mothafuc*a if expected to rip open their bellies. In order to counter such natural reaction, Japanese society devised an elaborate rules of duty and redemption whereby one’s honor could be restored ONLY BY MEANS of ritual suicide. To make the unnatural seem most natural and necessary(if circumstances demanded it), samurai from a young age were conditioned and tasked with an outlook that reminded them day in and day out that it was glorious to die an honorable death and that they must have absolutely no fear of it. The unnatural was made palatable through poetics and spirituality.

There is this sense in the death of Jesus as well. According to Christian mythology, the human side of Jesus feared pain and torture of Crucifixion as any man would. It went against human nature for Jesus not to be like a Negro and run like a mothafuc*a. More human/natural would have been for Jesus to go with the ‘last temptation’ of Martin Scorsese’s film. So, why was Jesus willing to surrender His body to such agony, humiliation, and death? He spun a myth about Himself whereby self-justification demanded His body be sacrificed for the redemption/salvation of mankind. A powerful sense of mission for humanity. And there was the matter of His massive Jewish ego. Still, He agonized all night, even panicking at moments and bewailing God for having putting Him in a bad situation. Finally, He was able to go through with the plan because His sense of self-justification overpowered His sense of self-preservation. His spiritual sense convinced Him that His physical demise would open a way for spiritual resurrection and everlasting glory. He needed an elaborate mythology of spiritual justification to overpower the physical demand for self-preservation.
And something similar happens in wars too. Every soldier knows he could get killed or horribly wounded in battle, and a part of his human nature tells him to take flight than fight, especially if the war happens to be imperialist in nature and has nothing to do with national defense or survival. (No wonder so many Americans were demoralized in Vietnam. Why did they need to fight rice-eaters to protect the American Way? While most didn't desert, few felt eagerness to put their lives on the line for the sake of foreigners.) Still, most soldiers pick up their guns and charge into battle because there is also the fear of court-martial and/or contempt as a coward(and being killed by the other side of course). As humans are social animals sensitive to how others feel about them, their natural fear in one area could be overcome by natural fear of social opprobrium or legal sanction(that could even lead to execution. e.g. Soviet troops who retreated in WWII were summarily shot by commissars — more honorable to be killed a hero by the Germans than killed a coward by one’s own side).
In a similar way, there is a natural Irish will to survive. It wants to preserve the people, culture, and land of Ireland for the Irish. But the elite Irish powers-that-be, especially the media and academia that take cues from the US as the metropole of the Empire of Judea, have inculcated generations of Irish children that the highest goods are Diversity(created by mass-immigration), Homomania, Afromania, and Jew-Worship. Now, some degree of cosmopolitanism is good and natural — as humans are naturally expansive as they’re naturally defensive — , but current Political Correctness goes far beyond a healthy balance of nationalism and internationalism. Rather, it calls for total eradication of traditional nationalism in favor of turning one’s own nation into an interchangeable bloc in the World of Glob, world where globalism runs rampant like the broomsticks in SORCERER'S APPRENTICE with Mickey Mouse. As current globalism is utterly radical and crazy, the natural response among the Irish should be for More Nationalism and efforts at Self-Preservation. But this is proving difficult and even near-impossible as the ‘Poz’ has utterly disconnected Irish sense of Self-Justification from Self-Preservation. So, if past Irish felt most justified in struggling for preservation, they now feel most justified in working against it. And precisely because the current National Suicide(or Irish Harakiri) goes against human nature, the delusional Irish must make an especially rabid effort to convince themselves that it’s ALL FOR THE GOOD to turn Ireland into New Africa-India-Arabia. (It's like whites cheer with artificially heightened enthusiasm for the Great Replacement to drown out their natural fears that it will turn out to be disastrous as the 'evil racists' have warned. Or, it's like gamblers get especially excited as they place big bets to suppress the very natural fear that they will lose everything. Consider Julie Hagerty's delirium in LOST IN AMERICA as she hangs all her hopes on '22'. It's like the globalist whites are collectively betting and shouting for '22' while the odds are totally against them. Crash-22 here it comes.)

Just like a samurai on the eve of Seppuku mustered all his energy to convince himself he felt no fear and welcomed this most honorable death, the Irish are forcing themselves to believe they’re having the grandest time in utterly transforming their nation into the Third World. This is all very ironic considering that Ireland was once one of the poorest nations in Europe, indeed its own little bit of ‘third world’. Irish had to work extra hard to turn poor Ireland into a genuine First World Nation, but they now seem hellbent on turning it literally into a Third World nation by importing tons of blacks, Hindus, and Muslims at the behest of globalist intellectual elites who take their cues from Jews. And yet, it all makes sense in a way. Due to centuries of deprivation and backwardness, the Irish had always felt an inferiority complex vis-a-vis the most advanced nations of Europe, and once they really began to make money, they(like the Spaniards) went out of their way to prove that they are just as intellectually, culturally, and politically advanced as the most modernized nations. So, a mindset developed whereby status-seeking Irish elites came to crave, above all, the approval of the elites of nations like Germany, Sweden, France, Canada, the US, and even UK, its old enemy. If Irish Celtics and British Anglos now have one thing in common, it’s that they are both neo-colonial subjects of the Empire of Judea and, as such, desire nothing more than to win the approval of Jewish overlords and super-elites who rule the world. So, if Jews say Globo-Homo and Diversity are the highest goods for white goy nations, both Anglo and Celtic cuck-elites are eager to prove that they are more ‘pozzed’ than the other. It’s a race among dogs before the Jewish Master.
But then, the Irish mindset was always compromised as the Irish were both the biggest victims and biggest beneficiaries of Anglo Imperialism. They were the first victims of British expansionism and often treated harshly, not least because the British were appalled by all the drinking, wife-beating, and brawling among the ‘micks’. But, no non-Anglo people benefited for as long and as much as the Irish in sharing the spoils of Anglo imperialism. Wherever Anglos went, the Irish followed along as soldiers, traders, adventurers, and pillagers. The Irish sure gained a tremendous deal from the US, essentially the product of Anglo Imperialism and Colonization. So, the Irish were both tough resisters against and happy collaborators with the worldwide Anglo Empire. Then, maybe it’s not so difficult to understand why UK and Ireland are going down at the same time in the same manner for the same reasons. The Irish and Anglos have been more joined at the hip than any Irish or Briton would like to admit.
Any nation of people, culture, memory, and territory must have unity of self-preservation and self-justification if it is to secure any long-term survival strategy. It is simply not possible for a people to preserve themselves as a nation IF their main sense of self-justification is at odds with the demands of self-preservation. The danger could be spiritual, ideological, or ‘idological’. While spirituality lends deeper/higher meaning to a people, it can also divorce them from worldly demands of survival. Consider all the Hindu yogis who dropped out of society to beg for alms while they stuck needles into their noses and arses. If one takes Buddhism to its logical conclusion, he should cut all his ties, duties, & attachments and just meditate to reach Nirvana. This is why Buddhist societies that survived restricted the scope of Buddhist influence or somehow managed to associate Buddhism with tribalism, like the Tibetans. Likewise, if Christians decided to become spiritual purists and live by every letter of Jesus, they will end up dead like the hero-priest in Roland Joffe’s THE MISSION. Without spirituality, life becomes too mundane, but excessive spirituality can lead to loss of reality. This is why Judaism is favorable in many ways to Christianity. Its universalist spiritual content is balanced by the tribal element of the Covenant, and its moral concerns are tempered by demands of the real world is understood not to be a place for saints. Judaism is about conviction and commitment but not about sainthood that came with Christianity. It is moralistic but not sanctimonious, the element that makes Christianity insufferable at times in its holier-than-thou piousness.

Of course, even as Jews feared the power of Christianity, they closely examined its psycho-spiritual anatomy for its Achilles Heel and found it. Jews realized how they could own and manipulate the Guilt Complex of Christianity for their own ends. Manipulating the nerve centers of Christian Guilt was as effective as toying with erogenous zones as a means to gain sensory control over goyim. Is it any wonder that Jews are both masters of Holocaustianity and Pornography? Jews understood that there is a kind of spiritual-erogenous or ‘spirogenous’ zone within Christian Psychology, not least because Christianity, far more than Judaism and certainly more than Paganism, was repressive about sexual matters, what with the Catholic Church even saying you will burn in purgatory if you masturbate. So, sexually repressed Christians had to transfer their repressed sensual passions over to the the spiritual realm, and this explains why so many churches developed services where people go into fits of rapture that are like spiritual orgasms. Rapturous Christian bliss results from friction of guilt and redemption. The faithful arrive at church and feel as sinners who need saving. To be washed of their sins for the week, they holler and shake their bodies to be rid of the Devil, and they feel joy when the angels shower them with God’s glory. It’s about connecting with God, but it doesn’t work without the element of guilt, the sense that one’s body is filled with Devilish temptations.
Likewise, sexuality gains its power from friction of shame and release. If all people were naked all the time and could have sex with anyone anywhere anytime, sex would be nothing special. It’d be about as interesting as eating a bag of potato chips. But even in a libertine society, there is the fear of rejection, shame of reputation, suspicion of betrayal, and the reality of exclusion, especially by the most desirable members of society. So, when an average person finally arrives at a sexual union of sufficient quality, the sense of release is far greater than if sex were so easy all the time for all people. Jews understand the usefulness of controlling the ‘spirogenous’ and erogenous zones, and that’s why they pushed for Globo-Homo and Pornificaition of society. Via Globo-Homo, they’ve replaced inherently ‘antisemitic’ Christianity with Queertianity where one feels redeemed and most justified for having washed oneself of ‘homophobia’ and ‘transophobia’. Also Homomania is far easier than Christianity because it makes no arduous demands for sanctity other than waving the ‘gay’ flag and regarding trannies as new angels. And via pornography(and pornification of society in general), Jews gained direct control of erogenous zones of countless goyim. Also, by peddling stuff about incest and the like, Jews charge sexuality with that potent combination of shame and release. While pornography has been made readily available(even to young ones), it still maintains the aura of being forbidden fruit filled with dark themes of humiliation, incest, and miscegenation.
This is where the neo-spiritual meets the ‘idological’ where idolatry eclipses ideology. Idols can be either beneficial or harmful to the self-preservation of a people. Ideally, the idols of a people will feature heroic or vaunted members of the tribe. Greeks had Achilles as their hero. And Greek Olympics were limited to Greeks who became champions among the Greeks. When white people have white champions who become the basis for white idols, idolatry can become a potent symbol for the nation. But if, say, black idols replace white idols in a white nation, it will undermine self-preservation as white people will come to admire and even worship blacks as their heroes, champions, and top studs. It will lead to cuckery among white men and spread jungle fever among white women, and THIS is precisely what is happening all over the West under the hegemony of Jews who regard blackness as their surrogate body conjoined to the Jewish head. Jews could outwit whites but couldn’t beat them physically to win top trophy of manhood, but Jews could use blacks to beat down white manhood. Thus, whiteness could be both outwitted and out-muscled by a combination of Jewish brains and black brawn.
We’ve been told endlessly that blacks need BLACK role models in prestigious areas because people identify with their own kind. If this is true of blacks, it must be no less true of whites. When white idols are replaced with black ones, it leads to white demoralization and white death, which has now reached near-genocidal levels in the West. In order for whites to feel self-justification in the name of self-preservation, they must write their own ideology that rejects the mindless mantras of ‘Diversity’ handed down by Jews as would-be-overlords. Whites must have their own idols in a world of their own that excludes other races, especially blacks who can beat up white men in sports and streets in an integrated social order. Just like human physical pride can exist only apart from wild animals — as humans are no match for wild boars, bears, tigers, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles, etc in physical confrontations — , white pride of manhood can ONLY EXIST apart from blackness that will defeat and humiliate white men because black men got longer limbs, harder muscles, faster reflexes, and bigger dongs. The world is truly diverse in that there are different races with different attributes and advantages. And every race should be wary of other races that pose a potential threat to them. This mania for Diversity is leading to a world of Universal Imperialism where every people, even the imperialists, are being drowned in non-stop floods of invasion, confusion, and alienation. But then, it all happened before with the Romans long long ago. The greatest conquerors the world had ever seen were overwhelmed by those they conquered, and in time, the empire was about every people conquering and being conquered by every other people until finally it all fell apart. If Jews get their wish, all nationalisms will be washed away EXCEPT for their own as the Noah’s Ark nationalism of all eternity. The US used to be a nation where white imperialists conquered others and then demanded that newcomers assimilate into Anglo-Americanism or accept its authority. There was once a sense of who the real masters and owners of America were. But now, non-whites come to America to lose their identities and heritages along with white American cucks who’ve lost all sense of identity, roots, and heritage. Indeed, their only concern regarding nationalism is "Muh Israel". What did Nancy Pelosi say? Even if the walls of Congress come tumbling down, the US will always be there for Israel! How pathetic can you get?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Would It be Justifiable to Kill and Sacrifice Half-Million Jewish Children for Whatever Reasons? A Moral Twist on the Madeleine Albright Question.

Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Billy Boy Clinton, said in an interview with Leslie Stahl that it was WORTH IT to kill and sacrifice 500,000 Iraqi children for the sake of the New World Order, one in which the US-Israel Axis gets to determine what is ‘evil’ and what is ‘justice’. She framed her remark in moralistic terms, i.e. though tragic, the killing of all those Arab children via Zionist-US sanctions is a lesser evil compared to the greater evil of Saddam Hussein or expansionist Iraq that must be contained by any means necessary. While it’s true that Hussein was a scumbag and Iraqis were no angels — indeed, what people are? — , we know Albright and her cronies were full of BS. The New World Order took shape as the Jew World Order, especially as Jewish elites edged out the traditional Wasps for top power, privilege, prestige, and authority(and even sanctity as Jews elevated themselves as the eternal Holy Holocaust People). So, the US policy since the end of the Cold War has essentially been about "Is it good for Jewish Supremacist Power?" In other words, all those Iraqi children were murdered and sacrificed for the Satan Prince of Jewish Hegemony. We might call this wicked prince ‘Paimon’, the evil but triumphant Anti-Christ presence in Ari Aster’s HEREDITARY, an esoteric work that really heralds the emergence and rise of the Jewish Man as the lord of all humanity.

Though Jews speak in moralistic terms — as did the communists and even the Nazis at times — , their sermonizing is merely a cover for their main priority, which is to create a world order in which all of goyim serve, obey, and worship Jews... or else. Unlike Christianity, the ultimate objective of which is to bless all of mankind equally with the love of God and Jesus, Judaism and Jewishness are about the Covenant that says Jews are the best people, most sacred race, and most worthy tribe to lord over all of humanity. Thus, if Christian moralism ultimately works against one’s racial/tribal interests, Jewish ‘moralism’ ultimately works to the advantage of Jews. Notice that when white Christians moralize, it’s about their own failures as Good Christians and the need to redeem themselves in the eyes of God and humanity. In contrast, when Jews moralize, it’s about how OTHER peoples did wrong to Jews and, therefore, must make amends by serving and sucking up to Jews forever and ever. Christian moralism is all-serving, whereas Jewish moralism is, like Nazism, self-serving.
In the past, Christian moralism applied the same moral rules to Jews, and that served as a buffer against Jewish perfidy, but current Christian moralism worships Jews(and homos & Negroes) as higher than God and Jesus; as such it is now empty calories devoid of genuine spiritual content.
Indeed, Anti-Christianity is the new christianity. (Jews take umbrage at the notion that the Anti-Christ will be a Jewish Man, but in a way, it’s fitting. After all, if Christ was a Jew, it makes sense that Anti-Christ will also be a Jew. Both Christ and Anti-Christ as Jews would demonstrate that Jews have greater prophetic reach and imagination, for good or ill.) Personally, being a non-believer and lifelong atheist, I have no faith in God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell, Christ, or Anti-Christ. Still, there is no question that the great religions raised profound moral questions, and spirituality is a part of human nature. Therefore, the great religions must be respected(as well as critiqued by modern man) and defended from forces of Satanism. Now, what do I mean by ‘satanism’ when I don’t believe Satan exists? Even for a non-believer, certain ideas and things are clearly sick, demented, wicked, vile, and ‘evil’. When we say something is ‘evil’ or ‘satanic’, we don’t merely mean it’s bad. Indeed, most bad stuff isn’t evil. It’s just unpleasant and wrong. When someone steals, it’s bad but very much a part of human nature as humans evolved from animals who live by the ‘law of the jungle’. Also, lying and cheating come naturally to humans. They shouldn’t do it, but violating rules and codes of conduct doesn’t make one evil or satanic. Evil is much deeper, mysterious, and insidious in its vileness. It’s the difference between killing animals to eat and killing animals just for the sadistic joy of it. We know it’s always bad to kill animals. Even meat-lovers must know it’s ugly business to kill and slaughter so many animals. Still, life lives by consuming other life, and it’s just the way it is. But suppose someone decides to douse an animal with gasoline, light it on fire, and giggle with sadistic glee at the horrible sight. That would be evil. Even more evil would be if such a horrible deed was elevated to sacred status. That would be beyond even evil. It would be satanic, the deification of what is wicked.
Aztec human sacrifice was satanic, beyond even evil. If the Aztecs had rounded up lots of people and had them killed for the fun of it — like the Romans with their horrible gladiatorial fights and bloodbaths — , that would have been plenty evil. But they went further and spiritualized their slaughter as an offering to their gods, as a sacred exercise. They must have worshiped the dark lords because only satanic anti-deities would make such demands. Likewise, such is why we are living in the Satanic Age in the current West. It’d be bad enough or plenty evil if the US went around killing scores of people for no good reason, but things are worse because so many Americans are convinced that their mass slaughter of other peoples is all for the good. It’s really a kind of human sacrifice. According to the likes of Albright, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and now even Donald Trump, it is to fight terrorism and spread ‘human rights’ & ‘democracy’ to other nations, but in truth, it really amounts to human sacrifice to appease Paimon, the demonic Jewish overlord. The US, as cuck-servant of satanic Paimon, is willing to go to any lengths to destroy any number of nations & people to gain approval from Jewish Supremacist Power. Serving Jewish Wickedness out of mere opportunism or sadism would be bad enough, indeed evil. But when Jewish Wickedness is worshiped and appeased day in and day out, the so-called New World Order is truly satanic.
Same goes for the Globo-Homo nuttery. Sodomy or Homo-Fecal-Penetration is not good and can never be good. They have no health benefits and serve no biological purpose. They spread disease and lead to all sorts of health problems. And yet, because some men are born-that-way, modern society has decided to tolerate homos and decriminalize their life-style. That was mere badness. But then, this obvious badness was said to be just as (new)normal, rational, and natural as real sexuality. In other words, a dong-up-a-bung was no less legitimate as a sexual act than penis-into-vagina. And we were told a fake ‘penis’ molded from a mutilated vagina or a fake ‘vagina’ molded from a mutilated penis was just as good as the real thing. This was globo-homomania lurching into Evil territory. And then, homosexuality and tranny nonsense — so-called LGBTQ — were said to be deserving of matrimonial consecration and spiritual blessing, and this is where the whole thing became fully satanic. The West went from tolerating to worshiping the obviously bad. Anyone who worships the bad is under a satanic spell. It’d be like eating feces as the most delicious meal. Ironically, Jews who’d historically rejected idolatry made full use of it to sway the goy masses into worshiping Globo-Homomania. Unlike ideas and values that must be argued rationally and/or demonstrated morally, idolatry works merely by sensory association. If you associate homosexuality and tranny-stuff with ‘rainbow’ colors enough times, the idolatrously-inclined will feel and believe, "Gayness is a rainbow!"

Ask yourself this question. Would it be justifiable to sacrifice 500,000 Jewish kids in Israel in the name of global justice? After all, a powerful argument can be made against Israel as a massive violator of human rights. Israel was founded by grand imperialist conspiracy, extensive terrorism, and Nakba pogroms against Palestinians. Israel stole nuclear secrets from the US to build 200 to 300 illegal nukes. Though taking massive amounts of aid from the US, Israel has passed secrets to enemies and rivals of the US. In the 1980s, Jonathan Pollard didn’t act alone. He spied for Israel, and Israel used the stolen secrets to cut a deal with the USSR, then the arch-enemy of the US. Israel also began the Six Day War and occupied Palestinian territories that they still continue to occupy and fill up with Zionist caravans of illegal invaders. There was the bloody business with the USS Liberty. Jewish Neocons and other Zionists have manipulated the US to turn much of the Arab/Muslim world into a hell-hole. In other words, much of inhumane US foreign policy was cooked up by Israel Firsters working in the Deep State. Israel routinely lobs bombs and missiles into Syria and other neighboring nations. Israel also has the Samson option and threatens all of Europe with nuclear destruction if Israel were to fall. Indeed, even the inhuman sanctions levied against Iraq, Iran, and other nations have their origins in Jewish supremacist hatred for any nation or people that might rival Israel's status as the lone superpower in the Middle East. Israel has also worked with Saudi Arabia to aid and arm ISIS and other terrorists in the region. And Israel was once the closest ally of South Africa when Apartheid was still around. Israel even sent nuclear secrets to South Africa, the secrets it had stolen from the US. Jews in the US overlooked the close ties between South Africa and Israel even as they berated South Africa for ‘racism’, all the while ignoring the greater injustice meted out to Palestinians by Zionist supremacists. (Apparently, injustice for Palestinians is okay whereas injustice for blacks by whites is intolerable.)

So, given all these facts about Jews and Israel, would it be morally justified for the US and the world to economically sanction Israel to the point where 500,000 Israeli children are killed by malnutrition, starvation, and disease? If we believe in universal justice, and if good decent humanitarians like Madeleine Albright believe it was worth it to kill a half-million Arab kids(as a lesser evil) to counter the much bigger evil of Saddam Hussein, then shouldn’t the same moral logic apply to Israel? If killing 500,000 Arab kids was 'worth it' to pressure Iraq to become a better nation, then wouldn't it be worth it to kill 500,000 Jewish kids in the hope that Israel will be a nicer and kinder place for Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims in Israel, West Bank, and neighboring nations(as so much of the violence in that part of the world in recent years originated from Jewish agenda that more-or-less guides the totality of US foreign policy)? But if someone were to suggest that even 50,000 or 5,000 or 500 Jewish kids should be sacrificed for the greater good of the region, most people in the West will scream ‘Another Holocaust!’ Such mindset suggests that a Jewish life is at least worth 1,000 or 10,000 Arab lives. Believing it’s justifiable to kill 500,000 Arab kids for a better Iraqi future while believing it’s horrific to kill just 500 Jewish kids fora better Israeli/Palestinian future would be a case of brazen hypocrisy and moral blindness. If indeed all lives are of equal worth, why is it okay to sacrifice countless Arab lives but unacceptable to ponder even sacrificing a few Jewish lives for a better future?
But there is something even worse in the whole equation. All those dead Iraqi kids weren’t really the result of a humanitarian policy, however misguided it may have been. It was not like the US(and Israel) were willing to use ‘necessary evil’ to bring about a greater good in the region. Zionists wanted Hussein crippled or gone, but they had no desire to see a powerful and prosperous Iraq as a democracy. After all, even a prosperous democracy can be anti-Zionist. The fact that the US developed as a democracy didn’t make it any less war-mongering than most autocratic empires. And this is why what we consider a failure in Iraq, Libya, and Syria are really successes in the eyes of Yinon-ist Jews who want to see the Arab/Muslim world in constant turmoil. That means all those Iraqi kids perished not due to some flawed humanitarian foreign policy but due to Jewish Supremacist plan to sacrifice any number of goy lives to gain greater advantages for Israel and Jewish globalist power.
It would have been tragic enough if all those Iraqi kids died on the altar of misguided humanitarianism, but the truth is their deaths were the result of diabolical satanism of Zionist megalomania. I call it satanic because what is brazenly Jewish Supremacism is revered and worshiped as the highest form of humanitarianism by idiotic Americans. Jews spread horror in the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine; they use their influence to force sanctions on Iran and to restart a ‘new cold war’ with Russia. They do all this in the service of Jewish Supremacism that is as repulsive as Nazi-German supremacism during World War II, but they’ve managed to wrap their demonic agenda with the veneer of ‘humanitarianism’, ‘war on terror’, and ‘spreading democracy’ that so many childish Americans have come to worship. With their control of media, cuck goy politicians, finance, and academia, Jews can create a false narrative for countless suckers. If Nazis ruled Current US and spun all their supremacism and imperialist wars as ‘spreading democracy’, ‘fighting terror’, and some such nonsense, the chances are so many Americans would swallow it hook, line, and sinker.

If it was justifiable to kill 500,000 Iraq kids for a better tomorrow, then it’s justifiable to kill 500,000 Jewish kids for a better future. If you say it’s absolutely unconscionable to sacrifice Jewish kids — 5,000 or 50,000, let alone 500,000 — for some higher ‘humanitarian’ objective, then the same logic must apply to Arab children. And yet, the very people who wouldn’t abide the killing of 500 Jewish kids shrug their shoulders about the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi kids. (By some estimates, the number of dead Iraqi kids is considerably smaller, but let’s keep in mind that Monster Albright accepted those figures when she said it was WORTH IT to kill so many.)
There is tremendous cognitive dissonance in the Jewish-controlled West. We are told that the Shoah taught us that life is precious and sacred, but in emphasizing Jewish tragedy uber alles, the end-result has been that Jewish lives are deemed 'more equal than others' and especially precious. Thus, all efforts must be made to 'save' and 'protect' Jewish lives. Furthermore, any number of goy lives may be sacrificed if doing so is deemed beneficial to Jewish lives. So, ironically, the anti-supremacist lesson drawn from the horrors of WWII became perverted into Jewish supremacist idolatry. The lesson Jews took from the tragedy is not "Having suffered so much, we Jews want to make sure that same thing doesn’t happen to other peoples" but instead, "Having suffered horribly and having gained moral status as the greatest victims of all time, ANY MEANS is justified to prevent another Jewish Holocaust." And so, if Jews see Hitlers and New Nazis everywhere, the West led by the US as lone superpower must do everything in its means to crush the new Axis of Evil, even if it means 100,000s or even millions of goyim are ruined, destroyed, or left dead. Paradoxically, ‘preventing another holocaust’ has led to more holocausts around the world. To save and protect the precious Jews, we must take their warnings seriously about ‘new hitlers’ and ‘new nazis’ and use endless sanctions and military might to starve, bomb, and terrorize people on Earth as sacrificial offering to the holy-schmoly Jews. How truly sickening.

How long can Jews and the world carry on like this? Also, aren’t Jews aware that they're are antagonizing all the world? Muslims and Arabs hate them. Even Saudis who are allied with Israelis hate them and carry on with the charade because of Sunni-Shia rivalry. As time passes and as more Europeans wake up to what Jews are up to, there will be a return of ‘antisemitism’ on the Continent. And given Jewish perfidy, there are more and more people on both the Left and Right who are noticing that it’s the JEWS who are behind the curtain in the Land of Poz. Also, the anti-white propaganda pushed by Jews have led to blacks hating Jews. Blacks may be stupid, but they are not dumb; they see that Jews are the most powerful and privileged among the privileged whites. And even though Vladimir Putin is good to Jews and protects them, most Russians surely feel bitter about Jews as they know what happened in the 1990s, and they know it was the Jews who were behind the ‘new cold war’, the sanctions, and the mess in Ukraine.
As time passes, who will like the Jews? Wouldn’t Jews be liked IF they chose to be decent and stop with their supremacism, imperialism, and hegemonism? But apparently not. Jews are now so addicted to power and wealth that, deep down inside, they probably feel that they can’t be good Jews. Sure, they use media to project the image of the Holy Jews, but their behavior and attitude are totally contrary to the human spirit. Thus, Jews will continue to act the Big A**hole and prepare for a world where they will be resented and even hated by most groups.
In other words, Jews have wagered on a future world of anti-Jewish hate than pro-Jewish sympathy. Jews feel that their insatiable egotism and powerlust will eventually drive various goyim against Jews. After all, if Jews decided to act good and decent, they will lose much of their ill-gotten wealth and greedy power. So, Jews must continue to act like George Soros, and that means increasingly alienating just about all of goy humanity.
Then, how could Jewish Power survive in a world of increasing anti-Jewish animus? This is where Jewish Satanism kicks into high gear and conceives of all sorts of policies and agendas — mass immigration, divide-and-rule via Diversity, globo-homo, jungle fever, interracism, white cuckery, emasculation of Western Man and Eastern Man, endless wars in the Middle East, mass deaths by opioids, skankery, and etc. — to create a world of such chaos, disorder, and confusion that the goyim the world over won’t be able to be sober, serious, and united in their resolve to finally do something about the radical evil of Jewish Power. And of course, their mountain of money means they can buy up all the hacks in the valley. By now, most US politicians must know that Jewish Power is vile and venal. But they want more shekels thrown their way, so they go along with Jews-as-holy-schmoly act. Buying all that influence is very expensive, but money is something Jews are never in shortage of.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Problem with Christian Zionism: It is Servile to Jewish MAN than to God and Jesus — It is Servile to ALL Jews than merely to Moral-Spiritual Jews

Whatever one thinks of Christian Zionism, it might not be so bad IF Christian Zionists lived by courage, consistency, and a real set of principles. But in fact, they are mostly craven cowards whose main premise is serving Jewish Supremacy based on Jewish Money and the Cult of Shoah(aka Holocaust). It’s like one can disagree with a certain ideology or set of values but still admire the courage, conviction, and commitment of those involved in the movement. At the very least, one can credit them as true believers, warriors, and crusaders. But this cannot be said of Christian Zionists whose positions and actions belie even their supposed core convictions. For all their invocation of God and sacred text of the Bible, they seem to be mainly motivated by a servile awe of wealth, power, privilege, and cultist-idolatry of (Jewish)Man above God. In other words, for the Christian Zionists, Jews and Israel are BIGGER than God and Jesus. And some of them cave to whatever Jews insist. So, if Jews push globo-homo, certain Christian Zionists will say ‘gay marriage’ is in tune with Christian doctrine.

If we take Christian Zionists at their word, they should at the very least condemn most Jews as ungodly, immoral, degenerate, and satanic. After all, most Jews are secular and non-religious. If they worship anything, it is themselves via the Cult of Shoah and Money. Indeed, Holocaust has become a kind of Holo-boast, as if what happened in World War II lends Jews moral & spiritual protection for whatever they do, no matter how foul, vicious, and inhuman. Now, if Christian Zionists were to say they have a special feeling for Jews because (1) Christianity grew out of Judaism & Jesus and the Apostles were all Jewish (2) Jews received the Covenant first (3) Christianity overly persecuted the Jews (4) Jews made great contributions to humanity in literature and science (5) Jews experienced a unique tragedy in the Shoah (6) God wants Jews to return to the Holy Land (7) God blesses those who bless Jews, THEN their admiration and sentiments would be understandable. But, that very premise presupposes that Jews are the people of God and essentially a Good people who were misunderstood and mistreated through the ages. Then, Christian Zionism would be an effort to reverse Christian Antisemitism that, for most of Christian History, defined the Church. It would face up to the fact that most Jews are the beloved of God, humble before God, and a blessing to all humanity. It would be a redemptive corrective to Christian Antisemitism that had mis-characterized Jews for too long. Christian Zionism, with its true and correct understanding of Judaism and the Jews, would work toward conciliation between Christian Gentiles and Jews the world over. One could agree or disagree with Christian Zionism, but one could at least respect them for their consistency if indeed their words and actions were in tune with their perceptions and convictions. In other words, if real-world Jews conformed to Christian-Zionist conception of Jews, there would be some validity to Christian Zionism.

However, if real-world Jews are, for the most part, nothing like the Christian Zionist vision of Jews, then the only sensible decision would be to reject Christian Zionism or, at they very least, seriously alter its terms and conditions. After all, what would be the point of Christian Zionists continuing to honor, admire, and support Jews if real-world Jews are nothing like their idealized image of the Tribe?
For example, if you conceive of and adore wolves as peaceful herbivores but they turn out to be aggressive and dangerous carnivores, you would have to abandon or alter the terms of your admiration for wolves. You would either have to loathe wolves as bloody carnivores or admire them on the basis of their prowess as ruthless hunters. It would make no sense for you to stick to the belief that wolves are peaceable herbivores even as you know full well that they’re vicious carnivores? And it would be even weirder if you admire their prowess as blood hunters but still pretend they’re peaceful herbivores. That would be either surreal, retarded, or a pathological case of self-deception.
While many Christian Zionists are low-IQ dummies woefully misinformed about world affairs and Jewish Power, there are many in the movement who DO know the truth about real-world Jews and their global impact. They know that Jews are the greedy oligarchs of Hollywood. They know that Jews are the main pornographers. They know that Jews are the key purveyors of globo-homo degeneracy. They know Jews are the main instigators of mass immigration-invasion by non-white non-Christians into the West. They also know Jews turned the Holy Land into Sodom and Gomorrah. They know that Jews control Hollywood & TV and are responsible for so many anti-white, anti-Western, and anti-Christian movies and programs. They know that Jews ally with Muslims in the EU and US against Christians. They know that most Jews regard Evangelicals with utmost hostility. They know that Jewish lawfare has removed God and Christianity from so many public spaces. They know Jews pushed ‘gay marriage’. They know Israel is the center of White Slavery around the world. They also know that even religious Jews who do worship God feel a great deal of animus toward goyim and especially Christians. They know that many Israelis revere rabbis who say goyim are hardly better than cattle and exist only to serve Jews. They know what Rick Wiles knows: KOSHER COVER-UP: U.S. RULING CLASS HIDES EPSTEIN CHILD SEX BLACKMAIL OPERATION.

In other words, many Christian Zionists and Evangelicals know that most Jews are hostile to Christianity, morality, and the West in general. Also, they know that even religious Jews are not only anti-Christian but virulently hate Christianity more than anything. True, there are dumb ignorant Christian Zionists who live in their bubble and only believe what they want to believe, i.e. Jews and Christians are the best of friends and allies under the eyes of God; their main perception of Jews comes from sermons of cuck-preachers who take Jewish Money and from their potemkin-village pilgrimages to the Holy Land where cynical Jews lead them around by the nose to create false impression that Jews are friendly toward Western Christians(when it’s all just a stunt to squeeze more support and money from gullible Christians).
Now, while a Christian may have special feelings for Jews for historical/spiritual reasons, he MUST NOT believe Jews are holier than Christians or deserving of treatment above and beyond what Christians get. After all, even if one believes that Jews were the original Chosen People, Christianity is premised on the notion that God offered a New Covenant to all the people of the Earth via Jesus and that Jews not only rejected the Son of God but played a key role in His death. Indeed, Christianity loses its very raison d'être if it says Judaism is just as valid as Christianity, let alone even holier. After all, if Judaism is just as good or even better, why was there a need for the Son of God in Jesus, the New Faith, and the New Covenant? Aviation went from propeller engines to jet-engines because the latter was deemed superior. It’d be silly to be for jet-engines but also insist that propeller engines are just as good(or even better). While Christians can and should respect Judaism as the root of Christianity, their deference would be rather perverse given that Christianity not only grew out of Judaism but in ‘radical’ rejection of its tenets. Via Christianity, God’s main concern went from Jews to those who would accept the New Faith. For true Christians, New Testament has authority over Old Testament, and therefore, the New Covenant must mean more than the Old Covenant. The perverse thing about Christian Zionists(and other Christians who cuck to Jews and/or Israel) is they claim to be devoutly Christian but go more by the Old Book than the New Book. It’s almost as if their main object of worship is actually Jew-Envy that they live out by sucking up to Jews as the True Chosen People, the real Master Race. And this awe of Jews seems less based on Biblical Text than on real-world Mammon-Factor, i.e. Jews are the richest and most powerful people who, through their control of media, propped themselves as the New Christs resurrected from the ashes of the Holocaust. Thus, Christian Zionism is really a worship of Man and Mammon. Jews are worshiped because they are (1) richest & most powerful and (2) perceived as the most sacro-tragic people, of course mainly because Jews control most of media and academia.
If Christian Zionists were true to their word, then they could have two viable responses to the truth about Jews. Upon realizing the truth about real-world Jews and the anti-Christian nature of Judaism — true Judaism can only regard Christianity as a heresy and theft of God by goyim — , Christian Zionists could admit their error and stop quasi-worshiping Jews. They would admit that, more often than not, Christian Anti-Semites were correct about Jews and Judaism(and its hostile relation to Christianity in particular and to goyim in general).
Or, Christian Zionists can be very selective in their attitude toward Jews. They could single out those devout God-fearing Jews who are willing to co-exist with Christians on the basis of mutual respect(if not agreement) and support them in the US and Israel. That said, Christian Zionists would feel it’s their moral and spiritual obligation to condemn and denounce most Jews as either secular/atheist, decadent/degenerate, anti-Christian/anti-white, imperialist/genocidal, and/or greedy/perverted. After all, even in the Old Testament, God often separates wheat from the chaff by sparing the good Jews while condemning the bad Jews to death and destruction. The Golden Calfers certainly got it in the neck. Likewise, Christianity emerged by ‘good’ Jews separating themselves from ‘bad’ Jews who rejected Jesus as the Son of God and the Salvation that He promised.
It makes no sense to praise and support ALL THE PEOPLE of a group. Such can only be idolatrous cult-worship of identity. After all, no people are entirely good, noble, or sacred. There are good whites, bad whites. Good blacks, bad blacks. Good yellows, bad yellows. Good Russians, bad Russians. Good Iranians, bad Iranians. Then, Christian Zionists ought to know that there are good Jews and bad Jews. Also, given what Christian Zionists claim to hold dear in morality and spirituality, they should admit that MOST Jews are viciously hostile to them and, at best, cynically exploit their support for Israel merely for tribal opportunism. The problem isn’t simply with secular Jews but many conservative religious Jews, such as Ben Shapiro. Shapiro is a religious Jew but regards Christians as mere cattle and cannon fodder for Jewish Supremacism. He’s not for peaceful existence with Christians(and Muslims) on the basis of mutual respect(if not admiration). Rather, he’s for using Christ-Cuck Soldiers to destroy Muslim and/or Arab enemies of Israel, and he’s for using Arab/Muslim immigrants in the West against whites/Christians. He demands that Christians respect, admire, and serve Jews, but he feels NOTHING for Christians and, as far as I can tell, longs for the total destruction of Christianity. Such Jews want to make
Christians and Muslims mutually destroy one another so that Jews will rule the world. As such, even though he opposes the ‘gay’ agenda, he sees its usefulness in undermining Christian Order and Gentile Morale of Morality.

Christian Zionism would be somewhat valid IF Christian Zionists argued that the Holy Land belongs to Good Devout Jews who’ve chosen mutual respect and peaceful co-existence with the Christian World. Also, being Christians, they would have as much sympathy for Christian Arabs as for Jews. At the very least, they would pressure Jews to be accepting of Christian Arabs even if not for Muslim Arabs. All said and done, a true Christian must favor fellow Christians over Jews. But, look at the likes of Ted Cruz. They claim to be Christian, but they favor ALL Jews over Christian Arabs whose communities have been utterly smashed by Wars for Israel. The fact that Christian Zionists admire, worship, and serve ALL JEWS — regardless of their lack of faith, hostility toward Christians/goyim, insatiable worldly greed, and spread of degeneracy/decadence — makes it plain as day that their true religion is Power Worship and the Cult of the Superior Man. In effect, they worship Jews as the New-Nihilo-Christ for the simple fact that Jews got the most money, power, privilege, and control of media with which to elevate themselves as the Holy Holocaust People who better be obeyed because otherwise thou shall be destroyed.
If Christian Zionists really put God and Jesus above all, they would have the courage and conviction to (1) call out on bad Jews and (2) acknowledge that most Jews are godless, greedy, hateful, hostile, subversive, corrupting, and pro-satanist. Their mindless praise of ALL JEWS despite the fact that most Jews hate their guts and do everything to destroy the Christian Order exposes the utter phoniness of Christian Zionism as it currently exists. If Christian Zionists said something along the line of, "We acknowledge Jews as a great people whose religion and culture laid down the foundation for Christianity. We acknowledge the special talent of Jews and their contributions to civilization. Perhaps, such talents are the gifts of God. We also acknowledge that Jews through the ages have often been collectively scapegoated and victimized. And we acknowledge that the Shoah, aka the Holocaust, was one of the great horrors in human history. That said, we also know that Jews not only rejected Jesus, the Son of God, but did their part in killing Him. We also know the problems between Jews and Gentiles often arose from contempt Jews felt for Gentiles who were deemed less intelligent and less(or not) blessed by God. There was Christian Antisemitism, but there was also Jewish Anti-Goyism. In the modern era, many Jews of secular bent either used communism to destroy millions of Slavic lives or capitalism & degeneracy to destroy millions of white lives. Also, even though we understand the profound attachment that Jews feel for the Holy Land, we sympathize with Palestinians who also have deep historical roots in the land and were driven out in the Nakba pogroms. In our time, Jews have gained dominance in the US as lone superpower, and most Jews are now in supremacist mode. They will do anything — sell bad drugs, spread pornification of culture, push mass immigration-invasion, wage Wars for Israel in which mostly goyim die, replace Christianity with globo-homo Queertianity, and etc. — to secure their supremacist position vis-a-vis the rest of humanity. As such, while we Christian Zionists pray for Jews and support the Right of Return for devout and decent Jews who respect us as we respect them, we condemn MOST JEWS who’ve lost their way and are leading humanity astray with more wars, decadence, culture of greed, and degeneracy." If Christian Zionists said something along those lines, we can at least recognize it is not without a head, heart, and spine.
But instead, what do we get from Christian Zionists? Mindless support of Israel despite the fact that Jews proudly say it is the ‘gayest country in the world’ and celebrate globo-homo-mania to the extent that much of Israel looks more like Sodom and Gomorrah than God’s Country. Mindless support of ALL Jews despite the fact that so many Jews either took part in communism and killed millions of Christian Slavs or used capitalism to spread vice industries, decadence, and degeneracy, leading to the deaths of so many whites(and blacks) from drugs, sexual diseases, and wanton self-indulgence.

Christian Zionists apparently see nothing wrong in the fact that the biggest donors to the so-called ‘conservative’ GOP are gambling moguls and hedge-fund parasites like Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer. Christian Zionist idea of a Good Society is Pottersville(in IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE) controlled by Jews. And for all their Christian piety, these Christian Zionist even root for globo-homo secular Zionists over Christian Arabs who’ve been rendered homeless by endless Wars for Israel. Therefore, Christian Zionism as it currently exists has zero spiritual value and zero moral content. It is really just empty calories of nihilistic worship of Power & Wealth, a kind of Ayn-Randism draped in Christian cloth. Indeed, notice how fast ‘gay marriage’ and globo-homo in general are spreading among Evangelicals as well. So much for fundamentalist faith in God, Jesus, and the True Way. These christ-cucks, just like Mammonic Mormons, will eventually bend every rule to bend over to the Top Power of finance, media, vice industries, and the deep state. Of course, so many American churches, Mainline and Evangelical(and Catholic and Mormon) have been infiltrated by Deep State culture-assassins. Or, they’re run by weak-willed craven opportunists who, when push come to shove, will sacrifice God and Jesus for their slice of the pie in a world that is so much in the control of Jews as the new god.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Message to Patriotic White Men in the US Military: Is Current America worth Killing and Dying for in the Service of Israel and Empire of Judea?

Iraq War happened in 2003, and back then, the US was still recognizably a normal country. In retrospect, it should be obvious to any sane, moral, and responsible person that it was a criminal enterprise cooked up by Zionist-supremacists, Deep State, and the Military-Industrial Complex. In truth, the people most responsible for 9/11 were the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and their proxy terrorists. The US and its allies had built up terrorist Jihadis in the hope of using them against secular Arab nations, Iran, and Russia, but there was blow-back, whereupon the terrorists turned their fury on the Metropole of the US itself. But then, it turns out that the Israeli Intelligence knew there was a plot among Muslim extremists and nudged & guided them to carry out 9/11 attacks. Zionist agents thought the attack would be good for Israel and the Jewish Empire. Using 9/11 as justification, the US(then led by George W. Bush and Neocon Zionists) decided to invade & occupy Afghanistan indefinitely and to cook up bogus excuses to invade & occupy Iraq. It was all a pile of manure, but many Americans bought the lie and supported the war. Majorities in both political parties gave Bush II a blank check to invade another nation on false pretext.

Still, we can understand why so many white/conservative Americans were then willing to fight for America. Not only did they feel that the US had been attacked by Muslim terrorist-extremists but that the US was a sane, sound, and normal nation that deserved defending. Turn back the clock to 2003, and there was no 'gay marriage'. There was no trannies reading books to children at libraries and kindergartens. No all-out Jewish Agenda to confiscate guns from White Americans. There was no revelation about Jeffrey Epstein. There was considerably less promotion of Jungle Fever and Cuckery. There were no explicit TV Shows calling for the culling and mass-murder of whites-as-Nazis as in recent shows like THE HUNT. Hollywood had yet to make movies like DJANGO UNCHAINED and GET OUT. Tattoos and piercings were, as yet, not so common. While the silently lethal opioid crisis had already begun, it had yet to claim over 100,000s of more lives. American churches were not desecrated and culturally vandalized with globo-homo 'gay' victory banners. Bakeries weren't destroyed for refusing to bake 'gay wedding' cakes. Businesses were not threatened with lawsuits, bankruptcy, or curtailment for not supporting the 'gay' agenda. Hate Hoaxes had yet to go totally out of control. Universities didn't yet have 'safe spaces' and explicitly shut down free speech. Big Tech had yet to show its true Zionist-supremacist face and use monopoly power to shut down white patriots and Palestinian Rights activists. Though there were plenty of skanks in pop music, twerking had yet to appear on the scene. And Miley Cyrus and worse were yet to arrive on the horizon as 'role models' for young white girls. There were no trannies in washrooms, and there were still only two 'genders' or sexes. There were movies like BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN, but globo-homo had yet to saturate popular culture. And shameless Jewish moguls in sex culture and pornography had yet to make so explicit the New Ideal of Black Male and White Female to push ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs. Also, Barack Obama, the product of ACOWW, had yet to become president as an interracist symbol celebrating white wombs being colonized by black seeds. TV shows still weren't as deranged as Lena Dunham's quasi-porn GIRLS. Not every other character in TV and movies was homo or black. Jewish Power hadn't as yet OPENLY declared demographic war against whites with hideous glee. The financial collapse of 2008 hadn't yet happened, what with Jewish Wall Street getting bailed out to the tune of $1 trillion plus. US had yet to declare new cold war with Russia on account of its saying NO to globo-homo 'gay pride' parades and 'gay marriage'. The US had yet to cook up more BS to destroy Libya(despite Gaddafi's peace overtures), pull off a coup in Ukraine, and use terrorists to rip Syria apart. BLM lunacy had yet to grip the US. And it would have been hard to imagine something like the Pussy Hat March in 2003. Back then, anti-war marches against Bush II were on point. And so on and so on.
Trends weren't looking good in 2003, but the US back then still looked like a normal nation with ties to the tradition and values. But consider all the things that happened since 2003. The implosion of Bush II's idiotic presidency(thus disgracing all of conservatism by association) and the degenerate acceleration of culture, values, and ideas in the Obama years. US is now a totally transformed nation, one in which the Vile Jewish Cat has come out of the bag to scratch out the eyes of White America. Current America is beyond sick.
Americans may denounce Iran as a theocracy, but the US is allied with a worse theocracy of Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, the US itself, far from being genuinely secular, liberal, and free, is really a new kind of theocracy or a neocracy. Or a Idolacracy, a nation that worships certain groups and figures as the new idols. US is a idolacracy where it’s mandatory to worship Jews & Shoah, Magic Negroes & MLK, and Globo-Homos. MLK cult is the religion of the US. We must worship MLK as a saint, perfect man, the true founding father, bigger than god and jesus rolled into one. If you question or deconstruct the promises of Diversity, you shall be hounded and un-personed. If you take moral action against globo-homo desecration of churches festooned with ‘gay victory’ banners, you will be tried and sentenced to 16 yrs in jail.
Even a mega-company like Chick Fil A is forbidden under Jewish/homo pressure from donating to Salvation Army and other Christian groups. Any politician who doesn’t agree that Israel is America’s greatest ally is targeted for the purge. So much for liberal democratic liberty and secular values. PC or wokeness, like Marxism-Leninism in communist nations, is merely the basis of a new set of sacrosanct symbols and catechisms. Iranian theocracy may be bad, but at least it doesn’t equate spirituality with celebration of twerking blacks, psychopathic Jewish supremacists, and shameless sodomites. At the 1992 GOP convention, Pat Buchanan called the US "God's Country". Given all the political, social, and cultural transformations whereby sodomy became the highest value among even so many so-called christians and Mormons, it's fair to say the New America is Satan's Country. Iran has called the US the 'Great Satan', and it proved prophetic. A country that worships idolatry and degeneracy will become just that. When Americans worshiped God, they believed in a power beyond anything of, by, and for Man with all his flaws. But once America came to worship identity groups(mainly Jews, blacks, & homos) and certain individuals(esp. Mandela, MLK, Oprah, Harvey Milk, Netanyahu, & Anne Frank) as the holiest of the holy, the ultimate power was invested in identity-politics and cult of personality. So, the new heresies are 'antisemitism'(or daring to question/criticize Jewish Power), 'racism'(noticing facts about blacks), and 'homophobia'(or the idea that you're mentally sick and morally decrepit if you don't see sodomy as a wonderful rainbow). Thus, certain groups and individuals are now bigger than God, the Truth, and the Cosmos. Everything revolves around the megalomania and egotism of Jews, blacks, and homos as the Holy Three. A people who worship such false gods are living in Satan's Country.
Given the current state of the US where Jews routinely smear and insult the white race and, furthermore, encourage anti-white hatred among blacks and other non-white groups, do white men in the US military really want to fight for Jewish globalist interests and Israel? By the way, what have Jews done to the Holy Land? They turned it into Sodom and Gomorrah. Some say Israel is the 'gayest country in the world'. If you think Sharia is bad, think of Gayria that spreads and enforces degeneracy as not only the New Normal but the New Sacred. Jewish Power even says a sentiment like "It's Okay to be White" is 'hate speech' and gets the FBI to look into the matter. Jews fund ADL and SPLC to spread libel and slander about white patriots and Christian groups. Anyone who doesn't totally toe the Jewish line is attacked as 'nazi', 'white supremacist', or whatever. Think of what Jewish Power did to Nick Sandman and the Covington Catholic kids. Consider how the Jew-run media suppress stories of black-on-white violence & crime and instead use Hollywood and TV to spread the false impression that innocent blacks are being hunted by evil cops.
Indeed, why should white cops go out on a limb to protect Jews from black criminals when Jews in media and entertainment always blame white police and idealize blacks as precious darlings(even when they are depicted as criminals)? It makes no sense for white cops to protect Jews from blacks, and it makes no sense for white soldiers to fight for Jewish interests when one of those interests happen to be War on Whites. Jews are hellbent on Afro-colonizing white wombs and Globo-colonizing white lands with Diversity. Even as Jews promote their identity and interests, they deny any such to whites on the grounds that anything with even a whiff of white consciousness is 'nazi'. Unless you're a dog, cuck, or Janissary moron, why would you serve such a people? Why would you kill or die for the mortal enemy of your race? It's bad enough that whites do nothing against Jews who are waging War on White. But it's truly atrocious that white men sign up for the military and do the fighting, killing, and dying for the aggrandizement of this most vicious Tribe. It's like working for a gangster thug who kills your father, rapes your mother, addicts your brother to drugs, and turns your sister & daughter into hookers.
White men need to wake up. Arabs, Muslims, and Iranians are far from perfect and have their failings, but they are NOT the enemy. They are not the ones who control the West and engineer White Nakba. Also, if Jews ally with Diversity against whites, whites should return the favor and side with elements of Diversity against Jews. But, pathetically enough, even as Jews use Diversity against whites, whites vow to protect Jews from Diversity. If someone comes at you with a knife, would you then try to protect him from that very knife? The fact is whites in the West and Iranians have one thing in common. Both groups are targeted for defeat and destruction by the Jews. Jews intended to carry out White Nakba and turn all white nations into non-white majority countries. Jews intend to desecrate Christianity and true morality among non-Jews with globo-homo filth and Afro-jive idolatry. Jews intend to demonize whites and scapegoat them for all the problems in the world, not least to distract people from the fact that Jews got the ultimate power. When Jews regard and abuse whites in such manner, should the attitude of whites be the cuckish dream of, "Gosh, gee, maybe if we do this favor for the Jews, they will finally love us and hug us." What kind of sappy shit is that? And if Jews call you an 'Anti-Semite', tell them that you're a Anti-Supremite because the Semites are now Supremites or supremacist Semites who seek world hegemony. Sure, Jews will deny it as conspiracy theory, but the cat is out of the bag. There is so much evidence of Jewish supremacist agenda and power. And Jewish arrogance sometimes blurts out that White Nakba is happening, Jews are behind it, and Jews are celebrating total victory over whites.
The current reality is truly incredible. Jews use media to make some of the most rabid and virulent movies and shows about whites. Some of these are near-genocidal, portraying MAGA-rians as subhuman filth that must be eradicated. In other words, White Patriots are the new Kulaks or KKKulaks. When both whites and Iranians are equally dehumanized by Jewish power, one would expect them to unite against Jews. But white morons in the US are sucking up to Jews in the hope that, gee whiz, maybe just maybe, if they root for Jews and against Iran just ONE MORE TIME, the Jews will finally be nice to whites. What dummies.

One key difference between Iranians and White Americans is this:

When Jews/Zionists dehumanize and undermine Iranians, Iranians defy the Jews and push back.
When Jews/Zionists dehumanize and undermine white, whites cuck even harder and serve the Jews.

When Jews belittle Iranians, Iranians stand up to Jews and vow to resist.
When Jews belittle whites, whites kneel before Jews and vow to serve.

Still, the end result is goyim vs goyim as the Jews wish.

This is why White Liberation is so essential and will save the world.
Iran doesn’t endanger the world because it says NO to Jewish supremacist power and hegemonic agenda. In contrast, whites endanger the world because they say YES-YES-YES to Jewish supremacist power and serve it most loyally like dogs. If whites were to look to Iran for inspiration and gain white liberation, independence, autonomy, and emancipation from Jewish Supremacist Power(JSP), then Jews wouldn’t be able to wage more wars(and more cold wars). Without the compliant white horse and saddle, the Jewish rider couldn’t go very far. The world would be a safer and better place. Indeed, this very reason is why Jews are so hellbent on vilifying Russia and Iran as two major nations that remain independent of JSP. What Jewish Supremacist Power fears most is that whites in the West might do what the Russians and Iranians have done. Gain true autonomy. After all, why should whites serve the Jews when the Jewish Agenda is the Great Replacement, Jungle Fever and Afro-Colonization of White Wombs, anti-white propaganda & scape-whiting(or scapegoating of whites), globo-homomania as replacement for Christianity, and etc? Whites must be the dumbest people on Earth as they go about serving the very people who mean them the most harm. It’d be like Poles serving the Nazis during WWII or Hungarians welcoming Soviet tanks in 1956. Jews have harassed Trump from day one, but he serves them. How pathetic.

In a way, Iran is fighting for all of us goyim. Just like the French were once under Nazi Occupation, we are under Globo-Homo-Shlomo Occupation. Americans need to be shaken out of the Jewish Media hypnosis. They need to be liberated from the Occupation. The West is currently just one big West Bank. US military is just a Janissary force doing the bidding of Jewish supremacists and LGBTQ degenerate neo-aristos. Say NO to White Nakba. Say NO to the cuck-traitor comprador elites of GOP and Democratic Party. Go Iran, No Zion.

US invaded Iraq and removed Hussein, the obstacle between Iran and Syria. Without Hussein, Iraq joins the Shia crescent. Jews didn't like that, so the US took on the role of Hussein. What irony. US has become the ‘New Hussein’. We must ask, ‘who sane?’